Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Best Walgreens Deals & Coupons 12/16

by Christie Bisbee on December 15, 2012

Here are the Best Walgreens Deals and coupons good starting Sunday 12/16. Remember you will need to sign up for the Walgreens Balance Rewards program to get these deals. You can sign up on-line and use your phone number in store. Here are some balance rewards tips…


  • If you pay with points you still will get your Register Rewards.
  • Don’t try to do the same deal more than once in a transaction.
  • Points earned show on your receipt, so it’s easy to keep track!
  • Don’t pay with points for a transaction where you should earn points.
  • If the points don’t show up, call Walgreens customer service & they’ll be credited.

If you are looking for more coupons, try MyCouponHunter or eBay HERE. If you are looking to see if there’s a coupon for an item you need, try my coupon database. Just pick what deals you would like to add to your list, print it & head to the store. Happy Shopping! 🙂

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Tara December 16, 2012 at 6:03 pm

Just wanted to thank you for what you do!!! I only have a walgreens here, so trying to coupon and seeing all the CVS and Target deals make me sad. lol. Thank goodness for you!! 🙂

Tara in Missouri!


Christie December 17, 2012 at 1:39 pm

Thanks Tara! 🙂


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