Walgreens Coupons & Deals

SheaMoisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie or Mud Mask Just 97¢!

by Christie- on September 16, 2019

Hurry and clip this awesome Shea Moisture coupon to your card. You’ll save $2 on one SheaMoisture product. This week SheaMoisture haircare is 25% off. I tried this one on the Curl Enhancing Smoothie 3.2 oz tube, and it worked. This one is regularly $3.99, so $2.99 with the 25% off. My friend tried it on the African Mud Mask which is not on sale, but it’s regularly $2.99. My store was out of the hair masks. It should work on those as well, but my store was out. Let us know if you try it and it works 🙂 .

Walgreens Deas (Thru 9/21)
Buy (1) SheaMoisture Curl Enhancing SMoothie 3.2 oz, $2.99 Sale Price
$2/1 Shea Moisture product ets, exp. 10/19/19 Clip2Card
Total = 99¢, Get back 20 Everyday Points
= 97¢

Walgreens Deas (Reg. Price)
Buy (1) SheaMoisture African Mud Mask, $2.99 Reg. Price
$2/1 Shea Moisture product ets, exp. 10/19/19 Clip2Card
Total = 99¢, Get back 20 Everyday Points
= 97¢

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Pamela September 16, 2019 at 1:05 pm

Thanks for letting us know which ones worked for you and your friend.
Sometimes things go on sale and I’m hesitant to purchase, so this feedback is great.
Have a great day!


CJ Saves November 2, 2019 at 4:48 pm

I love the mud mask and its an awesome deal. Your break downs are very helpful. I am still learning how to coupon at Walgreens even though I am a seasoned couponer lol !!! RR, Coupons, Points, Oh My!!! Thank you for your post they are extremely helpful. I took a break from couponing for a few years due to health issues but I am ready to get my feet wet again and hopefully master Walgreens.


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