Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Updates From the Field 5/8!

by Christie Bisbee on May 9, 2011

Here are a few updates from my trip to help your trip go a little smoother.

The Tylenol precise has been increased to $7.99 at all the stores in my area. It had been priced at $6.99 and most of my stores and $7.99 only at the expensive store.

It’s still FREE after the $5/1 coupon coupon HERE, and the $3/1 in the monthly book, but that was a bit of a surprise. Some of you also got a $5/1 Tylenol Precise in your insert (Thanks Frugal Finders) that is only good THIS week.  So, I expect that one to go fast.

The pinkish reddish Clean and Clear body wash is NOT ringing up B1G1 FREE. The orange and the blue are. That is if you are actually lucky enough to find some.

I know many of you are experiencing issues with using a B1G1 FREE coupon on a B1G1 FREE sale. According to their coupon policy you are allowed to use up to two coupons on a B1G1 FREE as long as the amount doesn’t go under $0.00.

* When items are featured in a Buy One, Get One Free promotion, up to two coupons can be used against the items being purchased, as long as the net price does not go below zero for the items being purchased.

The most popular excuse for not allowing you to use the B1G1 coupon on the B1G1 sale is that you aren’t purchasing 2 items because 1 is FREE. Hmmmm… so why does their own policy refer to “the items being purchased” (items being plural). If I’m only buying one it should read “item” being purchased.  Furthermore…if I’m not actually purchasing the “FREE” item, then why even ring it up. I can just throw it in my purse and walk out with it right? (You get the idea.)

If your store doesn’t carry the less expensive Nature Made Calcium pills that are right around $5, I suggest printing 2 coupons (you’ll need 2 computers) and waiting until the week of 5/22 when they’ll be B1G1 FREE. You’ll then be able to get 2 of the more expensive bottles (priced between $10 – $11 depending on your store) for FREE or for about $.50 each.

How Did Your Trip Go? Find any great deals? Let us know! 🙂

{ 48 comments… read them below or add one }

Lisa May 9, 2011 at 9:42 am

I am so glad I got to score the clean and clear body wash at CVS a couple of months back for free. But there is always always a problem with Walgreens on a B1G1 sale with a BOGO coupon. It has never gone smoothly with me and I carry the policy right on me when I go do these transactions.

I was not able to get any right guard last week so I got a rain check for 8 body washes. But the manager said he was going to put 4 deals on the rain check b/c they were B1G1, so I said ok. I went to use it yesterday since they got more in and the cashier would not take it b/c she said it was only for 4 body washes total, not four deals. Needless to say I wasn’t able to get the body wash and I have to wait until that manager is on duty, sigh :/ They like to give us a hard time, don’t they?


Marella May 9, 2011 at 9:45 am

Both of my nearby Walgreens has never had the Precise. I asked them about it and they said they are not going to get them in:( There was ony 2 clean and clear body wash at my store and they rang up great. They are going to get more in Tuesday afternoon — I will stay away from the pink ones:)


Rhianna May 9, 2011 at 9:46 am

I had an issue with the C&C Body wash yesterday and a manager not allowing me to use the coupon unless I purchased 2 bw’s and get 2 free…At first he said that the wags sale could not be combined with any other offer…I told him that it does not say that on the coupon, ad or anywhere in their policy, which I had on hand and asked him to show me where in the policy it said that. Then He said that it is something that his manager had to make up so people couldn’t come in and buy 800 bw’s. I told him if he wants to limit people he needed to post a sign. So we called corporate and they said that we are allowed to use the coupon with the store ad and get both bottles free and not pay anything but tax out of pocket. Went back in the store and spoke with the assistant manager again and politely explained to him that I contacted corporate and relayed the information I found out and he allowed me to use them, but limited me to 4 bottles. I completely understand the limit, but not making up excuses and restrictions to not allow me to use the coupon and sale in the intended use.


Christie May 9, 2011 at 11:05 am

Rhianna – I totally agree with you and great job! 🙂


Tanya May 9, 2011 at 11:55 am

Way to go!


TimSpencer May 9, 2011 at 9:52 am

If your local Walgreens are out of Tylenol Precise,
the best place to go is Rite-Aid. Their price this
weeks is $5 each. With the $5 coupon, you’ll get it

On the Nature Made Calcium 100-tablets($5.49), many
Walgreens will show them as in stock. However, they
are not placed in the Nature Made vitamin section.
Instead, looks for them in the calcium supplement
section.(usually a few few feet away from the Nature
Made section)

In addition, some Walgreens have special cardboard
display for Nature Made and other “designed for women”
vitamins at the front of the store this week. (either
near the entrance or the cosmetic counter) The display
is about 4 feet tall and 2 feet wide.

