Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Updates From the Field 5/22

by Christie Bisbee on May 22, 2011

Here are some tips from my trip today to hopefully make your trip a bit easier!

Keep your eyes peeled for the Scunci bonus packs! I found B1G1 FREE packs that trigger the Register Reward. It’s basically two packs stuck together wrapped in cellophane.Β  So you’ll get two FREE packs in one transaction. πŸ™‚

Great news on this one too! The lower priced aspirins work for the in ad coupon and the coupon in the monthly book! And both the chewable and the non chewable work for the deal. So, here is exactly how this deal would go…

1 – Bayer Aspirin Low Dose 81mg 36 count $3.19
-$1/1 Bayer Aspirin Product, any 81 or 325 mg – 05-01-11 SS X8/31
-$2/1 In ad Coupon (Takes off $2)
-$1/1 Bayer Aspirin 24-36ct Wags IVC (5187) May Coupon Book

= FREE (or better than FREE)!

There’s also a coupon for $1/1 Bayer Aspirin in theΒ  03-20-11 SS X6/30 that you can use for this deal. Another option is, if you need a cheap filler, you can not use the Manufacturer Coupon and just use the (2) store coupon. It would cost you $.19 and you would have a very inexpensive but useful filler!

Be careful with the Thermacare bonus packs. They aren’t coded for the Register Reward, so do NOT pick up one of those if you are doing the Advil/Thermacare deal.

I did that deal today at a store I never shop at and I got the “oh it’s because you used a coupon” speech. I just smiled and did a return. I then grabbed one of the regular packages and asked the cashier to ring me up again. Bless her heart, she was not happy about ringing me up again and was going on and on about how my Register Reward wasn’t going to print. I just kept smiling and (I couldn’t help myself) I told her I had sprinkled some pixie dust on the catalina machine and I had a feeling it was going to work this time. Of course it printed. I smiled, grabbed my bag and told her to have a great day. She just looked at me like I was nuts.

How Did Your Trip Go? Find any great deals? Let us know! πŸ™‚

{ 48 comments… read them below or add one }

Sarah May 22, 2011 at 4:31 pm

We found clearance Bayer that was a 24 ct. for $2.19. Great moneymaker and they actually gave us the overage for once!


Jessie May 22, 2011 at 4:45 pm

Hi Christie – I am curious about the listerine deal you had posted earlier today – is that still a valid deal? Thanks!


Merideth May 22, 2011 at 5:54 pm

I did it today

2 Listerine Whitening
used (2) 1.00 OFF man.
used in add Q (took off 6.00)
Paid 3.98

Got 4.00 RR


Rebecca May 22, 2011 at 6:16 pm

I don’t see thepost for the listerine…. what coupons did you use?


Merideth May 22, 2011 at 9:35 pm

I looked on the database under listerine and it took me to some internet printables (maybe on listerine’s website…..can’t remember).


cammy May 22, 2011 at 8:17 pm

I bought 2 of the 1 liter listerine zero, no register reward. i will be contacting catalina. Got my fingers crossed.


Sara May 22, 2011 at 5:01 pm

Pixie dust?! LOL I will have to remember that next time. =D


claudia b May 22, 2011 at 5:05 pm

pixie dust…..LOL..I’m stealing that


Jen May 22, 2011 at 5:09 pm

For the Scunci deal, does it include and hair products or sizes for kids?


Amye May 22, 2011 at 5:17 pm

I bought:
3 Thermacares
3 Advil
3 Complete Solutions
2 Little Swimmers
2 Neutrogena lipglosses
2 Smart Waters
3 Mac N Cheese
2 candies
I had $22 in RR from two weeks ago, so after coupons and RR it was $27, but I got back $39 in RR. BUT I also had the bonus pack issue, so when she returned it and rang me up for the non bonus pack, she not only rang up the non bonus pack and gave me the bonus pack but she let me keep the $16 from before the return (I had bought complete solutions with it too)!!!!


Quinn May 22, 2011 at 5:20 pm

I got lucky and had a really nice cashier. On the second transaction, I realized I didn’t get the RR from the Advil/ Thermacare deal. We realized it was because I chose the bonus pack box (why not go for the gold and get the bonus, right?). Instead of returning the bonus pack for a regular pack, she went back and rang up 2 advil packs instead, to get the RR to print out for me! How nice is that! I also found the scunchi bonus pack, hidden behind a bunch of regular packs, and crossed my fingers that it would trigger the RR still (which it did). What a lucky day at Wags!


