Walgreens Coupons & Deals


by Christie Bisbee on August 26, 2010

You could knock me over with a feather! We have an official Walgreens coupon policy and guess what! It’s GREAT NEWS!!!!!  You can see it HERE! Print it out and keep a copy in your coupon binder or coupon clutch and print extras to give your store management or cashier! Have the address saved on your phone, iphone or on your ipad, whatever! Just have it ready at a moments notice! 🙂

My favorite parts?
-Walgreens accepts (2) coupons on a B1G1 FREE!
-Walgreens will adjust your coupon value down if the coupon exceeds the price of the item!
-Walgreens accepts internet print at home coupons!

Multiple Coupons
* When purchasing a single item, Walgreens accepts one manufacturer coupon and applicable Walgreens coupon(s) for the purchase of a single item, unless prohibited by either coupon offer.
* The coupon amount must be reduced if it exceeds the value of the item after other discounts or coupons are applied. (For example, a $5.00 coupon for a $4.99 item will result in a $4.99 coupon value).
* When purchasing multiple items, Walgreens accepts multiple identical coupons for multiple qualifying items as long as there is sufficient stock to satisfy other customers, unless a limit is specified. Management reserves the right to limit the quantity of items purchased.

Buy One, Get One Free Coupons
* When items are featured in a Buy One, Get One Free promotion, up to two coupons can be used against the items being purchased, as long as the net price does not go below zero for the items being purchased.

Internet/Print at Home Coupons
* Walgreens accepts valid internet/print at home coupons.

Not every question is answered in this policy and some things (like the Monthly Coupon Book Coupon) will still YMMV but this is FINALLY progress! Walgreens has finally entered the 21st century! Can you tell how happy I am? 🙂

(Thanks to Michelle, Kim!)

{ 84 comments… read them below or add one }

Kristen August 26, 2010 at 12:20 pm

Just mentioned this on Hip2Save…

does anyone else have a problem when using a MQ on a RR item, and not getting the RR? The Wags closest to my house must have their registers programmed that way. The first few times the manager came over, and he used that as his excuse. And, they don’t refer to that in their policy.

Guess I’ll stick to the trips across town to get my good deals, lol!


Maria August 26, 2010 at 12:31 pm

This is great!! I had problems with the B1G1 deals, when I use 2 coupons (like the B1G1 oral-b toothbrush + $1 off, for this week’s 3/$9 crest deal). I’ll print the policy page and bring it everytime I shopt at Walgreens 🙂


caryn August 26, 2010 at 12:33 pm



Sarah B August 26, 2010 at 12:34 pm



Jake August 26, 2010 at 12:35 pm

This is great! This ought to shut some ornery cashiers up! I’ll dial up this page on my iphone and present it to the manager, if need be.



Jenn B August 26, 2010 at 12:35 pm

Thanks for posting this!! I recently went to WAGs with printed Huggies coupons and was accused of “illegal coupon copying” by the manager in front of other customers, saying that any printed coupon was a “copy” and that he did NOT take illegal COPIED coupons in HIS store. Was so frustrated!! Needless to say I’ll be keeping this policy with me at all times!!!


Donna E August 26, 2010 at 12:49 pm

-:¦:-·:*¨¨*:·.-:¦:-·.·:*¨¨*:·.-:¦:-HAPPY DANCE!! -:¦:-·:*¨¨*:·.-:¦:-·.·:*¨¨*:·.-:¦:-


Ashley August 26, 2010 at 1:09 pm

I am trying to print the policy from the HERE link and it won’t open.


Tiffany C. August 26, 2010 at 1:19 pm

I have already put this policy into effect. They didn’t want to adjust my mfg coupon down to $1.99 on the listerine deal and I didn’t want to buy a 17 cent notepad so I printed out the policy and took it to the store. I was super nice about it but asked to see a manager. He said that he hadn’t even seen that policy yet but would be glad to make the situation right. (According to the coupon policy that is) So glad that we have one of these!! No more buying filler items if your coupon is more than the sale price!! Wahoo!!!


Stephen August 26, 2010 at 1:24 pm

I asked God for help on this one today. I’ve had a cashier that has given me problems the last three days.