The Nature Made calcium $5 coupons cannot be used in the
same transction, at least not any of the Walgreens in my
area. The cash registers will reject them, but over-
rides are possible with manager’s intervention. 🙂


J.C May 9, 2011 at 10:26 am

I am lucky enough to have many Rite Aids near me, and they were all well stocked with the Tylenol Precise both the cream and the patches. I had no problem getting a total of six from three stores as to not to clear the shelves.


Inga May 9, 2011 at 10:01 am

My trip to Walgreen was disappointing last night. Usually very friendly manager sad they have new rules from corporate that they are required to follow. One transaction per costumer. No more multiple transactions on the same trip. He refused B1G1, also some new corporate rule. He said they are having some very important meeting ths week and more changes to come due to too many costumers abusing free stuff coupon items. Sad, since I have just started couponing and really getting hang of it. Anyone else heard about these crazy new rules?


Christie May 9, 2011 at 11:05 am

Inga – I don’t think there are any rules like that coming from “corporate” or every store would be the same. The coupon policy comes from corporate. It sounds like either this manager or his district manager has decided to make up his or her own rules for that store or that are.


Mallery Schuplin May 9, 2011 at 10:04 am

My Pampers $3 RR didn’t print out when I made my purchase. I catalina for $2/2 Pampers purchase printed out… booo. The calcium is 5.49 at my store and the only small bottle was hidden on the very top shelf.


Heather Duncan May 9, 2011 at 10:05 am

The store manager got my clean & clear Q’s to go through finally after many attempts. She scanned one bottle, then the q, then the other bottle. Worked fine doing it that way. The only problem was that she had to seperate them into multiple transactions since I had multiple q’s, register wouldn’t let more than one at a time go through. She did say that the manufacturers were catching on to the “free stuff” and coding the q’s so that they would not go through if both items were free. ???? Hope that helps some.


ashley s May 9, 2011 at 10:12 am

I picked up 2 double packs of reach toothbrushes 2 for 6.00..used 2 $2.00 off coupons…paid 2.00 and got back a $4 rr. I also picked up 2 single tooth brushes for free. I also picked up the tylenol precise for free and had no issue with the bogo clean and clear 🙂 I also had a rain check for the airwick air starters kits to make them 4.00 with my 4.00 coupon….so all and all I had a great trip!


Kim May 9, 2011 at 2:18 pm

I went to wal-greens this am and bought 2 – 2 packs of toothbrushes and put the 2 coupons for 2.00 off each on the counter. They would only take 1 coupon. They said that the pack with 2 brushes wes considered as 1 item. So, I argued with them for a sec. and they wouldn’t take it. It kinda made me think maybe I was wrong, but after reading your repy, you got to use 2 coupons. I really have never liked going to wal-greens but they do have some good deals and I’m starting to learn how to make the deals work for me now. I did hear them saying at the register this am that only 2 purchases can be made if it involves RR. I didn’t hear anything about the bogo deals.


Monica May 9, 2011 at 10:15 am

I guess I am lucky. Living in a small town, the 2 clerks that work at my Walgreens Sundays know me by name, ask about my family, and are always super helpful with my coupons. If something doesn’t ring right, they fix it. If a coupon doesn’t go through, they push it through(of coarse I never abuse this!). Yesterday the pink Clean and Clears didn’t ring up right, so they fixed it 🙂 I have a rain check for the Right Guard and a rain check for more Clean and Clear. It hasn’t always been like thus, I did have a manager act quite mean to me, after reporting it to corporate, I haven’t had a problem. I suggest ‘trying’ to find a clerk that is nice and go to only them 🙂 I know that is easier said than done sometimes 🙂
Thanks Christie I couldn’t do it without you!


Michelle S May 9, 2011 at 10:19 am

The Wags down the road from my house was completely out of everything except the TP & Toothpaste…lol! Lots of couponing going on around here! But I was able to go to a different store and finish my purchases…and my Wags only has the bigger bottle of calcium so thanks for posting that it will be on sale soon!! Will definitely save my coupon and go print one more to get an even better deal! My Wags also had the Precise Cream priced at $7.99 as well.

