Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Nexxus Stylers $4.85 Each (Reg. $14.99)

by Christie- on February 16, 2021

This week you’ll earn $10 cash rewards for spending $20 on Nexxus. Plus, look thru your inserts from this weekend for a $5 Nexxus coupon you can use. Remember your regular prices may vary but at my store these start at $14.99 for the stylers.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 2/20)
Buy (2) Nexxus Stylers, $14.99 Reg. Price
(2) $5/1 Nexxus Product (excluding Masque Sachets, 5.1 Wash & Care and trial/travel size), exp. 2/27/21 (RMN 2/14/21 #1)
Total = $19.98, Get back 29¢ cash rewards
+ $10 Cash Rewards for spending $20
=$4.85 each

If you have that $10 WYB $55 Clip2card coupon this week, here’s an easy scenario to try. I wanted to give you a smaller scenario since doing a big one may come to less OOP, but in-store is always a challenge when you go with your nice plan only to find stuff out of stock, so this scenario is just 6 items. The Nexxus will give you  $10 for each $20 worth, and there’s a $3 Clip2card for your third item.

Buy (3) Nexxus Stylers, $14.99 Reg. Price
Buy (3) Axe Hair Care 2in1 or 3in1, $4.99 Reg. Price
Subtotal = $59.94
(2) $5/1 Nexxus Product (excluding Masque Sachets, 5.1 Wash & Care and trial/travel size), exp. 2/27/21 (RMN 2/14/21 #1)
(1) $3/1 Nexxus® Shampoo, Conditioner or Styling product (excludes Masques Sachets, 5.1 oz. Wash & Care and trial and travel sizes) exp. 2/27/21 Clip2card
(1) $5.99/2 Axe products. Select varieties. Excludes trial and travel sizes exp. 2/27/21 Clip2card
(1) $1/1 AXE Hair Care product (excludes twin packs, gift packs and trial and travel sizes) exp. 2/27/21 Clip2card
Total = $39.95, Get back 59¢ cash rewards
+ $20 ( $10 Cash Rewards for each $20 worth of Nexxus)
+ $3 Cash Rewards for buying three Axe
+ $10 Cash Rewards for Spending $55 (before MFG coupons) with Clip2card coupon — Available for Some
= $1.06 per item each

If you would prefer to grab an online order for that $10 WYB $55, check out my scenario HERE.

Savings Tip: Do you use Fetch Rewards? You can potentially earn points when you do this deal, check your app for more! If you haven’t signed up, go HERE to learn how to easily earn AmazonCVS & Target gift cards and more when you shop with Fetch Rewards!

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