Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Updates From the Field 1/23!

by Christie Bisbee on January 23, 2011

Here are some observations from my trip today that will hopefully make your trip a little bit easier!

Oh, how I love Maalox today! I was able to find plenty of stock.  A word of warning… at my older store all of the coupons went through with no problems. At my new store with the new fancy scanners all the Maalox coupons beeped and had to entered manually. So if this happens just let the cashier know to enter them manually.

I got another catalina for FREE Breathe Right Strips today! I have no idea what prompted it. I got it when I purchased (6) of the Cherry Maalox, Splenda with Fiber, Tomato soup, a gallon of milk and Maxwell House, AND I paid with a debit card.  At another store where I bought a mixture of Maalox and Gas – X and paid cash, I didn’t get it. And I didn’t get it on any of the Almay products, where I also paid cash.

Be careful with this. The got2b3 Register Reward was not printing today. Most likely culprit – the $2 RR is coded just like the $2 coupon.  So the register thinks you are using a $2 got2be Register Reward instead of a coupon. (Thanks Frugal Finders!)

My newer store had peelies for $1/1 for the Gold Bond Body Wash. So if you run out of the $1/ coupon HERE, and you want another one, check your store for peelies!

If you don’t have the $1/1 coupon for this from the little booklet that was on display at some stores, ask at cosmetics. They weren’t out at my store but they had them at cosmetics behind the desk!

{ 30 comments… read them below or add one }

Kelly January 23, 2011 at 7:27 pm

I really wish our insert from a couple weeks ago had the Maalox q in it. Seems like we have been missing out on a lot of good q’s here. 🙁


Mitchell Wischmann January 23, 2011 at 7:57 pm

I didn’t get the Got2b RR today and I bet it was because the $2/1 coupon was programmed the same way as the RR.


Christie January 23, 2011 at 8:07 pm

Mitchell – I bet you are right. GRRRR. Oh well!


Sarah January 23, 2011 at 8:15 pm

I did the deal and it did not print but the manager refunded me 2.17 cash!


April January 23, 2011 at 8:15 pm

my Got 2 B RR didn’t print so the manager rang it up herself (not using the coupon) a second time and it did so I think there is a glitch so just let them know

I made 9 dollars from the maalox deal and was able to buy a few of the clear reusable cups with a straw that we LOVE!!! oh the benefits 🙂


Guest January 23, 2011 at 8:39 pm

We recently got the new scanners at the store I work at. I absolutely hate them!! Not only do they not scan half the time, but they are completely useless. I used to complain because we didn’t have guns to scan stuff in the cart with (i.e. 24 packs water, 12 packs of soda, etc). Now that we do, the wire is so short you can barely maneuver it! And many coupons decide not to work now… For example, the gold bond peelie worked once today and not the other time. It actually said no item sold??? Also, it beeps when I scan a coupon as if it went through but nothing shows up on my screen that it went through. Be sure to watch if it actually takes anything off if your store has these new scanners. 🙁


Emily January 23, 2011 at 8:42 pm

aw damn. My grandmother uses maalox, and I really could stock up at this price. If anyone has any spare coupons,please email me at [email protected] thanks!


Wendy January 23, 2011 at 9:14 pm

I just left Walgreens and had a terrible time with the pediacare rr today….it didn’t print they said it was because I used a $1.00 coupon. Politely told them that I would rather have the $4RR than use the $1 coupon. They re-rang without my coupon and it still didn’t print. Then they got the add said I must have bought the wrong one(thankfully I happened to buy the one in the picture) Long story short the manager went in the back and came out with a $4RR in his hand for me. The people at this walgreens(2 blocks from my house) always make me feel like a criminal for trying to use coupons…most the time I take my business to the one across town that is always very friendly. Thanks for your sight…I love it!!


angeline January 23, 2011 at 9:17 pm

i was traying to email you but ciuld not find in the contact me page it seem not working anyways

hello Christie love the blog

today i did the suave lever deal buy 6 for 10.00 and get 3.00rr

i got 5 suave body was and 1 lever i notice it rang 1.67 blgp or something like that so i went to the wags website and low and behold only the silver pkgs are ringing b1 get 2ND 50% off. this would make 6 pkt at 75cents each not bed if you like the brand.


hope this helps

angeline saby

orlando fl.


Lucy January 23, 2011 at 9:38 pm

FYI, at my Walgreens there was a great clearance find: Pert Plus for Men (like this: http://www.pertplus.com/media/1471/3-in-1_refreshing_large.png ) in the clearance section for $0.99 each! Also, Clabber Girl corn starch (http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQYoG-sOFNGEFpJ3JuaXQXCr6UjT8GPx76AzBQf2Wk3HpX6-mhF) for twenty-four cents.


Elena January 23, 2011 at 9:57 pm


OMG i know how you feel, i have one of those stores around my home as well. i swear they come up with the lousiet excuses why RRs won’t print, etc. luckily i contacted customer service and the daytime manager called me back to clear it up. no one should have to go through the hassel of cs if they would adequately train their employees about coupons.


