Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Updates From the Field 7/10

by Christie Bisbee on July 10, 2011

Here are a few updates from my trip to hopefully help your trip go a bit smoother…

Look for packages of EOS shaving cream with a free BIC Soleil razor attached to it. Mine also had peelies for Soleil attached to it but they were expired. However, the free razor was a nice plus! Looks like this deal is pretty widespread because I had several e-mails in my in-box when I got home.

Although there was floss at my store 200 yds and ringing up for $2 the Register Reward wasn’t printing. We tried the toothbrushes and they worked just fine. So not sure what’s going on with that. I also heard from several of you that the floss was ringing up for just $1.09. It didn’t for me but it can’t hurt to have them do a price check while you are paying!

The Dove products were ringing up all funky for me, and apparently for some of you too. They rang up $4.49 for 3 of them and then $1.53.  This can cause some issues for you using the B1G1 coupons. If your cashier takes of (2) @ $4.49 then it would be just $1.02 for all (4) products. However if they take off $4.49 and $1.53 then you’ll end up paying more than you should.

What they are trying to accomplish with this bizarre pricing is beyond me, it would be so much easier to have everything ring up at $3.75, ugh! So if they ring up this way for you to, keep an eye on it.

(Thanks Denise, Jamie, Julie, Steve, Lydia, TNK and Chi-town Cheapskate)

Find Any other Great Deals? Let us know! :-)


{ 53 comments… read them below or add one }

Carol July 10, 2011 at 3:46 pm

Well my best buy today was hearing aid batteries. For a couple of weeks I had been getting extra $5 coupons on Duracell hearing aid batteries with my RR’s. Today they were BOGO at $10.99 a pk. Afer using 2 of the coupons, I got them for .99 each. Wahoo!!! Now I can hear myself screaming for a few months. LOL


Diana July 10, 2011 at 4:09 pm

I went to Walgreens today (not my typical store since I’m visiting my parents with my now 1 year old son for his birthday).

I bought the Dove, GUM, and the Cheez-its deal to use up some RR that were expiring and received NO RR’s in return. The manager said that because I used coupons, I shouldn’t get anything in return because they don’t intend for people to walk out of the store making money. Before coupons, I owed 30 dollars and change and afterwards, I paid 4.57 OOP. I did use RR but none that were for the same products that I was buying.

Needless to say, I’m waiting for a call back from corporate. Until then, I’m afraid to say, I may be done with Walgreens.


Crystal July 10, 2011 at 9:36 pm

If you use RR when buying and Item that gives RR you dont get the rewards.. Same with CVS, you can’t use ECB on an item that gives ECB and get ECB.. If that makes sence… Say they have pampers buy 2 for $18 and get $5 ECB. You already have 10$ in ECB, and you buy the pampers, you won’t get the $5….


Veronica J July 10, 2011 at 11:14 pm

That is not true. I always buy things with my RR that will give me more RRs. Same at CVS…..I use ECBs to buy things that give me more ECBs. There is a chance that the machine that prints out the catalinas (rr) was out of paper. Either way,Dian, if you do not get help from Walgreens Corp then you should call the catalina company. I wish I had the number on me….I’ve seen it on other post on here. If I find it I’ll make sure to post it.


nena July 11, 2011 at 4:12 am



sandra July 10, 2011 at 11:16 pm

sorry crystal- this is absolutely wrong- you can and should get your RR and ECBs even if you use RRs or ECBs on a purchase.
CVS has a limit on the number of ECB deals you can do (often one or 2) but you can turn around and use the ECB printed to get the same product again if the sale allows more than one deal(example buy toothbrush $3, get back $2 ECB, buy another toothbrush $3- use $2 ECB, get back $2 ECB)
At walgreens you can not roll an RR back on the same sale- ie you cannot use the GUM RR to buy another GUM product. But you can use the RR from a gillette razor to buy teething gel and expect to get a new RR.

When the RRs don’t print it is typically a problem with the catalina machine.


Shawn July 11, 2011 at 12:04 am

Sorry Crystal but that is COMPLETELY wrong.

The limitation on an RR is that you can’t use an RR for Product ‘a’ to buy another Product ‘a’. You ABSOLUTELY can use a RR from Product ‘a’ to purchase product ‘b’ and if product ‘b’ is supposed to print an RR…you’ll get one. I do it all the time. You can then use the RR from Product ‘b’ to buy another product ‘a’ and get that RR again as well.

