Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Updates From the Field 10/16

by Christie Bisbee on October 16, 2011

Here are some updates to help your trip go easier!

Be on the look out for peelies on the W Maxi pads at your store! If you find these on your W Maxi Pads you’ll have a $.50 Money Maker on these.

Buy (1) W Ultra thin Maxi pads, 18 pk $2
-$.50/1 W Maxi Peelies
Total = $1.50, Get Back $2 RR
= $.50 Money Maker!

Some of you are getting a Catalinas when you buy the Listerine Pocket Packs! One of the Catalinas is for $1/1 Listerine Pocket Packs, making them FREE with the Catalina! If you get the Catalina you can…

Buy (1) Listerine Pocket Packs $2.99
-$1/1 Listerine Pocket Packs Catalina
= $1.99, Get Back $2 RR

If you missed it earlier today, there is a new coupon for Kettle Potato chips that makes them just $.99!

Buy (1) Kettle Chips 8 or 8.5 oz. $1.99
-$1/1 Kettle Brand Potato Chips, any 4oz+ (zip 23235)
= $.99 EACH

The Theraflu Register Reward printed for me for the Theraflu with Lipton today! So if you want to try that kind this time it seems to be working.

Find a great deal? How did your shop go? Let us know! 🙂

(Thanks Chic Couponista for the deal & the picture, & Rebecca!)

{ 47 comments… read them below or add one }

nelle October 16, 2011 at 2:54 pm

Dove deodorant was a no go for me today. The $1 RP coupon is only for Men’s+Care, and it was ringing up at $5.49 (not $2.99), so I didn’t try for the RR.


Christie October 16, 2011 at 2:57 pm

The Dove you wanted should have been 2/$4 so $5.49 is certainly not the one to get! eeek!


nelle October 16, 2011 at 3:56 pm

Exactly! The ad says $2.99 ea or 2/$4, so I price checked the one and it came up at $5.49 instead of $2.99. So, I passed.

Everything else went as planned: Reach Floss (-$.55 coupon from the dentist) and Hydro razors (w/ the $5 I printed a couple of weeks ago). Thanks for everything Christie!


Kristi October 17, 2011 at 12:33 pm

My Wags never has signs up Sunday morning so I always have to walk around with my weekly ad to double check I am getting exactly what should be on sale. The Dove didn’t have signs, as usual, but I noticed the price restriction in the ad, only deodorants normally $2.99 to $3.99. For me that knocked out all Dove except for the basic ones and only three scents were available: powder, original, and unscented. I did end up getting 6 of the Original ones, my RP did have a coupon for $1/1 Dove Deodorant (in addition to the Men+ one). Not sure which ones you price checked but if you are interested I would suggest you go back and check on the lower priced basic versions.


Mpayshnt October 16, 2011 at 3:58 pm

I bought 6 Doves (2 at a time) and the $1RR printed for me just fine. It only works on the regular kind, though, not the “Dove Ultimate” which eliminates over half of the choices, unfortunately.


Lindsay S. October 16, 2011 at 8:38 pm

I was sad to see that none of my favorite scents for the Dove ultimate were in the deal. I got two of the regular and two of the sensitive ones. I’m not super thrilled with the regular scent, but it’s not too bad. 🙂


Mpayshnt October 17, 2011 at 12:01 am

Me, too! Grrr! The only ones available for me were Powder, Original, and Sensitive. I got all Powders, but I really would have preferred that cucumber one. That’s my favorite.


nelle October 16, 2011 at 4:40 pm

My issue was with the Dove Mens (which is 3 oz, and I hoped would meant the “Select” criteria).


Mpayshnt October 16, 2011 at 6:13 pm

Oh, I’m sorry. I interpreted that wrong. I thought you were saying that the RR was only for the Men’s Dove; I see now that you said the $1/1 coupon is only for the Men’s. I need to read posts when I don’t have a toddler on my lap!


cammy October 16, 2011 at 6:16 pm

I can relate. The toddler in my home likes to stand behind me in the chair and put a blanket over my head while I am on the computer!!


