I was excited to see that Walgreens had various Nexcare products on a Buy One Get One FREE sale for the month of July. So when I came home I searched my inserts for my Nexcare coupon and much to my dismay I found that in bold print the coupon had a restriction of…ONE COUPON PER DAY. I mean seriously?!
As you all know, I’m all for reasonable restrictions on coupons. 95% of the time the limits of 4 that P&G, Unilever and other companies are using has no negative impact on my plans. Yes, occasionally you have to buy (5) for a deal but it’s not common. For the most part, a limit of 4 is going to allow smart shoppers to get great deals AND limit people who store toothpaste in their ovens. However, one coupon per day (in my humble opinion) is just silly.
If the purpose of coupons are to motivate shoppers to make actual purchases, why would you put a restriction on a coupon that makes a shopper less likely to purchase more than ONE of your product? If I really need bandages, I’m not going to buy one box today and come back tomorrow for another one! I’ll just buy a different brand without these restriction so I can get the number of boxes I need. Or what if Bobby wants Spiderman and Sally wants Strawberry Shortcake?
I’m sure this decision was a knee jerk reaction to the whole “extreme couponing” phenomenon but in my opinion, a bad choice. Hopefully 3M, the makers of Nexcare, will ultimately decide on more reasonable coupon restrictions.
If you are in need of bandages, here’s the deal you can get at Walgreens with the one coupon…
Walgreens Deal
Buy (2) Nexcare Waterproof Bandages 20ct B1 @ $3.99 G1 FREE
(1) $0.55/1 Nexcare Product, exp. 7/31/12 (SS 06/03/12)
TOTAL = $1.72 each
So, what do you all think? Is ONE COUPON A DAY reasonable or too restricting? Let us know what you think!

{ 45 comments… read them below or add one }
somehow, i can’t see any cashiers standing there to make sure you don’t buy one box and then immediately buy a second box. HOWEVER, it really limits the deal that we could be getting on these bandaids. I’m with you. I think if 3M really want to discourage coupon users, then 2 per day is much more reasonable.
My husband predicted this type of thing would happen. He said that, because of the TV show, that companies will become more & more strict re: coupon usage.
So dumb. Most stores allow you to bring your coupon and receipt back the next day anyway. Just a couple of humans in corporate who were like “let’s do this” but are probably clueless.
Ridiculous! I agree with you, if they have too many restrictions, why bother. Couponing is hard work, and those that work dilligently to be responsible, thoughtful couponers walk away from “deals” that place too many guidelines, such as one coupon a day.
I agree it’s sad. I’m giving a coupon class next weekend and am going to make sure the ladies know how unrealistic that show is. There is no way a “normal” coupon shopper could make a haul like that. The people on the show never say where they got the 200 (for 1 item) coupons or take what they pay for their coupons (above and beyond normal) out of their haul. There is no way to make a 100% savings when you pay $200 or so for your coupons, it’s crazy. I wish that show had never come on TV.
I agree about the tv show. I do watch it and I’ve learned from it. But at the end when they figure up the total percent saved, they really do need to figure in the cost of the coupons–newspaper subscription prices, ink and paper for printables
Let me first start out and say that I am so thankful for sites like this and many others that have taught me how to coupon and save tons of money. I don’t agree that all the blame should be put on “the tv show”. It was that show that showed me there was such a thing as extreme couponing but it never thought me how to do it. I’ve never seen them explain how to shop at Walgreens or Cvs. Explain the ins and outs of printing coupons or where to buy them. The first place I went to learn about couponing was thekrazycouponlady.com. From there I found this site and many others. It’s these types of sites that keep us informed on daily deals, upcoming deals, weekly scenarios and the occasional computer glitches when RRs are rolling or to use bogo coupons to the full amount allowed. I don’t think the tv show should fully be blamed for the crack down on coupon restrictions. Infact, i don’t think that any one person should be blamed. Its the world we live in, where information and knowledge is at our fingertips via the Internet. Just my 2 cents
“Limit people who store toothpaste in their ovens”….TOO FUNNY
While I’m not an extreme couponer, I will stock up on items my family of 5 use-juice,t.p., feminine hygiene,etc. Limited me to 1 coupon a day will just make me look for deals on other brands. Whoever designed the wording on this coupon must have wanted to stop anyone from leaving and coming right back in to use a coupon because usually the wording says 1 per transaction not 1 per day.
1 coupon limit hahahaha…isnt worth my gas to drive down to the store…….ill just buy a different brand.
Too bad there wasn’t a $1.00/2 one around! That’s crazy.
