Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Shopping Scenario: 5/20

by Christie Bisbee on May 19, 2012

Here’s my Walgreens Shopping Scenario for 5/20. In this scenario you’ll get $31.21 in merchandise and spend $8.21 out of pocket. You’d end up with $3 in Register Rewards. So it’s like you are getting everything for $5.21! That’s about 84% OFF.

-) You can’t have more MQ than items! Blue = MQ
-) You don’t have to do these in one day, just pick up where you left off.
-) I always bring some extra fillers with me to the register, in case of an emergency!

(1) Oasis Age Essential Mouthwash 16oz $5.99
Total = $5.99 (Get Back $5 RR Oasis)

(2) ThermaCare HeatWraps 2 or 3pk $5.99
(1) Nestle Candy Bar .77 to 2.1oz $.49
Total = $12.47
(2) $3/1 Thermacare 2pk+
(1) $5 RR Oasis
Total = $1.47, (Get Back $5 RR Thermacare)

(1) Sleep Sheet Strips 10pk $4.99
(1) Nestle Candy Bar .77 to 2.1oz $.49
Total = $5.48
(1) $5 RR Thermacare
Total = $.48, (Get Back $5 Sleep Sheet Strips)

(1) U by Kotex Sleek Tampons 18pk $3.99
(1) Cheerios $2.49
(1) Nice! Aluminum Foil 25 Sq. Ft. $.79 (W/ in ad Q)
Total = $7.27
(1) $1/1 U by Kotex tampons, exp. 6/30/12 (SS 05/20/12)
(1) $0.50/1 Cheerios Original Cereal
(1) $0.50/1 General Mills Cereal & Others (Walgreens, May)
(1) $5 RR Sleep Sheet Strips
Total = $.27, (Get Back $3 U by Kotex)

$31.21 in merchandise for $5.21! 🙂

{ 14 comments… read them below or add one }

jenn May 20, 2012 at 10:43 am

i think u have the date wrong here 🙂


Christie May 20, 2012 at 2:24 pm

LOL – yes thanks! I copy the post from week to week and just change the products – (makes it easier) guess I missed that! 😛


Laurie May 20, 2012 at 12:07 pm

Just got back from wags and the kotex U is rolling 🙂


Tonya May 20, 2012 at 12:32 pm

Thanks for all you do Christie. I appreciate your hard work 😉


Kathie May 20, 2012 at 1:22 pm

Went to Walgreens this morning, could not use the $3 thermacare coupon or $1 coupon on Advil, was told the coupons would not work on sale items. It did print the $5 RR.
I to thank you Christie was the awesome website an all you do for us/me.


Annie May 20, 2012 at 2:02 pm


My $3.00 Thermacare would not scan, but the Advil scanned just fine. Clerk was nice and put the Thermacare through. Not sure why they would tell you that the coupons do not work on sale items. I would contact corporate right away so the person as your Wags is properly trained.


Kathie May 20, 2012 at 1:24 pm

oops should have read for the awesome website not was the awesome. long hot day sorry!


Ann T May 20, 2012 at 4:01 pm

At my local Walgreens they had the Domino 4 lb sugar for .94 a bag!!!
just thought i’d share, maybe yours does too!!!


susiem68 May 20, 2012 at 5:37 pm

At my walgreens the skinny cow candy is also $.49 and there is a bogo coupon in the i believe 4/29 SS. Same insert that has the nestle coupon. Please leave some for me I had to run home after seeing the deal and have not made it back yet!


sharell May 20, 2012 at 6:47 pm

Heads up………The Kotex was rolling this morning, but as of 5pm today it is NOT rolling any longer. I was hoping it would last the rest of the month.


felicia May 20, 2012 at 9:05 pm

a $1.00 coupon is included in the Sleep Sheets box.


chris May 20, 2012 at 11:50 pm

Don’t know if others have found this, but the Ragu jars regular and alfredo are 3 for $5 and if you buy $15 of Unilever food you get $5 RR, so I bought 9 for essential $10 since I didn’t have any coupons for that with me. Little over a buck a piece makes them better than I can get at the grocery store.


Joe May 21, 2012 at 11:44 am

BEWARE OF EXPIRATION DATES if you buy any Hellmann’s mayo with the Unilever deal, I just realized the ones I bought yesterday had exp. dates of May 16 2012 (EXPIRED) and May 23 2012 (about to expire) will be returning them! They only had a few on the shelf, I hate it when they don’t have stock on an advertised item and then what they have is expired! 🙁


Ivy Miller May 25, 2012 at 10:21 am

Hi everyone! I am new to couponing at walgreens and just wanted to let you know that the sleep sheets were 7.99 at my wags yesterday.


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