Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Shopping Scenario 11/27

by Christie Bisbee on November 27, 2011

Here is my Walgreens Shopping Scenario for 11/27. In this scenario you’d get $41.80 in merchandise, spend $8.80 out of pocket and end up with $4 in Register Rewards. So, it’s like you are paying $4.80 for everything!

You probably have some Register Rewards to pay for the first transaction. You can use one RR to pay or you can add some holiday pencils if you want to use multiple Register Rewards to pay. Also, if you don’t have the Softlips coupon or your store will not accept it (it’s a MQ) then just buy one Softlips.

-) You can’t have more MQ than items! Blue = MQ
-) You don’t have to do these in one day, just pick up where you left off.
-) I always bring some extra fillers with me to the register, in case of an emergency!

(1) Mission Max Muscle Rehab Roll-on Gel 2.5 oz $5.99
(2) Softlips Lip Protectant + Sunscreen “pearl” .07 oz $2
Total = $9.99
(1)-$2/2 Softlips CVS Reinventing Beauty Magazine MQ (will depend on your store)
Total = $7.99 (Get Back $6 RR Mission, $2 RR Softlips)

(1) Walgreens Cold Sore Treatment .07 oz $7.99
(1) Holiday Pencil $.17 (w/in ad q)
Total = $8.16
(1) – In ad Q for pencil
(1) – $6 RR Mission
(1) – $2 RR Softlips
Total = $.16 (Get Back $8 RR Walgreens)

(1) Mission Foot Rehab Cream 3 oz $5.99
(2) Tone Body Wash $4.49 B1G1
Total = $10.48
(2) -$1/1 Tone Body Wash, any or (1) $1/2 Tone Body Washes, any
(1) – $8 RR Walgreens
Total = $.48, (Get Back $6 RR Mission)

(2) Oral B Complete Advantage toothbrush or Crest Complete Deep clean 5.8 oz 2/$6
(2) Pantene Hair Care 5.1 – 12.6 oz 2/$7
(1) Holiday Pencil $.17 (w/in ad q)
Total = $13.17
(2) -$2/1 Various including Crest Complete Toothpaste or Oral-B Complete Floss or Oral-B Complete Toothbrush, any – 09-11-11 SS x12/31
(1) -$3/2 Pantene ets 11-27-11 PG x12/31 or- 10-30-11 PG x11/30
(1) – In ad q for pencil
(1) – $6 RR Mission
Total = $.17, (Get Back $2 Oral-B, $2 RR Pantene)

{ 40 comments… read them below or add one }

Tracy November 27, 2011 at 2:53 pm

Today at my store I found “make this Season stunning” coupon book by the cosmetic counter. It has $25 worth of Walgreens Coupons.


kelsey November 27, 2011 at 2:56 pm

I went to walgreens and bought
1 soft lips
1 foot cream
Total 8.00 (get 8.00 rr)

1 walgreens cold sore cream
TOTAL 8.16 use 8.00 rr

Keep doing that over and over again


Julie November 27, 2011 at 3:56 pm

So you were able to roll the RR for the Mission products between the two with no problem?


FrugalBehind November 27, 2011 at 4:17 pm

Nope, that won’t work (trust me I tried 🙂 ). Look again – she rolled the foot cream (Mission) to the Cold Sore Cream (Walgreens) and back.


Julie November 27, 2011 at 5:00 pm

Thanks for pointing that out. I don’t know how I missed it, other than to say that I am still recovering from last week’s deals, lol.


kelsey November 27, 2011 at 6:35 pm

Ya i bought the cold stuff for 8.00 and used the 8.00 RR it printed out for mission and softlips!


Ellie November 27, 2011 at 4:26 pm

If you keep rolling those RR back and forth don’t you still end with $8 RR? I’m just confused on how to obtain more RR and not end with just one each week. My first week I ended with (2) $1 RR & my second week just (1) $4 RR? What am I doing wrong here? Thanks for any advice.


FrugalBehind November 27, 2011 at 4:38 pm

You’re not doing anything wrong – sounds like you’re doing it right :).

Why would you want more? This is the whole game, roll your RR into something else that gives you RR, not spend a whole lot out of pocket and get stuff really cheap.

The more RR you get stuck with at the end of the week, the more you’ll have to worry about a way to spend it the next (as you don’t just want to spend it – you want to get RR back, right?).