Mpayshnt October 17, 2011 at 12:02 am

Gee, that’s sounds awfully familiar… LOL


Carol October 16, 2011 at 4:47 pm

The Theraflu Register Reward printed for me for the Theraflu with Lipton today too! Very happy!


Amy October 16, 2011 at 4:53 pm

My store had problems with the Centrum $3 coupons not scanning for the Centrum Specialists vitamins. Wags store Q for these worked great but the manufacturer ones had to be keyed in. Just a heads up in case any one else plans to buy these vitamins and then submit for the $5 rebate–may take you longer to check-out.


Michelle J. October 16, 2011 at 4:53 pm

I’m wondering if the Cottonelle RR is still going this week. I still have 4 Qs left. Thanks!


Sherri October 16, 2011 at 5:18 pm

Yes it worked for me today twice


adijat October 16, 2011 at 5:25 pm

It is a month long deal. It worked for me 2 weeks ago and last week and I plan to get some more for this week too.


Jennifer October 16, 2011 at 8:10 pm

Hmm…I bought 2 purple packs today and didn’t get the RR. Argh! Anyone have the number to call?


Andrew October 17, 2011 at 11:04 pm

@Michelle J: The Cottonelle RR Deal is supposedly 10/7-10/31, but by the time it’s 10/22, the October Booklet coupons are “expired”. So technically you have until this Saturday? Someone correct me if so.

@Jennifer: Did it not print because you used a a Cottonelle Catalina? Or did it not print at all after only using the .50/.75/1.00 manufacturers coupon? The last time this happened to me, the manager came and manually repeated paying for the items until a RR popped out. Then she went and voided all those transactions she made, and handed me the RR.


Lindsay S. October 16, 2011 at 8:41 pm

The stores I went to today had actually ordered in TONS of the purple cottonelle and had special displays for them at the front. I’m really glad some of them did this!


LL October 16, 2011 at 4:56 pm

Cottonelle is still printing. Did it twice today! 🙂


Angie October 16, 2011 at 5:44 pm

The green Listerine pocket packs are giving the catalina (from my experience) and not the purple ones but both are giving the $2.00 RR. Also look out for the Thermaflu with the stickies on the front, it has a coupon for $3.50 off 2 any Thermaflu product.


Angie October 16, 2011 at 5:45 pm

* Theraflu


Victoria October 16, 2011 at 5:47 pm

It was kinda of strange day for me at Wags. Their computer system was being updated so no RRs would print. They had to price adjust everyting and it was my poor cashier’s first time working with their new system. I didn’t realize that no RR would print until we did the first transaction for the W maxis. They also had no schick razors left and no men’s dove that would work.


tammy October 16, 2011 at 5:51 pm

The craziest thing happened to me today. My first transaction was theraflu and reach and the reach printed a RR and the theraflu did not. I had not used a theraflu RR so I asked the cosemetics cashier and she called the manager over and told her to just take $5 off my next transaction which was fine with me. Then I let a lady go in front of me because I had a few more transactions and she bought the maxi pads(the correct one) and it did not print. the manager came over and gave her $2. Then I bought the same maxi pads and it did print for me. Then the last transaction I did theraflu again and they were just going to give me a $5 gc but then this time it printed. It was the exact same transaction as before so it was crazy. The cashier and manager were both very nice and helpful but it was weird that it printed once and not the other same with the maxi pads. it was a great day though and they were both very nice and helpful


Alicia October 16, 2011 at 7:06 pm

Our Walgreen’s is doing a complete facelift to the inside of the store. Bargains galore. I found Tide liquid for $4.54 and the powder was $5.54. Lots of Leggs pantyhose on clearance for only $1.24. plus school items at 75% off. Similac was marked down to $1.24 for a 32 oz bottle of ready to use. I had a complete hay day today and still kept under my budget.