It seems that Jesus answered my prayer quickly.


Mom23Lads August 26, 2010 at 1:25 pm

I’m not complaining about the written policy.
Question though – I know Target does this too: When a store reduces a manf q, do they also receive from the manf a reduced amount? Or is the retailer receiving the benefit?


Cynthia August 26, 2010 at 1:25 pm

The adjusting down is great! So many times I’ve had to buy a 20+¢ filler for that darn penny.

Downside is on the BOGO looks like you can’t do a money maker. Like a BOGO sale, use a BOGO coupon plus a $1 off coupon. Am I reading that part right?


Dee August 26, 2010 at 1:26 pm

ok, wait a minute… let’s take a look at this from an outsider’s perspective… where are the loops holes in this policy? Where can the inexperienced cashier “misinterpret” the policy??? I think this is a great start in the right direction, I still think there will be problems.


Jeni August 26, 2010 at 1:28 pm

My goodness. It’s about time they put out an official coupon policy. No more fighting the cashier about adjusting the coupon down!


Sarah August 26, 2010 at 1:35 pm

I just did a happy dance.


bob August 26, 2010 at 2:14 pm

in a BOGO sale, you CAN use 2 coupons.
If it’s a Buy 1 for $4 get 1 free, you can use (2) $2 MQ’s
or even (2) $3 MQ’s, but they will adjust down.


Karin August 26, 2010 at 3:03 pm

That’s good to know they can adjust the coupon down! I don’t need to worry about adding any fillers anymore!!

Also, I understand that you can use up to 2 coupons at BOGO sale. That means you can get 4 free items when you use 2-BOGO Qs at BOGO sale. I’m always little nervous when I use BOGO Q, even I know it’s legit, but from now no worries!!:)


Lisa August 26, 2010 at 3:04 pm

I am so happy this Policy came out. I have a question to anybody that knows, When Walgreens has a BOGO sale on an item, can you use 1 BOGO coupon for the same item getting them both free??? I know the new policy says you can use 2 MFG coupons for a BOGO sale item, but it doesn’t state what I am asking. Just checking!!!


Sarah August 26, 2010 at 3:22 pm


When ever Walgreen’s has adjusted a coupon down for me they cross off the amount on the coupon and write the new price in.

I’m so happy. I haven’t been able to use 2 coupons on a Bogo sale in a long time. Last night I went to a Walgreen’s and bought a schick hydro razor. It had the get a free shaving cream coupon on it. I didn’t even bother picking up it because I had the $5 razor coupon. I’ve been told too many times that I couldn’t use both of the coupons like that in the past. When I got to the cashier she told me to run and get the shaving cream.



Jenn August 26, 2010 at 4:16 pm

This is great – thank you for posting. I may return to Walgreens now that they have an actual policy!


Bobbie August 26, 2010 at 5:53 pm

Despite the new coupon policy, my Walgreens MANAGER refused to take my coupon today because it was .01 over the price of the item. She said it was up to her discretion to decide whether to take any coupons at all. It was the $4 coupon from the newspaper for the compact i-motion. This is the first problem I’ve ever had and she really soured my day. 🙁


Christie August 26, 2010 at 5:59 pm

Bobbie – I’d call corporate immediately! I think these managers will need some re-education quick!


Rachel August 26, 2010 at 6:11 pm

Thanks for posting this it will come in very helpful. I seem to have to go through a battle each time I shop at Walgreens.

One question, Does this policy answer this problem?

Last week store had dry idea buy one get one free, and I had coupon buy one get one free. I was not allowed to do this transaction. I am not seeing this policy helping with that situation, am I reading it right?


Rachel August 26, 2010 at 6:12 pm

Bobbi I had that same problem this week also, I understand your sour mood.


Bobbie August 26, 2010 at 6:19 pm

I just got off the phone with customer service and they said senior management would look into the situation and call me back. Hopefully they get to it quickly so I can still get my deal!


Virginia August 26, 2010 at 10:08 pm

This isnt new news… I’ve known this for along time because thats the only place I shop at.. The only thing that could have changed was the coupon amount.. which isnt a big deal..