Loved having your shopping scenarios to take with me to the store!


Dawn (CoupoNewbie) May 9, 2011 at 10:35 am

My local Walgreens is still insisting that I have to buy 3 products when it’s a BOGO deal and a BOGO coupon. For some reason they’re acting like I’m cheating when the amount comes to $0.00. Is that against policy now?


Tracy May 9, 2011 at 10:37 am

My pink Clean & Clear didnt ring BOGO eithier. So if you are at a location that isnt coupon friendly stay away from those. The Orange and blue rang up just fine and the BOGO coupon no problem. My store had about 10 of each color bodywash and has had the Precise all last week but was gone on Sunday.


josie May 9, 2011 at 10:48 am

single colgate total soft toothbrushes are ringing up b1g1 free, so buy 2 and use 2 75cents coupons, pay 1.50 and get 4rr


Darlene May 9, 2011 at 11:25 am

I gave up on B1G1 at Walgreens a long time ago in NW IN. I refuse to feel intimidated by clerks/managers that have a definite stand against getting something free using coupons. One clerk told me they wouldn’t allow her to get the item free with coupons, and she works there. I’ve called coporate to be told “it is up to the store manager”. I had no problems at CVS for the C&C Body Wash a few ago.


ember May 9, 2011 at 1:57 pm

which part of NWI? i work at a walgreens in NWI… i also coupon… perhaps if you came to my walgreens when i work (As many RRers do) you wouldnt feel that way anymore? i like working for walgreens and hate that so many walgreens do have cranky cashiers and bad attitudes in management. that’s not what we’re here for!


Monica May 9, 2011 at 11:50 am

Hi all, I understand the ‘do not clear the shelf’ and don’t if possible. But what do you do if you want 3 of something and there are ONLY 3 ON the shelf? I think in this case taking the 3 items is not a crime. Or am I wrong? I live in a small town and don’t have the luxury of going to another store. The next one is 100 miles away! Am I wrong if I take those 3 items??


Missy May 9, 2011 at 1:03 pm

Three is a reasonable amount and not shelf clearing in my book.


Shannon May 9, 2011 at 1:44 pm

No you are not wrong taking the last 3 of something! When I say “shelf clearers” I am referring to those who go in and take ALL of the stock, as in 15+ items and leave nothing. Not taking the last 2 or 3 items of something. The people who take everything as soon as the store opens basically, giving no one else a chance at the good deals.


ember May 9, 2011 at 1:54 pm

think of it this way… if 3 is the number you’d have bought WITHOUT coupons… then it’s not shelf clearing.


TimSpencer May 9, 2011 at 2:11 pm

that reminds me of a lady I saw at Walmart the other day…

she was pushing an entire cart of diapers… 🙁 I noticed that she stopped to count all her coupons just before the check-out counter. I was thinking to myself “hmm…. she must be one of those shelf-cleaner or “exterme” couponers. I chose a different check-out lane, of course. 🙂 Then I noticed a man(her husband, I presume) and a woman(nanny girl?) coming up behind her with 5 babies in two double-strollers and one in the hand… Yes, FIVE BABIES! I overheard her telling the check-out clerk that all 5 were her babies… all born with 30 months of each other…. WOW…. 🙂

That cartful of diapers probably wouldn’t last a week and half! 🙂


Ceri May 9, 2011 at 2:00 pm

Of course that’s not “clearing the shelves”. I think that there has been too many couponers being too quick to say “other couponers are clearing the shelves!!!!!” that it’s intimidating so many other couponers on every amount that they are getting. Essentially, just use some non-couponing “common sense” when you buy things. You wouldn’t necessarily buy 30 body washes on a normal shopping trip, but 1-5 would be ideal for you and your family. If it’s the last 3-5 items of a product and you want it, go for it. It’s not inconsiderate once you factor that most stores carry more than 3-5 items of the same products, therefore, other customers were able to buy that same product that you got. Now, if there were 20 items of the same product and you got all 20 of them, then yes, that would be consider “shelf-clearing” which is a big no-no in Couponland.