Lindsay S. October 16, 2011 at 8:35 pm

I had a seriously great day at Wags today! I got all good cashiers, and not a single coupon beeped for me. Here are some of the things I did that worked out successfully today:
– Did 3 of the Bayer aspirin with the $1/1 Q and the in-ad coupon; no beeps since I had other things to cover the overage
– Did the Dove deodorant deal twice; the only Dove ones offering RR at my stores were the 2.6oz ones which included original, sensitive skin, and powder scents
– Multiple W maxi pads w/ no problems, got the $2RR
– 2 Theraflu Warming Capsules, printed $5RR w/ no issues
– 1 Carmex lotion, got the $4RR
– Covergirl Cheekers and Professional Powder at B1G1 50% off, so only $0.39 for both and no beeps w/ the $8/2 Q
– 1 Colgate Sensitive toothpaste, got $3RR
– 4 Reach toothbrushes, $2/1 coupons that say “redeemable at Walmart” had no problems and none of my cashiers noticed; also got $2RR from each
– 1 Schick 5 blade razor, had no problems w/ $5/1 coupon from a few weeks ago, got $4.50RR

Definitely had a wonderful day at Wags! I even got a “You go girl!” comment from one cashier when she saw my total 🙂
The only weird thing that happened was on my very first transaction when there was an elderly man working the register. I handed him 6 coupons and instead of scanning each one (takes less than 1 second each), he decided to type in every single barcode from each one (took him maybe 10-15 seconds for each). It was strange, and I didn’t know what to think. There was a guy waiting in line behind me and I felt kinda bad, but I didn’t know what to think since it was really the cashier taking a long time. At least everything went through okay. I thought it might have been an issue with the register, but when I went back later to do another deal, the girl working there scanned them through w/ no problems. At least the man was nice 🙂


Linda October 17, 2011 at 7:55 am

Good for you! I did a similar purchase, except my Walgreens (in Cincinnati) would not take the $2/1 Reach printable that said Redeemable at WalMart. She even called the manager over, and he said “no”. So I went to another Walgreen’s to try it, and same result. So I tried one more and it was the same, so I gave up (3 locations within 3 miles of my house). I guess they are cracking down in my area. Oh well, I got lots of other good deals!


Kristi October 17, 2011 at 12:40 pm

I guess I was really lucky that my cashier took them with no problem. She went over it with a fine tooth comb too because it beeped and she double checked several times to make sure I wasn’t buying the Crystal Clear excluded by the coupon. I think the sentence that says something like “Redeem at Food and Drug stores” is what saved me.


Lindsay S. October 17, 2011 at 12:43 pm

Aw that’s too bad Linda! I wish that it would have worked out for you!


Crystal October 16, 2011 at 8:57 pm

I used the .50 peelie – which is a manu coupon and the .50 Wags coupon that printed before so —– It’s a $1.00 MM


Dana October 16, 2011 at 8:58 pm

I also had good success with the $5 Schick coupons, Wags pads for free, and Reach toothbrush deal. The cashier noticed the $2 Reach coupon said “Redeemable at Walmart” but I pointed out the fine print that said something like “Redeem at grocery or discount stores” and she was fine with it. My Walgreens has a clearance rack, and I scavenged from it for high-value, low-cost fillers. Last week Glade scented oil candles were on it for $1, and I used $1 printable coupons to get those for free.


Cindy October 16, 2011 at 9:11 pm

I had a not-so-good cashier at Walgreens today. She works in beauty and I asked her to ring me up. I told her that I had multiple orders. She said “why?” I said so that I could roll register rewards. She said you are supposed to use those on your next VISIT. I said, I don’t think so, I do it all the time. So then she was in a huff and started ringing me up and since she was huffy her catalina machine jammed and then she had to call a manager. He stood there for the rest of my transactions. I only had 5. I only had $7.06 OOP, and saved about $100. I said to her before I left, now do you see why I do multiple transactions? She just looked at me. She has no clue and she made me feel like I was doing something wrong. I am going to email the manager. She needs a lesson in good customer services skills.