I always knew about the other stuff… My walgreens always has allowed the above… Nothing new


Elisa August 26, 2010 at 11:20 pm

Wait a second . . . Does this mean we don’t get any overage on coupons anymore? It kinda sounds like it. Hmmmm . . . Maybe it still will work as long as we do the MQ first, before any Wags coupons. But then, is that kinda shady, where they could accuse us of coupon fraud or something? Hmmm . . . Curious to see what you all think.


Rebekah August 27, 2010 at 8:04 am

Bobbi I had the same problem yesterday! I even had the new coupon policy with me! The manager was extremely rude about adjust the coupon down and the cashier was rude as well! Corporate policy or not it seems there will always be a problem at Walgreen! I’m glad there is CVS 😉


Diana August 27, 2010 at 2:54 pm

I had the problem today with the air wick coupon. I went to a different store and I was being told the same thing. Finally the manager priced the air wick at $4.00 and the coupon went through fine. I called corporate, but Im not sure what will be done about it.


Katie August 28, 2010 at 2:37 pm

I had trouble with the air wick coupon today too. I told the store manager about the new policy. She looked it up, and said the new policy states if the sale item price is less than the value of the coupon, Walgreens will either accept the sale price OR the coupon, not both. So, she would not adjust the coupon a penny. But, if it wasn’t on sale, the coupon would have been adjusted. Funny thing is, I did this purchase fine on Sunday with no problems.


couponscarol August 28, 2010 at 2:56 pm

This is under “Multiple Coupons”: The coupon amount must be reduced if it exceeds the value of the item after other discounts or coupons are applied

What this sounds like to me is that if you give the MQ 1st & then the WQ, the WQ will be adjusted down. It would seem that there would be a beep on the register at this point & asking the cashier to adjust the wQ down(or maybe register set up to adjust)…can’t see this happening in reality, however. I think we will just have to wait & see, doing a few sample transactions and reporting back. If this is the case then I don’t see overages happening. That is, if I’m understanding it correctly.


Christie August 28, 2010 at 3:03 pm

Carol – I don’t think there is going to be any change in the MQ and WQ and how that whole thing works. I don’t see that happening unless they physically change the registers or change the system those registers run off of.

Katie – Looks like you have a manger who likes to make stuff up. Did you have a copy of the policy to show her? It actually reads…
* The coupon amount must be reduced if it exceeds the value of the item after other discounts or coupons are applied. (For example, a $5.00 coupon for a $4.99 item will result in a $4.99 coupon value).


Katie August 28, 2010 at 4:42 pm

Christie, yes, I showed her the policy and she quoted above that under SALE ITEMS, “In the event that any item’s selling price is less than the value of the coupon, Walgreens will only accept the coupon in EXCHANGE for the selling price of the item.” She said this meant either the coupon or the sale, not both. So then I asked, if the item was not on sale, but the coupon would have been more than the item, would she have adjusted the coupon, and she said yes. I will try a different Walgreens in the future and see what happens.


Christie August 28, 2010 at 5:27 pm

Katie – It’s like she is reading her own special version of the English language. “will only accept the coupon in EXCHANGE for the selling price of the item” uh, hello, that’s what you wanted! Take my coupon for $3.99 the selling price of the item. Uh, so clueless!


Katie August 28, 2010 at 6:11 pm

I called corporate and they took my info and the store’s address and are going to have a senior customer service person call me back. I just want clarification on what that sentence truly means. I’m not expecting a positive result but it seems to me at least this part of the policy is based on interpretation of the manager. And I’m guessing my store’s manager won’t be the only one that will interpret it this way. I’ve got 4 other Walgreens in town, I’ll just try one of them next time.


Diana August 28, 2010 at 7:29 pm

I just got a call from the store manager and He was clueless. I read him the example and he said that at store level they couldnt do that. I told him how my sister doesnt have any problems doing this at her store a few hours away. I read him the example thats listed on the coupon policy and he said he was going to have to look into it and find out how to do that. He asked that I go back to the store so he could make it right. The store is 30 minutes from where I live, He said it would be fine if I could go in during the week even though the sale will end today.


marcia September 2, 2010 at 7:46 pm

Well, I had a first today. I went to Walgreens specifically for the Trident gum deal. I had the Walgreens instant value coupon and a manufacturer’s coupon. I was told that they could no longer accept both coupons because the instant value coupon was a manufacturer’s coupon. I explained that manufacturer’s coupons begin with a “5”, but they would not budge. She said that the only store coupons were the ones in the weekly ad. I really thought that with the new coupon policy things would be better, but I don’t think that it was worth the ink that it took me to print it! I even came home and called another Walgreens and was told that the instant value coupons were indeed store coupons. I have also e-mailed Corporate and asked about the problem, but have had no response as of yet. I truly believe after the problem today that I am officially finished with Walgreens.


