Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Paper Mate Mechanical Pencils 72¢ Each 5pk

by Christie- on April 28, 2015

Paper Mate dealsPaper Mate products are on sale buy one get one free thru 5/30, but you can grab a nice deal on the mechanical pencils thru 5/17. There’s a Smartsource insert coupon for these pencils from March that will expire on the 17th. The mechanical  pencils start at $1.99 for the 5ct. If you prefer the foam grip pencils, those are $2.79 for the 5ct. Your prices may vary slightly, but you cab grab some very nice deals!

Walgreens Deals (thru 5/17 — when coupon expires)
Buy (2) Paper Mate Write Bros Mechanical Pencils .7mm, 5ct, $1.99 B1G1 Free
(1) $0.55/1 Paper Mate Mechanical Pencils Pack, exp. 5/17/15 (SS 03/22/15)
Total = $1.44 or 72¢ per multi-pack!

Paper Made Mechanical Pencil dealsBuy (2) Paper Mate Grip Mechanical Pencil, $2.79 B1G1 Free
(1) $0.55/1 Paper Mate Mechanical Pencils Pack, exp. 5/17/15 (SS 03/22/15)
Total = $2.24 or $1.12 per multi-pack!

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