The only OTHER caveat to the RR’s is that you can’t have multiple of a RR-giving item in the same transaction, so if say…the toothbrushes this week are supposed to give you a RR, and you bring 4 to the register, you will want to do 4 seperate transactions so you get your 4 RR’s, but DO NOT pay for any of them with the RR received for the toothbrush deal else you get into the previous problem area.

As for CVS, you can DEFINITELY use ECB’s to pay for products and you will get your ECB’s as well at the end of the receipt (if you’re supposed to based on the product.) Again, I do it ALL THE TIME.

The “Coupon Hubby”


Crystal July 11, 2011 at 11:03 am

Okay well it never works for me, so excuse me for being wrong, just was from my experience…


Wendy July 11, 2011 at 11:32 pm

I was also told that you have to be careful as to what the RR states–for example one states it is a P&G RR so if you buy a P&G item it will not print another P&G RR–well proctor and gamble make alot of products.


Lorie July 10, 2011 at 11:25 pm

Sounds like your total was not 30.00 before tax?? If only 30 and some change after tax?? IDK just a thought.. also the manager is wrong that its after coupons.. its before coupons.


Annie July 11, 2011 at 3:39 pm

I get a different excuse from Wags managers each time my RR don’t print… So I’m D-O-N-E with them too! 🙂


Pete July 10, 2011 at 5:00 pm

I believe the pricing works the way it does is to force you to purchase 4 items (only discounting the 4th). Which is not really necessary because you need all four to get the RR.


Sarah July 10, 2011 at 5:03 pm

Is that why when I bought 2 EOS shave creams the first one rang up at $3.49 and the second at $2.51?


Tiffany July 11, 2011 at 5:54 pm

Mine did that too! I was so confused. I also bought some Cheerios and one rang up at a high price and one was only $.49 or something.


Tammy July 10, 2011 at 5:00 pm

The super tip toothbrushes were ringing up $1.09 at my store in IA.


Mary July 10, 2011 at 5:21 pm

Where was the coupon for the EOS shave cream??


Jen July 10, 2011 at 10:40 pm

Don’t believe there are any.


Amanda July 11, 2011 at 1:44 am

There were some peelies on the Bic Soleil razors that I got from a previous deal a couple of months ago.


Alicia July 10, 2011 at 5:41 pm

On the Noxcema razor deal, I found the little bikini trimmers for $2.99, and they rang up just fine for the B1G1 free. I used 2 $2/1 MQs for money-making razors!


Susan July 10, 2011 at 6:30 pm

I did the Dove deal and had the bizarre pricing too. My cashier took off $4.49 twice, so I got 4 for $1.02!

I had a good day. I did the Sally Hansen deal and the Walgreen’s razor deal too. Plus, I found lots of fun clearance stuff. Lots of summer stuff was 75% off and my store had the boxed dried fruits marked down to 50 cents.


KrazyCouponMama July 10, 2011 at 7:33 pm

G-U-M Micro or Super Tip Toothbrushes, 2 pk or Floss, 200 yds $2.00
Buy 1, Receive $2.00 Register Reward, Limit 1
Final Price: Free

the SUPERtip brushes at my WAGS are ringing up at $1.09 making this a .91 moneymaker!


angeline July 10, 2011 at 8:15 pm

i had eos 1.00 off shaving cream coupons i had from bic bella that has peelies on them that i had bought a while back.


shannyn July 10, 2011 at 8:16 pm

The Sally Hansen deal worked well for me. I got 2 control grip nail clippers($3.63 each after 30% off) and 1 classic nail clipper($2.93 after 30% off) for a total of $.75 after using (2)$2.00 off printed q’s and (1)$1.00 off printed q. and receiving a $5.00 rr for spending $10.00. I also received a Revlon $2.00 catalina q.


stacia July 10, 2011 at 8:27 pm

everything rang up weird today!
the rice crispy treats were 3.29 and 1.71 and
the cereal was 4.49 and the second one was -.49


Jenn July 10, 2011 at 9:26 pm

Dove rang up weird for me too. I actually got more stuff free cause I used previous RR. Are they ringing up weird so that they can control the coupons more?