Definitely think 1 per day limit is a tad extreme and ridiculous. It will also drive people to other deals on other brands. Not the best move if you actually want people to use your coupons and buy your products.
I think they are trying to make up for that PDF coupon they released last year that resulted in free bandaids at Walmart. They must have got hit real hard. I think if they are going to limit, at least allow 2. One is beyond silly, but again, the good always suffers for the bad! I just wont buy their brand, and get better deals with better brands instead!
How would they know if you used one coupon at several stores. Or if you use one an your daughter or son behind you use one?
Has anyone tried writing to them? Maybe if they hear enough voices (and I don’t mean people being rude and saying things like “If I can only use one then I am going to spend my money on another brand!!!!!!!”. Just a thought. I’m sure they’ll change the wording when they get their figures in. Or will they? There are still millions that don’t use coupons and will still buy them when they are on sale. Maybe the will sell less but will have less coupon redemptions to pay out so maybe they won’t lose after all. I’ve often wondered how much companies pay out for coupons and how much they could reduce prices if there were no coupons.
How are they going to know if you use more then one coupon per day? You’re right, that is silly!
Limit of 4 is my ideal number (if there HAS to be a limit at all). As the mother of 4 young ones, things like band-aids are items that we use on a daily basis and they get used quick!
Why even bother to offer the coupon then? Less that 5% of people who use coupons are ‘extreme’ couponers so basically you are punishing the other 95% of coupon users. Nice thinking 3M. I won’t be purchasing their products in the future, even if I get it free!
Overall as a Wag employee, if the coupon doesn’t beep we use it no matter what it says. But we just got the new registers, so I don’t know what they do yet. But I myself have used the ones that say one per customer on the old registers and it worked. Most managers don’t care because we get paid back no matter what it says. So if you have them try them and don’t freak out at what they say, most cashiers don’t look at them that close they just scan them and if it works, it works.
Suzan, I am very disappointed in your response! Although I agree the limit of one is crazy..it’s what the manufacturer wants done with their coupon! They are the ones that give us the coupons right??? The least we could do is follow their rules. Taking more than one coupon at a time when it clearly states not to is very unethical IMO.
Also I guess when the coupons and the register receipts get to the clearing house they won’t notice that several of the coupons were used in one transaction??? I think they will and you put your store in a position to not be reimbursed if they do.
Thank you Jane. Well Said. People don’t realize that when companies break the rules for “couponers” they risk the chance of not being reimbursed. Which could lead to higher pricing and less sales on the items you all love. The companies that put out these coupons do it as a courtesy for the customer. They don’t have to do it at all. What would you all do if they quit printing coupons? Stop shopping? Yeh, I didn’t think so.
Suck it up butter cup.
Of course we should do what’s on the coupon, but fyi stores don’t match up coupons and receipts. They do know how many were sold and how many coupons were redeemed in the same period but they aren’t looking at individual transactions unless there is an audit which is really rare. Not an excuse to not follow the rules, but just so you know.
Actually if some of these companies stopped printing coupons I would stop buying thier products. Without coupons and sales to bring the prices down they are not in the budget. I would switch to generic or just not buy the product at all,especially if its for something like shower gel or whatever. Its not a necessity and soap is cheaper.
My thought exactly Tracy. Coupons give me a chance to try new items that with 5 kids I normally would even touch.
I agree……since I started couponing, I have gotten to try alot of items and brands that I normally woundnt have. I used to buy store brand or generic on everything I bought, its nice to try out name brand items. Some of them actually work or taste better than what I am used to buying. One coupon per day isnt worth my time and effort to find a deal to use it. I spend way too much time couponing as it is just to take care of my family. Coupons are supposed to make my life easier not harder.
I plan to write 3M and let them know how this will hurt their business in the long run.
Your comment is extremely upsetting, Suzan. Why would you allow people to cheat the system? The rules on the coupons are placed on there for a reason. If you’re allowing unethical couponers to continue with their practices those of us who work hard to make sure we follow all rules are the ones being punished.
I think it is ridiculous. I think a limit of four is a great, even 2 I would be ok with me. However, one coupon per day is not even worth my time.
My walmart has nexcare for$1.50 a box before coupons, so that’s a better deal than the walgreens deal.
Storing toothpaste in the oven! LOL
I agree. I can’t stand that show and the limitation is just ridiculous on those coupons.
Agree 100%!! Thing’s are getting out of hand with restrictions. The TLC show has put us all under a bad light. Even with the limit of 4, how do those people get so much like 100 powerades, really??? I hope things turn around soon, but I’m starting to worry. They should do a show on real couponing day to day so people can see what it’s really like.