A rule of thumb that I use when I decide on how much to buy:
If there are less than:
5 items left = Okay to grab all.
10 items left = Grab up to 50%
20 items left = Grab up to 40%
30 items left = Grab up to 30%
40 items and more = Grab up to 25%

Of course, I’ve never really grabbed more than 5 items of a similar product on a regular shopping trip so I have never had to worry about clearing the shelves and I NEVER let it bother me since 5 is a decent number for me and my huge family of 10. 🙂


Rachelle R May 9, 2011 at 1:52 pm

Wish I had read about the pinkish reddish body wash not ringing up BOGO before I sent my husband to WAGS yesterday. He bought a blue one and the pink-red one. They both rang up at $5.99. The cashier refused to adjust the prices and wouldn’t take the BOGO coupon until the manager walked over and said she needed to change the price on the body wash and accept the manuf. coupon. The cashier also told my husband that he couldn’t use the WAGS IVC coupon with a manuf. coupon for the cottonelle deal. He just said to her, “really? why does your ad say that you can both coupons on the same item?”. She quickly changed her tone. Very proud of him for sticking through the transaction!


TimSpencer May 9, 2011 at 2:13 pm

during lunch, I visited a Walgreens that I haven’t visited in a while.

Nature Made calcium 100-tablet bottles were displayed next to the Gatorade display…. hmmm…. 🙁


April May 9, 2011 at 3:20 pm

Starting last week 1 of my local Walgreen’s started putting limits on the items that you can make money off ot would be free. They put signs up that say 1 deal or transaction per household per day.


Jennifer K. May 9, 2011 at 3:22 pm

I tried to use the bogo coupons with the bogo clean and clear sale today and it was a no-go. I explained to the manager that the coupon policy states that coupons can be used on bogo promotions as long as the total doesn’t go below zero. His response? “We don’t have to go by the Walgreen’s coupon policy because we are not a stand alone store. We’re really a Happy Harry’s that is called Walgreen’s.” Say whaaaat!?


Jen May 11, 2011 at 1:26 pm

You should send a complaint about Happy Harry so Harry won’t be so happy no more.. And tell the corporate, since when Walgreen chg the name to Happy Harry. And if so, why is the sign still says in big: Walgreen, not HH?? ugghh.. these ignorant people drive me nuts!


Heidi May 9, 2011 at 4:37 pm

I ran into an issue with the Tylenol Precise yesterday. A Walgreen’s that I frequently shop at wouldn’t let me use the Walgreen’s pamphlet coupon and the manufacturer’s coupon together. I have never had a problem in the past. He said that since they are both manufacturer’s coupons I couldn’t use them both on 1 item. He said that Walgreen’s recently changed the coupon book over to manufacturer coupons from store coupons. They even had a new policy sign on the register. I couldn’t argue with him as the coupon’s in the book clearly state “Manufacturer coupon good only at Walgreens”.

Anyone else running into this?


T Dog May 9, 2011 at 11:01 pm

I had that problem one time. I asked the store Manager where is he sending that coupon, there is no address to redeem the coupon to get reimbursed, and I added, why does it have a IVC number you can just key in, and on the receipt in comes up as a Walgreen’s coupon.

I got a dumb look from him, but he let me use both coupons, and that was the end of that problem.

Walked out with a smile, and told him I will be back in a few days.


Candie May 10, 2011 at 3:09 pm


My sister ran into this issue just south of Indy. The manager stated that the book says manufacturer coupon and not store coupons. She emailed corporate only to have the manager from that store to call her. She went to another Walgreens and had no issues. I live in southern Indiana, I haven’t ran into this issue yet. The cashiers are real friendly too. I suggest going to a different Walgreens.


hannah May 9, 2011 at 4:46 pm

Honestly I have had so many hassles with Walgreens lately, that it makes me question doing the deals! We have just one wags in our small town, and I have to content with grouchy cashiers, managers interpreting coupon rules inaccurately, smash and grabbers, and consistent lack of stock!


julie May 9, 2011 at 5:05 pm

they were suppose to fix it so the pink one also rang up B1G1.


Darlene May 9, 2011 at 5:42 pm

Hannah: Clerk wouldn’t take coupon from Wags booklet and mfg coupon on an item. Ass’t manager came and agreed that both were mfg coupons. I called corporate and was told it is up to store manager. The store manager e-mailed that both were mfg coupons. Wouldn’t it be nice if all W. followed the same standards?


Darlene May 9, 2011 at 5:48 pm

Ember: Evidently you do not work at a Walgreen’s in the Munster/Highland area – – -of the 4 stores, only one has a friendly manager when it comes to coupons. Fortunately the 2 CVS stores are both cashier/manager coupon friendly.