Ellie November 27, 2011 at 4:53 pm

I just feel like I’m spending more OOP each week and not getting enough RR to cover the next week. I thought that was the game to have enough RR to start shopping and spend less OOP? I spent more than $13.00 last week and my calculations would be more than $5 this week. If I had more RR from last week the cost would be less of course but that’s the whole thing I don’t get how to obtain more RR to keep going week to week. I have read about people starting with X amount of RR for the week and it’s a high dollar amount and I have $4???


Ellie November 27, 2011 at 4:57 pm

I think I’m missing something? Like if you roll those two senerios above you still end with the same amount of RR? I’m just confused. And if you are going to end with the same amount in RR’s why keep doing the same thing so someone else can’t do it once? This is just confusing me right now. Thanks for your response.


Julie November 27, 2011 at 5:02 pm

I built my RR’s up on weeks where there was an item that was a MM. I know some people don’t like to keep them from week to week but I do. HTH.


Valencia November 27, 2011 at 5:12 pm

I agree with you. I always try to keep a nice amount. I built up a nice little stack for Black Friday, rolled them today and have $24 RR left. I usually don’t have any issues with rolling from week to week because I have two weeks before they expire. On those rare occasions that I don’t see anything I want to roll then I just stock up on necessities.


FrugalBehind November 28, 2011 at 12:00 am

Ah, is that what you meant. Yes, if you do the above you will be left with the same amount of RR – but you did get a bunch of stuff for free, or tax, as the case may be (ideally, one would be considerate and not do it over and over and over depending on the supply available).

But this isn’t a great sale. If you shopped on Thanksgiving, there were a number of items that weren’t only free after RR – there were coupons for said items, making them better than free. That’s when you (can) end up with more RR than you started with *without spending a lot of money*.

So what are you spending OOP on? If it takes too much actual money to get some RR back maybe that’s not a deal that’s worth it.


Ellie November 28, 2011 at 8:52 am

No, I did not shop the Black Friday deals! I guess I should have but with 4 kids and family over it was time to just relax and spend that time together. I didn’t look at anything couponing until Saturday. I think it’s just a learning curve and I just need that one week that with coupons the cost will be cheap or free with a RR so I can try to save some RR’s.

Thank you for your response.


vicki November 27, 2011 at 3:46 pm

I found a mq $1/2 softlips in an Oct SS insert, it expires 12/31


FrugalBehind November 27, 2011 at 4:32 pm

But you won’t get the RR on the 2nd one… most will be better off buying 2 separately :(.


RI Red November 27, 2011 at 5:23 pm

Today I found 3 Bengay Massage Pain Relief & massage applicators in clearance. For $4 each and I remembered I had tons of $5 MQ =free!
Also found liquid NyQuil for $2.50 and used $1 MQ. And last but not least bought a dove deodorant but forgot to use in ad coupon. So after using a $2 RR I paid $1.78 OOP.


Lori November 29, 2011 at 10:47 am

RI Red, take the Dove back and tell them you forgot to use the coupon. My wags are always helpful with stuff like that, they should give you the difference! HTH


Shelly November 27, 2011 at 6:07 pm

I tried to buy the softlips alone and used a $2 RR from last week and the $2 RR for the softlips didn’t print. Any idea why? I thought it would work. Plus the softlips price had to be coded in. Did this happen to nyone else?


guest November 27, 2011 at 6:32 pm

Did you get the “pearl” kind? That’s the only one I’ve heard works. Any other scent will not work.


kelsey November 27, 2011 at 6:36 pm

Only The PINK kind works:( I had the same problem


Shelly November 27, 2011 at 8:11 pm

I bought the correct kind. I did a second transaction with the same kind, but have to pay some money out of pocket and the RR printed.


Scott Wilson November 27, 2011 at 6:29 pm

what about tax? you have to have something to cover the tax. it is not shown in these scenario’s.


Christie November 27, 2011 at 6:50 pm

Scott – You can’t use RR to pay for tax. Taxes are different everywhere, some areas don’t even have sales tax while other areas have very high sales tax rates. You will need to figure out what sales tax is for your area, just like with any other purchase you make.


Lisa November 27, 2011 at 6:55 pm

She can’t list sales tax, that would be confusing because her sales tax would be different than eveyone elses.

And some places do sales tax before coupons, some after, some places tax things that others don’t.


Danielle November 27, 2011 at 7:38 pm

Question as I found this to be incorrect. I went to buy the Pantene today and I as using RR on a few other items that I had. I had 4 items and 3 RR and the $3/2 for the pantene. This would be considered 4 coupons correct? It would not ring though and the manager said it was because the Pantene coupon was attaching to both items and he would not push the other RR through. I ended up politely leaving. I would like some input on this 🙂


Maria O. November 27, 2011 at 8:22 pm

I think he’s right that coupon $3/2 is attached to 2 items.