Beth May 22, 2011 at 11:16 pm

Wonder if you were at the same Walgreens that I was in – I was going to post the exact same result! So nice, since the bonus packs were the only ones that were available for the back, all the other Thermacare were knee. The husband with a bad back is happy πŸ™‚


anna May 22, 2011 at 5:27 pm

i think it’s so funny that cashiers don’t get it! lol i’m a beauty advisor for wag & i must admit i HATED couponers…until i became one myself. now i know to be patient, kind, & helpful when it comes to my fellow beloved couponers πŸ™‚ i get excited when i ring someone up because i can steal their strategies πŸ˜›


Amanda May 22, 2011 at 5:37 pm

Great day at Wag’s at 8:30am this morning, the only downside is the assistant manager who stalks the people using coupons was there and watching me like a hawk! Ugh! I do not have a binder (yet), I don’t even have my coupons out where anyone can see them because they are already pre-cut and organized in my purse, and I only do ONE transaction with all my items together, and yet he still stalks me thru the whole store and is always magically around the register when I check out. He does it to all the coupon users and it’s totally creepy. He works at all 4 stores in our area, I guess he’s a floater or something, so he sees me thru out the week getting the new deals that pop up, but I never get more than 4 of the same deals for the whole week total. UGH. lol, sorry I am totally venting here. πŸ™‚ But it was a great trip for deals other than that. lol.


Lisa May 22, 2011 at 5:53 pm

I had a pixie dust moment too (but didn’t say anything just smiled.) on my way out I asked her if she would like some of my coupons that I wouldn’t be using and she lit up like a Christmas tree! Killin em with kindness at wags!!!!!!! Thank you so much Christie!!!!!!!!!!!!


cammy May 22, 2011 at 6:04 pm

I share coupons with the clerks all the time. It gets them a little more savy and they appreciate it.


Roberta May 22, 2011 at 5:54 pm

I bought 2 packages of Oscar Meyer Hotdogs, 1 Tylenol Precise, 1 B&L Renu and 2 Reese and only paid $0.13 from using coupons and register rewards from previous trips. This was my best savings yet. I have slowly started couponing.


Pam May 22, 2011 at 5:59 pm

lol..I am loving the pixie dust story too. And the fact that you just smiled at her when she gave you the coupon/RR talking points.


monica May 22, 2011 at 6:20 pm

LOLLL I am loving the pixie dust thingy πŸ˜€ I LOVE how they ( the cashiers) are so untrained! I am blessed πŸ™‚ I have 2 cashiers that work every Sunday and know me and my coupons! They are helpful and nice. I always try to give them a little something from what I get (candy bars/gum). LOVE WALGREENS! πŸ™‚ Thanks Again Christie, couldn’t do it without you!


Cyn May 22, 2011 at 6:46 pm

My $5.00 RR did not ring up and I realize now it’s because I picked up the “bonus” pack of thermacare. Not sure how to remedy this now, but wanted to let everyone know.


Nicole May 22, 2011 at 7:02 pm

I went to my favorite Wags this morning (where the cosmetics cashiers give you coupons and tell you which ones to use to get the best deal). I bought the Scuncis, hot dogs, shave gel and Pantene – because I was out. The scuncis did not trigger a RR. The cashier called the manager who said he knew they were having problems at some stores getting them to print. They offered me a mail in rebate. I decided to just return them and try at the store down the road. They printed just fine there.


Denise May 22, 2011 at 7:09 pm

My deals today:
4 separate transactions

(4) tuff paper towels
(2) complete contact solution
(2) Sara lee 100% whole wheat bread
(2) butterfingers
(1) infusium shampoo
(6) reach toothbrushes
(2) hair scrunchies
(2) tone body wash

Total before taxes= $7.21
Started out with 3RR and got back 8RR


Dana May 22, 2011 at 7:19 pm

I am so glad you said something because that exact same senario happened to me today! I did a 3rd transaction just for the advil/thermacare and my RR didnt print! the very nice cashier called the manager and we sat there for forever trying to figure out why it didnt print and then he came up with his ‘justification’ that it didnt print because I used a coupon and you only get RR back when you pay full price for an item! I was like haha okay that is not true at all, looks like I know your coupon policy better than you but the only thing he said he could do was do a return which I did and then he never even gave me my coupon back and I didnt realize until I got home and now I know it was because I tried to buy the bonus pack!


andrea jones May 22, 2011 at 7:38 pm

I absolutely LOVE my Walgreens. The Assistant manager is wonderful and is very open to couponing. I gave him a list of websites (this one at the top of course πŸ˜‰ And today he even asked which paper some of my coupons came from so he could get the deals!! I think I am growing on the manager.