Wendy July 10, 2011 at 11:25 pm

Found a great deal on Men’s Dial body wash, thanks to the awesome cosmetic cashier girl… 2/$1.89! No coupons necessary! She said it’s a temporary deal only on certain scents because they’re clearing out their stock. So, take a peek around & see if your store is doing the same ; )


Liz July 11, 2011 at 1:20 am

Thx Wendy!
What scents cane up at this low price?


Tina July 10, 2011 at 11:41 pm

Floss RR printed fine for me.


Guest July 11, 2011 at 12:45 am

For everyone saying stuff rang up “weird”, take a look at the ad and read the new pricing! It actually says, for example with the cereal, 4.49 or 2 for $4. The Dove in the ad does say 4.49 or 4/$15. Nothing Unexpected. Just something new Walgreens is apparently trying.


Christie July 11, 2011 at 1:23 am

So if I have a B1G1 coupon for an item like the cereal when it’s $4.49 for one and -$.49 for the 2nd…. uh, how are they going to handle that?! LOL.


Guest July 11, 2011 at 2:22 am

Add $.49 to your total, obviously! Kidding, of course! 😀
Take $2 off since it’s advertised as such, if you do buy two, of course!


Christie July 11, 2011 at 10:35 am

LOL – 😉 That’s hilarious!


Amanda July 11, 2011 at 1:38 am

I made a quick trip (literally 10 mins!) before work to use up my RRs that expire today, and all my prices rang up weird also! Luckily, everything ran smoothly for me, which is rare…

I bought:
(4) Dove BW-2 Regular & 2 Men+Care
(2) EOS shaving creams
(1) Airwick Freshmatic starter kit
(3) Hershey bars-as fillers (:

(2) Buy one Dove BW, get $3.75 off Dove Men+Care BW (IP)
(2) $1/1 EOS shaving cream (Peelies)
(1) $4/1 Airwick Freshmatic

Surprisingly, my Dove Qs went through fine but i think it was only because of the order of how the products rang up. (The regular BW was the last & rang up as $1.53) For those of you who are experiencing the weird pricing, has the last product been ringing up the least for you? (Particularly the Dove deal)


Amie V July 11, 2011 at 7:25 am

They ring up like that because the sale price only applies if you buy a certain number of the product. If a regular non-couponing person came in to buy just one dove body wash, they will pay full price for the one. If one was to ring up at $3.75, that person would be getting the discount unfairly because Walgreens intended for customers to be four of the product to get the discount.


Jan McRae July 11, 2011 at 8:03 am

The cashier at my WG yesterday said they are going to discontinue RR and start using a “mail-in-rebate” system. He said they have so many problems and complaints with RR and so many people that clear the shelves they are changing everything. He was rude to me because I wanted to do 3 transactions in order to use al my RR, even tho I wasn’t duplicating any purchaes.
Has anyone else heard this?


Tracy July 11, 2011 at 9:19 am

I’m in Portland and there are less rr’s in our ad than you all have. toothbrush and eos are on sale but no rr. we do have rr for walgreen 6 blade and some baby stuff. Also we do have mail in rebates most weeks…kinda cool because you can get cash back or add 10% on a wags card. My question is whats up with our wags being so different? Anyone know?


Christie July 11, 2011 at 10:32 am

Tracy – You are in a test market along with Richmond and Kansas City. So you’ll have less RR and a rewards card to earn points you can turn into gift cards and such.


Jolyne Dunn July 12, 2011 at 12:50 am

My local Walgreens have not had mail in rebates for years now. I wish they would go back to them. At least they don’t expire in two weeks! I had a RR expire for me once and I was so angry I did not go back to the store for over a month.


Peggy July 11, 2011 at 9:53 am

Okay… I was so excited to get to Walgreens this morning to pick up the EOS shave cream… was thrilled that it was in stock with the razors and peelies… but when I got home the peelies for the BIC razors from the EOS shaving cream were all expired. Has anyone else checked the expiration date on theirs? Mine all expired 6/30/2011.


Christie July 11, 2011 at 10:31 am

Yes, like I mentioned, mine were expired too but I was happy to have the free razor. My guess is that they put those on there way late.


Maria July 12, 2011 at 12:42 am

Yes mine were also expired. exp 6/30/11
what is going on with Wags


Kathryn July 11, 2011 at 11:30 am

Did anyone notice the new little writing on the RR now? It now says “Redeemable Only At Walgreens.” So you can’t use them at grocery stores anymore….


