Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Gillette Shave Gels As Low As 29¢ After Stack

by Christie- on May 5, 2015

Gillette shave gelsCheck your RedPlum insert for a regional Walgreens Coupon for $3 off a Gillette Fusion Proglide Razor or Shave Gel! This coupon works on the Proglide shave gels which are regularly priced for $5.99 and the Fusion Ultra Sensitive Hydra Gel (far right) which I found priced at $5.29. There is also a Fusion Shave Gel Coupon in the P&G insert from last week that you can stack to grab these as low as 29¢ each!

Walgreens Deals (Thru 5/30)
Buy (1) Gillette Fusion Ultra Sensitive Hydra Shave Gel, 7oz , $5.29 Reg. Price
$2/1 Gillette Fusion Shave Gel, exp. 5/30/15 (P&G 05/03/15)
$3/1 Gillette Fusion Proglide Razor or Shave Gel (ets), exp. 5/30/15 (RP 5/3/15)
Total = 29¢!

Buy (1) Gillette Fusion Proglide Shave Gel, 6oz , $5.99 Reg. Price
$2/1 Gillette Fusion Shave Gel, exp. 5/30/15 (P&G 05/03/15)
$3/1 Gillette Fusion Proglide Razor or Shave Gel (ets), exp. 5/30/15 (RP 5/3/15)
Total = 99¢!

Gillette couponsKeep in mind some stores have the Gillette Fusion Ultra Sensitive Hydra Shave Gel, 6oz priced at $4.99. So, the $2 coupon would result in you going negative. So, if you find it at that price you can use the 50¢ off Gillette shave gel coupon to grab those for $1.49 each.

Gillette Fusion Ultra Sensitive Hydra Shave Gel, 7oz, $4.99 Reg. Price
50¢ OFF ONE Gillette, Satin Care, or Venus shave gel (5.9 oz. or larger) (68130)
$3/1 Gillette Fusion Proglide Razor or Shave Gel (ets), exp. 5/30/15 (RP 5/3/15)
Total = $1.49 

(Thanks Ruth over at the Wild For Wags Facebook Group!)

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

campanita May 5, 2015 at 5:07 pm

Hi Christie, so the $3 coupon is a store discount, I have a few of them but I was not sure that I can stack them.
Did you try them?
Did they beep?
Thank you for all the deals you find for us 🙂


Christie Hardcastle May 5, 2015 at 5:16 pm

Hey there! 🙂 Yes I bought both of these. I suspect that probably all the Fusions will work but those are the two I bought. The $3 is a Walgreens coupon so it took off $3 on each of the shave gels. I handed over the MQs first an then the $3 Walgreens coupon. 🙂


Carole May 5, 2015 at 7:14 pm

campanita, just a little helpful info if a cpn says “redeemable only at xyz” then it is only able to be used at that store. This particular cpn also has another tip that it is only good at wags. It says coupon offer not manufacturer coupon. Typically at most stores if a cpn is a store cpn you can use a manufacturer cpn with it. HTH in the future. I’m hoping to find a good deal on razors.


Jenn May 5, 2015 at 7:34 pm

Just FYI. I did this deal on Sunday when papers came. This coupons code matches a Walgreens coupon but the fact that it says proctor and gamble in the fine print and references reimbursement means its manufacturer. Actually discussed this with corporate. Soooo….just be aware they may beep or a manager may not accept them. It appears the printing of the coupon was a typo according to corporate


Briar May 5, 2015 at 9:57 pm

If you’re buying one that is priced at $4.99, and the manufacture coupon is scanned first, then the Store coupon it will not beep. It will either adjust down to zero or if you have a filler item in the transaction the overage will go towards that item.


Gennifer Beerbower May 12, 2015 at 7:16 pm

Im needing the walgreens coupon. Do you send them?


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