Lindsay S. October 16, 2011 at 9:17 pm

I just wanted to say a big THANKS to everyone that contributes to these and other posts about the weekly deals! It’s such a BIG help to have others share their experiences to help all of the rest of us out who are unsure if a deal will work out. It takes stress off of me to know that things will work correctly (for the most part!). You people are seriously awesome!! Thank you!!


Marianne October 16, 2011 at 10:01 pm

I did the Theraflu deal and got $4.00 off with manuf. coupons, and got the RR (= 50 cents each!); the free W’s Maxis, and free St Joseph aspirin with 2 coupons (man. and in-ad). I used some RR’s from last week, spent about 2.50 OOP, and ended up with the $5 RR. I’m happy!


Tina October 16, 2011 at 11:39 pm

For those of you buying the Peep’s Halloween 2/$1.00 deal, there is one variety (Orange Bag/i believe it was peanut butter Peep) that is currently not scanning as part of the deal. In fact, it wasn’t scanning at all. Therefore, the cashier will have to price in the price (rings as .79), but this will affect the in-ad coupon. If you want to avoid this problem, I suggest buying the marshmallows or the dark chocolate one. Only 1 of the varieties had problems.


Susan October 17, 2011 at 7:47 am

My Wags will not print a RR if you use a cat on the product. I’m not sure the Listerene deal will work the way you state it.


Christie October 17, 2011 at 9:10 am

There is no reason that you should ever have a problem using a Catalina on a Register Reward deal, (unless they are coded the same as the Register Reward). But since the Cat is for $1 and the Register Reward is for $2 they won’t be.

It’s just a coupon, like any other coupon and the same rules apply for all coupons.

I’d shop at a different store, sounds like something’s wrong with your machines there.


sami October 17, 2011 at 3:14 pm

I have used the catalina to buy the listerine pocket packs 2 times and it has worked great! Thanks for the heads up Christie!


Megan October 17, 2011 at 10:16 am

I am fairly new to this couponing thing, but I think I had a great night at Wags last night. My dad got a coupon for a free Schick Hydro razor and gave it to me so I used it and made $4.50 in register rewards! My whole shopping trip cost me $6 OOP and I bought close to $50 worth of stuff so I think I did pretty well. Saving all this money really helps when it comes time to pay my student loan bills each month.


Linda October 17, 2011 at 11:47 am

where do you get the $8/2 Q? My Sunday paper had a coupon, but it was $1/2.


Valencia October 17, 2011 at 12:12 pm

It was in the 10/2 P & G insert


Linda October 17, 2011 at 12:47 pm

Thanks, my P&G insert was not so generous, darn! I suppose different places get different offers.


Maria October 17, 2011 at 5:46 pm

For the theraflu can you buy two and use a coupon for $3.00 off two and still get the rr or do you have to spend more than $10.00


Jackie October 17, 2011 at 7:39 pm

Woo Hoo! Today’s Wags trip was such fun!
I got the listerine pocket packs. As soon as it scanned, it spit out a $1/1 off Q. Then, after I paid, it spit out a $2/2 off Q. I did that twice, but some how ended up with 2 of each kind after checkout. I bought the Ester C, used 2 $2 off q, and got 2 $1 qs. I went with my mini couponers, 8 & 9, and they got so excited seeing the machine just spitting out coupons and rewards left and right!
It was a good day!


IG October 18, 2011 at 12:03 pm

I was surprised to discover on Monday that the Wags Q for the pantyliners is treated as a manufacturer’s Q. I wanted to use the Wags Q and a $1.00 RR from the Hall’s deal on the pantyliners but could not do so without a filler.


Dawn October 19, 2011 at 8:31 am

Has anyone had problems with Walgreens taking the Popcorn Indiana coupon from facebook?


Kim October 19, 2011 at 4:27 pm

The Wags diapers have a manufacturer coupon for $1 off on the back of the package. It didn’t beep when I used it with the $2 coupon from the Infant Care Book. Two packs for $7.48.


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