This store’s experience with couponers in not a good or pleasant one. I had been warned by one of the employees about a couponer (whom until this morning, I had not had the pleasure of meeting.) She literally RAN to get in front of me (and I was not in a hurry.) and a few minutes later pushed me out of the way with her cart. Later I heard her arguing with the cashier (over what I don’t know.)

No wonder so many Walgreen’s are not coupon friendly!!!! If you are her….STOP IT! (and PS if you would not have been in such a hurry, you would have noticed the scrunchi B1G1 package and the Suave lotion with 25% free…thanks for moving the smaller packages from the front of the better deal that was behind them!)

Luckily I am pretty easy going and just tried to stay out of her way.

My fav of the day, was getting the scrunci deal with the B1G1 free package!!!


Jess May 22, 2011 at 7:47 pm

I wished I had read this sooner about the thermacare. But my store did have the register rewards sign in fron tof the bonus pack, so I had picked it up. The ASM was nice and just gave me 5.00 cash back for the reward. Next time I know.

I did have issues with using my register rewards, the cashier and ASM told me that the cost of my products need to be more than my register reward amount PRIOR to tax. ANd even thoguh it was they said it wasnt and told me i couldnt use it. So i used smaller ones for half the amount and paid 5.50 out of pocket when I should have just paid 1.22. πŸ™


Susan May 22, 2011 at 9:55 pm

Well, this is true. You cannot have more in RR’s than you have in your total.

But if you did, I am guessing that you were lacking a filler or 2. You cannot have more coupons (RR’s count as coupons) than the number of items you have.

You will figure it out. It just takes time.


Jess May 23, 2011 at 10:15 pm

My total before tax was 8.70 (and 9.22 after ax), my rr was 8.00. I was buying 5 products, and used 3 mq. the rr only counts as 1, so it would have been 4 coupons for 5 products.


Kami May 22, 2011 at 8:00 pm

Had a pretty good day at Wags today! I did a few different transactions & had to go to a couple different stores but this is everything I got:
6 pks hot dogs
2 contact solutions
1 hair scuncies
1 can raid insect killer
4 boxes trix cereal

total would have been $48.33
but after RR & Q & free hot dogs, I paid $10.81


Lily May 22, 2011 at 8:50 pm

Well, I couldnt find the scunchi deal (the BOGO one lol) but I found the Bayers for 3.49; used the $2 in-ad coupon and some $1/1 manu. coupons. .49 cents is awesome for four each.

The cashier was patient overall (a bit overwhelmed with all the coupons I had; I also did the Herseys Piees $7 movie ticket off deal) and the manager was friendly too. So glad. πŸ™‚

The OFF starter kit wouldn’t take but no matter. XD Not bad, not bad. Saved about 60% percent there today.


Jess N May 22, 2011 at 9:11 pm

I did the advil/thermacare trans twice since my mom has carpal tunnel and the heat patches really help. I ended up grabbing the last two (and one was a bonus pack, I didn’t realize it until I got home). So the first deal ran through fine. And with the same cashier, I did the second advil/thermacare and no catalina printed. So the ASM who had been standing there the whole time was nice enough to give me a $5 wags gift card since neither of us could figure out why it would work once and not another time.

I love my walgreens. I try to share my coupon tips with the cashiers too and I ALWAYS thank them for their patience. In turn, they’re really friendly with me and try to help me save on deals too.

On another note: lady at the cosmetic counter has a tear pad of 0.50 cents off 1 pantene shampoo AND $2/1 Almay cosmetic. They set up a nice display table advertising their deals.


josie May 22, 2011 at 9:59 pm

does anyone know how much the listerine was? Just wondering!


Amy LeJeune May 22, 2011 at 10:05 pm

Almay cosmetics (which includes makeup remover priced at $5.99) are still Buy 1 Get 1 50% off. There are #2 Almay coupons in the May Megasaver booklet (one that takes $2 off EACH makeup remover). And many stores have a stack of $2/1 manufacturer’s coupons for any Almay cosmetic item (including makeup removers).

Transaction looks like this:
$8.99 for 2 makeup removers
-$4.00 Megasaver coupon
-$4.00 Manufacturer’s coupons
=$0.99 YAY!


Joyce May 22, 2011 at 10:26 pm

I found the pure silk shave cream on clearance for $0.57,
I got six of them. Still plenty of the shelf.
The suave body wash was $2.00, when the coupon was scanned it took off $3.00, so I got two for $1.00, I bought 8 of them. still plenty left on the shelf.
Altogether I got 38 items, $114.00 worth of stuff, oop was $21.73,thats with tax. the completes were $24.00 so everything else was free. Plus I still have $11 in RR for next week. good day was had by all. The male cashier was great. Helped me a lot, Im still learning.