Christie September 2, 2010 at 8:25 pm

Marcia – I would also bring to their attention the ad this week where they even have the Crest advertised with the in ad coupon and a giant banner saying “use your P&G coupons from the paper” with these deals. Look through some old ads and you’ll see lots of examples of that sort of thing.


shawn'l September 12, 2010 at 12:08 am

Okay so Walgreen needs to train their employees on how to adjust down a coupon. The employees in my Wags only know how to adjust the price of the item up a penny or two to cover the coupon. I had a raincheck for the airwick imotions and several $4 Q’s. Manager would not adjust the price of the item because it was a rain check therefore would not let me use the coupon as it was a penny over. Gave the manager my printed copy of the policy stating he could change the price of the Q but he didn’t know how to do it. ugh!!! Left empty handed.


Christie September 12, 2010 at 12:20 am

Shawn’l – Let me give you a suggestion. If you want to buy (3) and they are $3.99 and you have (3) $4 coupons… Do this…You’ll need to buy them in conjunction with something else to absorb the ($.03). Have them ring up (4) give them your (3) coupons and whatever else you are buying. Then change your mind about the (4th) item and have them take it off your bill. Guess what, no beeps, no adjusting down, no headache. Give it a shot.


dora October 12, 2010 at 5:34 pm

For this week’s 3/$10 bodywash (Gilette, Old Spice)get $3 RR back offer, I bought 2 Old Spice and 1 Gilette body washes. I used 1-BOGO Old Spice, 1-$1 off Old Spice, 1-$2 off Gilette. Somehow the $1 off Old Spice didn’t go through. Am I missing something? I thought the BOGO coupon was for the free item, and I could still use a coupon on the Old Spice I was paying for.


Karen November 12, 2010 at 12:56 am

Has anyone heard about a change in policy? I read a coupole different things in blogs tonight. One said that no register reward would print for an item where a coupon was used to purchase and the other was that only one register reward could be used in any transaction!!!! I hope these are isolated confused stores. :0 I started searching and seeing more and more people were shown memos from DM’s etc…….that’s pretty scary(in a couponing sort of way)!


Karen November 12, 2010 at 12:57 am

Sorry about the typos—I guess I can’t fix them! 🙁


liz November 14, 2010 at 3:46 pm

I’m new to couponing at Walgreens. Usually, I go to CVS or Rite Aid but your site makes it seem easy to shop at Walgreens so I thought I would give them a try. I tried to buy (2) Reach floss yesterday for $.99 each with in-ad coupon and I had (2) $1.00 manuf. coupons also. The cashier said that I couldn’t get them for free. Luckily, I had the printed policy with me and the manager adjusted the coupon down. But, before the manager came over, the cashier said that the register wouldn’t take my coupons and it was because I handed her the manuf. coupons first and the wags coupons last. Could you explain why the order in which you hand the coupons over to the cashier are important?Thanks for all you do.


Christie November 14, 2010 at 4:06 pm

Liz – You were right! MQ First, Wags coupons last. If she had actually rung them up they would have worked with no problems as long as you had another item in your purchase to offset the $.01 of overage you would get from each purchase. So if you just bought the 2 reach it would have beeped because Walgreens would have owed you 2 cents. However if you purchase any other item for at least 2 cents you would have been fine. Sounds like you are well on your way!


liz November 15, 2010 at 12:17 pm

Thanks. I had a birthday card that I was purchasing also but I still had the problem with the cashier not knowing to adjust the coupon down.