Brittany May 9, 2011 at 5:52 pm

I called corporate today to verify if the Infant Care Booklet coupons were Walgreens or Manufacturer coupons. The guy did some research and came back to tell me that they were indeed Walgreens coupons because they can’t be used anywhere else.


andrea jones May 9, 2011 at 7:07 pm

I did not get a chance to do the First aid kit last week (just forgot to get it!!!) I got 2 of the travel first aid kits for $1.50. They rang up b1g1 50% OFF So it was $2.25 for the 2 and got the starter kit for Free with all the coupons!!


andrea jones May 9, 2011 at 7:13 pm

Also, I shop at a small store that runs only 1/2 he ad of the big stores. They did not have the Clean and clear B!G! free. The red and blue rang up normal and the orange rang up B1G1 50% off. Still $3.00 for 2 better than $5.99 each!!


claudia May 9, 2011 at 8:17 pm

Went to a Walgreen’s store on the way back from Mother’s Day Brunch 🙂 to get the CNC Body Wash BOGO with the BOGO coupons, too, along with other items. My daughter has been asking me for that product for a long time and am glad I waited. In any case, the pink/redish one was not ringing up as part of the BOGO deal and when cashier gave me my total to pay, I knew something was wrong. I saw the register receipt and saw that item was not ringing up as BOGO. The asst mgr had to come to the register and void all transaction and re ring every item. Again, the red/pinkish body wash did not ring up correctly and so she manually changed…what an ordeal. I just felt sooo bad for people behind me, I really did not mean this to be a long shopping trip but lately, I have had many issues with Walgreen’s when checking out. I pay close attention to what I am paying and always find a mistake and so everything has to be rerung and sometimes I just decide to cancel transaction and leave. I hate to make the people behind me wait…


Amy May 9, 2011 at 8:55 pm

I also had a problem with the B1G1 Clean and Clear body wash. The first store I was at, the manager would not let me use the B1G1 free coupon. I went home and printed the coupon policy and went to another Walgreens and the manager said “No Problem.” I guess it all depends on if you get a NICE manager!


T Dog May 9, 2011 at 10:57 pm

Didn’t have any problems using the BOGO coupons on the Clean and Clear BW, I went to about 6 walgreen’s in the area, 2 of the stores the first coupon went through with no problem, but the second one wouldn’t not, it kept saying no items sold for that coupon, so all they did was take the 2 Body washes out of the transaction, and ran in separate, and it went through with no problems, and the other 4 stores, no problems with the 2 BOGO coupons in the same transaction. Most of the stores had between 8 and bottles of the blue and orange, the red there was probably 6 to 8.

The first store I hit, I actually bought 4 of the red, and since the tags were already up and the sale wasn’t turned on early, they just manually priced modified the Body Wash.


tara May 10, 2011 at 8:56 am

you can only use one Vitamin coupon per customer so you wouldnt be able to do it on the BOGO like ya say


Grace May 10, 2011 at 10:31 am

The 100 ct calcium coupon says one per customer, so I don’t think we can print two and use it for a BOGO sale later.


Summer May 10, 2011 at 3:05 pm

I went to get the Clean & Clear BW this weekend. I only had one B1G1 coupon, so I was only looking to walk out of the store with 2 bottles. The cashier started to ring them up and I handed over the coupon. He then tells me that I have to actually pay for 1 bottle, and he told me to go get a 3rd bottle. I went and got the 3rd bottle and he tried ringing it again. It didn’t work. He asked his co-worker if he knew why it wasn’t working and he didn’t know. So the cashier just didn’t charge me for the 2nd bottle and I had to pay 41 cents for 2 bottles. That’s still a fabulous deal! The thing I don’t understand is that I was told over the phone by a Walgreens employee that their new policy was when an item is on sale for B1G1 and you use a B1G1 coupon, you must pay for one item and then you get 2 free. Can someone explain to me how that makes sense??


Nan May 22, 2011 at 12:14 am

Are the coupons in the monthly savings book store coupons, manufacturer’s coupons, or both?

Here’s why I ask: we just went to Walgreens to get the Tylenol Precise, but they wouldn’t let us get the deal. The deal was to use the $3 coupon in the booklet and the $5 printable manufacturer’s coupon (just like in the picture from May 9th). The manager said that the coupon in the monthly coupon booklet was also a manufacturer’s coupon, and we couldn’t use two manufacturer’s coupons. We checked the coupon and it says “manufacturer coupon only good at Walgreens”. What does this mean exactly? Is it a manufacturer or store coupon? Christie, please explain!!!!!


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