Carlye Rankin May 22, 2011 at 11:05 pm

I had a great trip at Walgreens today! My cashier was so awesome! She even gave me an extra coupon that had printed out! I did 4 transactions.

1 Complete Solutions
2 Hunts Tomato Sauce
4 Sunday Papers (should have done this in the last transaction instead of the first…oh well.)
2 Scruni Hairties (both bonus packs)
3 Carefree Liners
1 Tone
1 Advil PM
1 Therma Care
2 boxes of Cherrios

Total OOP: $15 with $7.50 RR left over!!!
Love getting stuff for cheap…especially since it is for me! haha. My husband is completely stocked up!


Brad May 22, 2011 at 11:56 pm

I did not realize about the thermacare until I read this. I did call the store and hopefully the manager will call me back tomorrow. Also…great deal on the bayer. My store had it on clearance for 1.79. I cleared the shelf. πŸ™‚


Brad May 23, 2011 at 8:39 pm

Update: Got a call from the manager today and she stated that she did not know why the $5 RR from the advil and bonus pack thermacare did not print off but she forced it through. My wife picked it up earlier. Good store…nice people.


Michelle J. May 23, 2011 at 12:08 am

So we can use 3 coupons on the Bayer? Wow, that would be a great deal!


Christie May 23, 2011 at 12:14 am

Yes! You can! πŸ™‚


shelly May 23, 2011 at 9:23 am

Has anyone tryed using the 4 digit code for Jet Dry in wisconsin? Is it working? I didn’t get the coupons, I’ve never tryed just giving the code-a little nervous about this. Thanks


JoAnn May 23, 2011 at 1:28 pm

wags #1 is now limiting RR items to “one per customer.” The Shave cream was in two different spots in the store. One had a sign limiting it to 1, other sign said 2 per customer…. everything else was in stock except tone body wash. trying wags #2 later in the week.


Jess May 23, 2011 at 10:10 pm

question about the bayer deal. I live in hawaii, and normally our products cost 1.00 more than online prices. So its like 4 or 5 dollars. How can i use the coupons to make it the closest to free. Can i use a mq, a wags in sotre ad and the coupon in the may coupon book?


All May 24, 2011 at 1:16 am

So, does anybody have an idea of what the best remedy would be for those of us who walked out without the $5 RR because we picked up the bonus pack? I did it on my way to work and they are already closed. πŸ™


Holly May 24, 2011 at 1:24 am

I’m still learning how to navigate Walgreens’ coupon policy. You wrote that the Bayer aspirin could be a filler item if one didn’t use the manufacturer’s coupon, but I thought that the monthly coupon booklet coupons would still count toward one’s coupon total. Is this not right? Also, are you implying that this item could create overage? I didn’t know Walgreens counted overage; is this a regional thing?


Carrie May 24, 2011 at 6:49 pm

I thought they counted to the coupon total too, but I asked a cashier earlier this week. She told me that the weekly in-ad coupons and the monthly coupons do not count towards your total coupon number. I don’t know if it’s a regional thing, but I haven’t had a problem this week.


Holly May 24, 2011 at 10:28 pm

Thanks, Carrie.


Danielle May 24, 2011 at 8:54 am

I had the incident with the Thermacare box with the bonus wrap happen to me and when I told the MANAGER that the RR didn’t print she handed me a form to fill out and mail in and then said I would have to wait about 10 weeks for my $5 RR. I left angry and called the Catalina co. and they researched it and called me back stating that I was not eligible as the UPC codes didn’t match. I got my items headed to the store where I met the most amazing cashier!She knew exactly what it was and took care of it for me and returned the items, rung them through with the correct Thermacare UPC gave me the box with the bonus and I got my $5 RR. I honestly was about to just say forget Walgreens but she just saved a customer!!!


Carrie May 24, 2011 at 6:45 pm

I did the Thermacare/Advil deal a few times already and today, I thought I’d go for the elbow/knee package since I had enough of the shoulder and back ones. My RR didn’t print at the end and the very nice cashier told me he would call a manager for me. I pointed out to the manager that the ad states the deal is valid for both the 2 and 3 count boxes [I used the bonus pack which has 3 wraps] and since she couldn’t get the catalina machine to print it, she gave me $5.00 in cash instead.

I’m keeping the $5.00 bill in my wallet and will use it just like it was a RR, except it’ll be one less coupon to account for!


VERONICA May 25, 2011 at 11:57 am

Thank you so much for your From the Field Warnings; already in less than a month, you’ve wrote about 2 that I had already done and didn’t pay attention if the items rung up right or if I received all my RR’s. The BOGO Clean & Clear BW and now the Bonus Boxes of Thermacare.


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