Karen January 23, 2011 at 10:12 pm

One of my stores got the new square scanner too. 🙁 What a nightmare. It wouldn’t take Thermacare coupon, messed up all my scenarios, & the AM accused my of coupon counterfeiting!!!! Sent an email to corporate minutes after I got home. Received an email from the store the next morning, but not sure what the resolution is to be called a liar & counterfeiter because of a stupid scanner. Went to another store—q scanned fine—–so I can see these scanners are going to be a total nightmare.


susanizanurse January 23, 2011 at 10:29 pm

I did the Vicks deal Fri night & got the free Afrin q with my receipt. I went back, picked up the EXACT type of Afrin that was pictured on the q & the register beeped with “item not found.” My cashier pushed it through after studying it for a bit & concluding the register/scanner was nuts.


CHRISSY G January 23, 2011 at 10:37 pm

One of my Maalox transactions did not produce the $10RR but a $5RR . I questioned it and was told only $5 because of the coupon use….what? I have to go back as the Manager was off today. Why can’t they just say they have no idea?


Guest January 23, 2011 at 10:56 pm

@Karen it seems like you’re talking about our old scanner… because that one was square. Not sure!

@Chrissy G – You must have not met $30 before coupons on the qualifying items. You met $20 that’s why you received $5.


CHRISSY G January 23, 2011 at 10:59 pm

@guest-nope…added them up with the asst. manager. $35+ well over the amount.And I did not use any Q except the Maalox ones. No RR either….


Denise January 23, 2011 at 11:21 pm

Where are the Got2B coupons? I’d love some of these especially if they are IP’s TIA


Deanna January 24, 2011 at 1:10 am

I was at Kroger’s and had the same free Breathe Right coupon print that I got at Walgreen’s, must be a Catalina deal. And I don’t know what triggered it either, lol.


ExtrermeCouponShopper January 24, 2011 at 1:37 am

Chrissy G,
I have read that some of the chewables aren’t included in the Maalox deal(programming error).


Kent January 24, 2011 at 1:38 am

Hi Maria/Emily/Annie. I know you must really need these high value coupons as I saw your request on numerous other sites. Try looking on ebay for coupons or buy full inserts. Order right away so there’s still time to use them. Hope this helps.


Karen January 24, 2011 at 3:52 am

It was a new square scanner—green laser instead of red.


Karen January 24, 2011 at 3:55 am

I noticed the multiple requests for the q’s on H2S&TT too. There are tons of coupon clipping sites, in addition to EBay.


Michelle January 24, 2011 at 7:18 am

Check the expiration dates on the Maalox. One of them expired Jan 2011 (Not sure how past the exp date you should use this stuff)


Kent January 24, 2011 at 11:29 am

Karen, the multiple requests have actually been going on since at least October, using at least 3 names and 2 or 3 email addresses. Not sure if this works for free high value coupons or just harvesting info/addresses.


Maria O. January 24, 2011 at 12:30 pm

Kent: You’re right I noticed the same too. We must be careful, very suspicious!!!! If they really need coupons, there are so many clipping companies willing to sell them for cents.


susanizanurse January 24, 2011 at 1:35 pm

I did the Maalox RR deal (bought 1 GasX w/ $4/1 q as only had 5 Maalox coupons) , the Almay RR deal with the eyeshadows as per Christie (I had no coupons for this deal) , & bought enough full size Hershey candy bars to be set for both our girls’ Vday school parties this AM (30 to be exact) & spent a whopping $6.06 oop, used a $10 RR from last week’s Sinex deal & skipped to my car with $17 in RR for next week! Oh, & I bought 5 dark choc/mint Christmas tree candies to get my total to over $10 so I could use the RR (they were .12 each & I love ’em!).


Denise January 24, 2011 at 5:04 pm

@susanizanurse- I love your post, I feel like skipping to my car too after a day of “free shopping.”


Lori January 24, 2011 at 7:24 pm

Kelly (1st response)…what paper do you get? Just curious, because I get the Houston Chronicle and for about 2 months now, I have not been getting most of the SS’s. I started stopping and checking at a store to see if mine were stolen or if it was the paper and that paper didn’t have them either. But someone 25 miles away from me did get them! I’m kind of getting tired of it, because that’s the only reason I buy a paper!


Dawn January 24, 2011 at 10:51 pm

I hope that they have not changed the coding for the RR… The RR didn’t print for the GTB for me either when I used the coupon, the clerk calls the manager, no, she didn’t use a cat to purchase the same… etc etc. Long line forms behind me, LOL Manager comes up, looks at coupon and says yeah, the coupon is the problem. He rang it up w/o coupon and gave me the cat, I guess he was going to void the transaction or something after. The clerk even said the coupon shouldn’t make the cat not print, since you’re allowed to use coupons! Kinda a pain (and I felt bad for those behind me!) but they were nice about it.

I bought the Gas X and that printed fine.

ALL of the clearance makeup was gone. 🙁 I recalled when I saw it that the one manager had been in that aisle on Sunday, I guess she was taking off all the clearance to make room for new stuff. 🙁 I did find a $3.00/2 Almay Rite Aid coupon on a display though at my next stop!


Teresa January 24, 2011 at 10:53 pm

Just wanted to let you know that a RR for Kleenex printed out for me tonight. I bought 6 boxes for .89. Used 2 coupons for .50/3 and a $1.50 RR printed. This makes the boxes .47 each after RR. 🙂


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