Kim January 1, 2011 at 8:13 pm

OK,, went to wags today. Loreal make up $2.29 B1GO 1/2 off. Had Wag coup for $2/each. Coupon would not go through (I said I should have gotten the 1st one for .29 and the other for Free when the second coup is adjusted down to $1.60). I came home, read the policy and called… they said they would save the stuff for me and honor the deal. However, in the meantime, I was wondering if I could have done a scenerio to get the coups to go through without the hassle.
Thanks for your help!


Felisa January 19, 2011 at 1:55 am

Christie, I think Marcia was referring to a coupon in the monthly coupon book. I have been told at my store that these “instant value coupons” are manufacturer’s coupons and are different from the in-ad coupons. Therefore, they cannot be stacked with manufacturer’s coupons. In fact, the fine print on the IVC’s states that they cannot be combined with other offers. (However, this was not a problem at my old store, in a different area of the state.) I wonder if this is new, as well, since it is not mentioned in the current policy. I don’t remember the IVC’s in the coupon books stating that a year or so ago.


jessica simon January 21, 2011 at 1:14 pm

Question: If you have a manufacture coupon and a coupon from the Monthly Book, are you able to use both of them for 1 item at the same time? I know you can “stack” walgreens coupons (out of the weekly add) and a manufacture coupon, but can you stack the manufacture coupon with the walgreens coupon out of the Monthly Book?


Christie January 21, 2011 at 2:07 pm

Hi Jessica – Yes the register will allow you to do this, as will most store staff. There are some stores who do not. The crazy thing is that usually about once every couple of months Walgreens will advertise a deal where you need a coupon from the monthly coupon book AND a MQ to get the deal they are advertising. So if they put it in their own ads it’s nuts to me that some stores won’t allow it.


Brittany D. January 23, 2011 at 2:27 am

I have been shopping at Wag’s for over a year. I have had the same problem within the last few weeks. Cashiers saying You can’t use the monthly IVC coupon plus a MQ. What’s up??


Robin January 26, 2011 at 3:06 pm

I have a ? about the BOGO colgate total toothpaste. Can I use (2)$1 MQ’s that are from the diabetes & you magazine (from 2 different mags)? That would mean $4 off since the Q’s ring up $2 a piece? Just want to make sure before I make a fool out of myself 🙂



Michelle February 5, 2011 at 10:33 am

I went in the other night and after using my Wags coupons and manufacturers coupons, I had over $30 in register rewards to use but they wouldn’t take all of my RR’s as they said I had exceeded the “coupon limit.” I wrote into Corporate Customer Service but have not yet heard back. Frustrating since I earned the RR’s and they are supposed to be like cash.


lauren February 18, 2011 at 2:12 am

Michelle- you can absolutely use your register rewards however you can not use them in conjunction with another item that you used a coupon on… for instance you only buy one item and use a coupon… you would not be able to use a RR… because it states on the top of the RR that it is a manufactuers coupon…. what you would have to do would be to add a filler item… something small like a laffy taffy or pencil… number of coupons and RR cannot be more then items purchased

so if you buy the proglide razor right now for 9.99 and use a 4.00 off coupon you would be able to use a RR if you added another item for the RR to count towards… hope that wasnt confusing..


Tamara February 20, 2011 at 8:46 pm

Christie –
I was at Walgreens tonight trying to use my registry rewards and I was told that Walgreens coupons now count in the total number of coupons used. Therefore I wasn’t able to use my registry rewards. Does that make sense and is that correct?


Christie February 20, 2011 at 8:56 pm

Tamara – I haven’t had that experience and you are the first person to mention it. Do you have another store you can try? It it’s a Catalina or something then it’s like a MQ but a coupon from the ad should not be counting in your totals.


Tamara February 20, 2011 at 9:33 pm

Christie – I tried two stores and got the same response. One cashier said that I was over the coupon limit. I had the Dove in Ad coupon and the Dial Lotion coupon from the monthly book as my Walgreens coupons.


tjbuck February 21, 2011 at 11:43 pm

I can’t believe I have to write this but my Walgreens here in Clermont Florida, and it is the nice new one, has very bad managers who told me it is coupon fraud to use two coupons on a B1GO such as the purex. I tried to show her the policy for Walgreens but she wouldn’t listen and she told me she could not do it or she would lose her job. I am amazed that she was the assistant manager and had no knowledge of Walgreens policy on the coupons. She stated to me that she would not do it because she wasn’t going to lose her job. I hate the hassle and they were the only Walgreens around here that still had any purex sheets. I see why now…I think I should call and complain but I am not sure it would do any good since she was so adament about coupon fraud. What do you think????