Michelle Rohner July 11, 2011 at 12:23 pm

I am able to use them at Cub Foods since it is still a manufacturers coupon, but I do know that Wags will not take them like that from other stores. YMMV give it a shot!


Jolyne Dunn July 12, 2011 at 12:58 am

I never knew you could use them anywhere else. Where did you use them before?


Pam July 12, 2011 at 12:39 pm

I use them at Jewel (Albertson’s) all the time. Dominick’s (Safeway) too. The cool thing about using them at the grocery store is that you don’t have to worry about your coupons to items ratio, etc. You can use as many as you want at Jewel, and they always roll, too! You can buy $50 in groceries and use $50 in RR to pay tax only!


Jaime Lynn Braden July 11, 2011 at 1:41 pm

Can you use Walgreens rainchecks at different Walgreens locations or does it just depend? I have a raincheck for the Dove Men+Care soap and I believe my store is purposely not restocking it since everyone was getting it free (which is what I will do too!).


Maddy July 11, 2011 at 2:44 pm

I done the Dove deal and it ringing up $4.49 and then they deducted the $4.49,so my subtotal is $6.02 minus the $5 RR so $1.02 for all 4… woot..woot!!!


Jolyne Dunn July 12, 2011 at 12:45 am

It is beyond me why prices ring up so weirdly at Walgreens. Something can be on sale 2/$3 and they will not ring up $1.50 each but some weird combo of prices. This will cause a problem with a coupon. It happened to me and I was told that is just how it rings up and nothing can be done about it. Sounds like a ripoff to me.
Why can’t the store ever carry enough of the RR items? If they run out, the customer just misses out on the RR’s. That is not fair and I am getting very tired of it!!!


margaret July 12, 2011 at 12:49 am

i just found some peelies in my binder for $1/1 eos shave cream 12/31/11….i think i found them on the solei razors in may maybe?
I have 2 so that would be 2 free shave cream! Yay!


JoAnn July 12, 2011 at 3:00 pm

Today I got 2 eos using q’s from the bella razors, gum tb, walgreens 6 blade razor, 2 candy bars and plastic spoons. Spent $10.xx, got $10 RR and a cat for any free poise product, up to $6! Don’t know what triggered that!


Susan July 12, 2011 at 8:38 pm

I wanted to do the Dove deal on Sunday, but my local wags did not have the shower tools. Today I was in another city on business, so popped into another Wags, and they were stocked up on everything! I put my stuff on the counter in a specific order and handed over my coupons in a specific order so i could get the best deal:

2 x Dove Mens BW @ $4.49 ea
1 x Dove Regular BW @$4.49
1 x Dove Regular BW @$1.53
2 x Dove Clean Shower Tool @ $3.75 ea
2 x Free Dove men’s BW wyb Dove BW – took off 2 x 4$4.49
2 x Free Dove Clean Shower Tool wyb Dove men’s BW – took off 2 x $3.75
2 x $1.00 off Dove BW
Paid $6.01 OOP (which includes tax!), got $5.00 RR. That’s $1.01 for 6 products!!


anna July 12, 2011 at 10:16 pm

Today the manager at my walgreens told me, when I handed him 2 RRs I got from the Hyland’s Teething Gel, that I would not receive the RR for the Dove & Eos I just purchased. I asked him why and if this was new. He said no it has always been this way. I was like: REALY ? LOL I said, well let’s give it a try anyway and guess what……… How is it possible that managers don’t know their own policy.


LFmom July 13, 2011 at 11:23 pm

Had a GREAT trip today (only exception = out of the Wags razors!)

Spent $20 and got:
2 – Cottonelle 12 roll packs
2 – GUM toothbrushes (2 pks)
1 – Hylands teething gel
1 – Evenflo nursing pads
1 – Clorox cleaner
1 – Welch’s Grape Jelly
1 – Skippy PB
2 – Mandarin oranges
1 – GUM e-z flossers *clearance $.78
1 – Hanes 6-pk socks *clearance $2.48 – $1 peelie = $1.48
1 – Hanes 3-pk tanks *clearance $2.48 – $1 peelie = $1.48
Then I got a TON of tank tops and fitted t-shirts for $.50 each on clearance!


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