Christie November 27, 2011 at 9:26 pm

Yes, often a $/2 attaches to 2 items. That’s why I had to throw in a holiday pencil into my Pantene scenario.


Danielle November 27, 2011 at 9:39 pm

ok well now I know. I didnt make a stink about it I just wanted to check first. Thank you 🙂


FrugalBehind November 27, 2011 at 11:01 pm

You know, on SOME $/2 coupons this WILL work. I think it’s worth trying, just in case. Then when it doesn’t, you pull out a filler (always have a few fillers in your basket for just this kind of situation) and MAKE it work :).


Christie November 27, 2011 at 11:23 pm

Great advice – that’s why I always say at the top of my scenarios bring a few fillers in case of emergency. 😉 But I will usually write my scenarios erring on the side of caution. I always try to avoid you guys getting the dreaded beep! 🙂


Andrew November 28, 2011 at 4:52 am

I’m SOOOOOOO glad I got rid of all my “micro” RR’s from the Thanksgiving sale. The $1.50 P&G (from the indicator toothbrushes) and the $2.50 (thermacare) and $2 (dentek/gum) were bothering me.

I used the Votive candles (.25 each) as my filler. They only had cinnamon on display, but I looked in the back and saw the linen/vanilla ones! The managers are good with me at my store and let me get 10 (limit is 8), so I used the “micro” RR’s to pay for the WG Cold Sore treatment, Mission creams, and candles. Now I have some $6/$8 RR’s and the $5 Wine RR’s from the Thanksgiving sale remaining. And my house smells very vanilla-y right now LOL.

Thanks for posting this Christie!!

Btw am I the only one WOW’d at the Jergens 8-pack bar soap for $1.49 this week? I know everyone’s skin varies, but this soap works for me, and I will go to the next WG near me and get some more.


Jennifer November 28, 2011 at 6:54 pm

Just getting started on this whole Wags thing. 🙂 I did do some Black Friday shopping & I have $28.25 left to roll into my next purchases. I’m not crazy about the freebies this week…stuff we would NEVER use, but I’ll probably go for it, just to donate or something. That said, I wonder about the Tone body washes… I have the $1/2 MQ. So, does that mean I actually will have 4 bottles in my load (because 2 of them are free, and the $1/2 coupon applies to the ones I am paying for)? B1G1 deals still confuse me. LOL Thanks!


FrugalBehind November 28, 2011 at 10:48 pm

I do believe that at Wags you *can* use the $1/2 on the BOGO sale. In fact, I think I saw someone do that yesterday with the Tone bodywash :).


FrugalBehind November 28, 2011 at 10:53 pm

Not sure if I was clear. As far as I know, yes you can get just 2 of those Tone bodywashes (BOGO) and use the $1/2 coupon on those 2.


Kathy McG November 28, 2011 at 7:10 pm

Today I did my shopping at my favorite wags and was so dissapointed. I was told that they were informed (by corporate?) this morning that they no longer would accept a MQ along with an IVC on a single item. IVC’s were now considered “MQ’s”. I looked on the Wags website but didn’t see any change in their policy. I came here too but didn’t see any posts from Christie stating that this has started. Anybody have this happen? If it’s not the case, how should I handle it?


Christie November 28, 2011 at 8:59 pm

Totally not true. Point them to page two (i think it’s page 2) of the ad where it shows the monthly book for the Welch’s Juice and also tells you there is a coupon in the Sunday paper. Or how about the back page with the Dawn with the in ad coupon and the coupon from the paper! So if you can’t stack then that would be false advertising.


Kathy McG November 29, 2011 at 5:50 am

Christie, thanks so much for bringing that scenario to my attention. I’ll do it!


teran November 29, 2011 at 6:32 pm

I went to Walgreens because I thought the cold sore treatment, soft lips Pearl, muscle rub and foot cream were all registered rewards.

I’ve been excited all day because this was going to be my first attempt. Got to the store, had all my transactions ready. Scanned and paid for the cold sore.treatment and NO RR!

The only rr item is the muscle rub! When the ad says save 21 dollars it’s because the others are on sale. I failed!


Christie November 29, 2011 at 7:39 pm

You must live in a test market. Where are you? Richmond, Kansas City or Portland?


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