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Earn Money & Try Free Products!

by Christie Bisbee on February 15, 2011

Do you like trying stuff out for FREE and looking to make some extra money? Toluna is now accepting applications HERE!

I personally earn about $900 – $1,000 a year doing surveys. I set the money aside for special occasions like birthdays, holidays and vacations. It helps us be able to do things we wouldn’t be able to do otherwise!

Earning with Toluna is easy. You earn points for taking surveys, doing product review and simply giving your opinion. You can convert the points you earn at into cash or gift cards and they are always having sweepstakes and giveaways.

Plus, Toluna just increased their new giveaway to $4,500, so you’ll be entered to win $4,500 when you sign up!  Here are some of the comments readers have left about Toluna

“I get free stuff from them to try all the time, I love it!” – Janice

“I have received all kinds of free products to evaluate and made several hundred dollars this year alone.”- Brenda

I have used them for a while and it’s easy to earn points.” – Angie

Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment and share your opinions! 🙂

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Kelly February 15, 2011 at 5:06 pm

I am very curious how you earn that much money just from surveys. I am a member of synovate, viewpoints and I just signed up for Toluna. I do get surverys sent to me a few times a week but I would say I don’t qualify for about half. It does seem like it takes some time to earn enough points to them in. Are there any other survey companies you would recommend that are worth joining?


Christie February 15, 2011 at 9:43 pm

Hey Kelly – I probably do 10 total. Another one I really like is Pinecone. I will usually get an e-mail from them a few times a year when they have openings and will post. I do very well with them and they also send lots of GOOD stuff for me to test.

I also do e-poll, Cada Cabeza (for bi-lingual people but I do all the surveys in English) and several others. I like it! 🙂


Kelly February 15, 2011 at 5:07 pm

I’m sorry I’m a member of Valued Opinions survey group not Viewpoints!


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