Stores don’t actually go through the coupons they get with receipts, most stores weigh the coupons and get reimbursed by an amount multiplied by the weight. Also most coupons say do not double but kroger goes ahead and doubles all of them. I am not saying to ignore coupons directions, just saying that some stores choose to take expired or double coupons at their own discretion because they make .08 to .14 cents on each coupon
Most deals are buy 1, get 1 or buy 1, get 50% off. Sometimes, you have to buy two to get a certain price, so one coupon per day does not make any sense.
It is coupons like this that INSULT me as a couponer and a consumer. It is like when I see a $10.00 item and they decide to be SO generous and offer us a $0.25 off of 2 coupon lol…..I am writing them to ask their marketing department who thought this was a good idea – LOVE your page!!! Chad
I think it is the worst marketing strategy I have ever heard. You restrict people on buying you product. Hmm….Seems a little contradictory, last time I checked we lived in America home of the free right! My wish for Extreme coupons is that they would have a disclaimer, my stores. Here would never allow you to take a hundred of anything we live in a rural area and are several hours from a mid-sized city. If I were to get so many of any item I would have to order it. I have never even gotten 20 of any item because I only buy 5 to 10 papers a week. I am going to guess that most couponers are like me, if I find something for free and I have 10 coupons I will get it and donate it. We have a Christian clinic that has a Dental clinic and they need all that “oven toothpaste” lol! I find it really astonishing how companies have lowered coupon values, put restrictions on buying products, all because the percentage of coupon use has climbed to around 5%. In my small town people soon trickled down from seeing every other person using coupons to only a few because you have to really work to get a deal and most people are so busy they just cannot find the time it takes to make it worth while. I feel that a lot of companies P & G, among others have no problem giving you less product for the same price. Coupons are about the only way to counter your shrinking products volume.
Ugh!!! Another thing to make couponing even harder for the people trying to get deals honestly. Frankly I am getting very tired of having to constantly keep up with these new developments. I don’t want to hoard 75 mustards or band-aids but I would like to know that I can get at least two band-aids the same day reasonably. I agree with many others and say that it is also not worth my time to go back and forth all over one coupon. This is really pitiable for not only us but the company because I definitely believe they will lose business because of their actions.
Doesent matter what the limits are–too many ways to circumvent it, I have mixed feelings–I am a huge fan of limits that prevent the shopping addicts from clearing the shelfs, and this might at least slow them down. But for myself, I generally do like to buy 2 of something at the same time. Makes it worth the time I spent planning my shopping trip.
I believe stayfree was the coupon that had limit one per person also. I could not use 2 coupons-one for me and one for my daughter. She was too shy to buy her own so I had to go back another day.
These new restrictions really make it hard for those of us who are honest and just want to get a good deal. I live 30 minutes from town so there is no way I will be going back another day for 1 box of bandaids for my family of 10. I have cut back on using coupons because it’s so hard to get them and using them is so complicated these days. However, I can save at least 50 dollars a week just by price-matching at Wal-Mart.
Just be sure to pick a friendly cashier. 
ridiculous. enough said
Limiting it to one per day just makes me buy another brand or use a coupon for another brand. I agree with 4 as a limit but 1 is ridiculous.
Nexcare could solve this and simply add coupon to loyalty card. Wait…. wrong store….. This brought elimination most if not all the abuse at the other side.
I agree its crazy to put a limit on 1 coupon per day.I think 4 is reasonable
Let them keep those band aids really not a big deal… wont buy them!!!
In my opinion if 3M is that concerned then why even put out a coupon? Its over all rediculous andp a waste of our time to even mess with. There are plenty of other amazing companies out there that we can get our bandaids from!
as for the tv program, i heard that the show gets all the coupons and pre arranges the sale with the stores to make the show more interesting!
Agreed…won’t buy them. Buh bye Nexcare!
Ok, don’t hate on me because I like couponing & getting good deals too but I think you’re being a bit harsh with Suzan. If your working a kind of crappy retail job (like being a cashier at Walgreens) you might not be reading all the details on the coupons either. Couponers kind of slow the whole check out process down a bit & sometimes couponers can be a bit scary to deal with. I can understand being in that position & if it goes through without beeping, calling it good. Plus they have managers & other people riding their butts all day long. Please don’t flame me! I love couponing too & would never ever go against the limit on the coupons. I’m into responsible couponing.
I agree that a limit of 4 coupons per day is far more reasonable. I won’t be taking advantage of this particular sale due to the restrictions in place.