Christie February 21, 2011 at 11:55 pm

Oh my word! I would call and say you want a call back from the district manager, ASAP because you want to get this deal before the week ends. Someone needs to train this woman on her stores policies. Not only is it their own policy (as we know) it’s the policy of many stores to take (2) coupons on a B1G1 FREE offer.

I HATE, HATE, HATE, when employees start throwing out the word fraud. It makes me CRAZY! How about “That’s against our store policy” (it would be wrong but at least it’s not accusing you of a crime!)

I swear the next time I have a cashier or employee use the word fraud, I’m going to insist that they call the police immediately to arrest me. 😉


Tami Roebuck March 1, 2011 at 12:33 am

TJBuck, I had the exact same thing happen to me several months ago. They made me feel like I was trying to rip them off. I was so embarassed and frustrated with the first store, I drove to store #2 to see if I could get someone smart and the manager at that store too looked at me as if I was a theif. Honestely, I haven’t shopped at Walgreen’s in months because of this experience. I just wish they would get their crap straight! I mean, Rite Aid and CVS’s computers are way smarter…they automatically accept the coupons they should! Too bad too cause Walgreen’s has a lot of good deals but I never know what I am in for when I shop there…So Sad!


Candice February 23, 2011 at 11:16 am

If Walgreens has an item priced 3/$1 with a Wag coupon, do you have to buy three items to get the price? or will it ring up $.33 for one? Thanks for all you do!


Christie February 23, 2011 at 11:23 am

Hi Candice – It really depends. It can be wonky. Sometimes it’ll ring up $.33 and other times it’ll be like (and this is just an example) $.50 for the first item and then $.16 for the second. After that they tend to all ring up what you’d expect them to be $.33.


lourdes March 1, 2011 at 9:51 am

How are discounts applied if you have a b1g1 coupon and the item is on sale for buy 1 get 1 50% off>


Christie March 1, 2011 at 10:51 am

You’ll get the one that’s 50% off FREE. I know people often get the full priced one free because they had over the coupon before the order is subtotaled and before the 50% comes off at the end. However the policy is you should just get the 50% off one FREE.


Lori March 12, 2011 at 10:32 am

Can I use a Walgreen’s coupon and a manufacturers coupon on the same item?


Shelia March 12, 2011 at 11:12 pm

Yes you can Lori.


Rhonda March 17, 2011 at 10:57 pm

If a sale item is BOGO Free and I have a coupon BOGO Free may I use that coupon?


Christie March 18, 2011 at 9:56 am

Yes you may Rhonda – I know some of the stores are giving people issues with this but they will get reimbursed and yes you can use it.


Christine March 29, 2011 at 3:58 pm

Hi Christie-

Do Wags coupons count toward the number of coupons used in a transaction? I know RR do, but I can’t find anything about the Wags coupons in their policy and I want to avoid buying fillers if I don’t have to. Thanks for your help.



Christie March 29, 2011 at 4:41 pm

Wags Qs do not count. 🙂


Rachael March 29, 2011 at 7:45 pm

I was at wags today and attempted to use the $3 printable Oxiclean coupon and the April Wags coupon book coupon for $1 off 2 Oxiclean products. (The products were 2 for $5 so my oop would have been $1 for both)
The cashier politely told me that she could only use one of the coupons because they now considered the coupons in the April book to be manufacture coupons. I kindly asked her to void my purchase and went on my way.
I thought the coup’s in the ‘April’ book were Wags specific, so then I could stack mfr coup’s with them?
Help! Thx 🙂


LIndsey April 28, 2011 at 8:53 am

If Wags adjusts the coupon amount down for the item you miss out on any overage that could be applied to the rest of your order??? Sometimes it may just be a penny…like the 1.00 off coupon for a .99 item but if it is more I want that overage applied back…do they still do that??


Christie April 28, 2011 at 9:34 am

You can’t get overage at Walgreens with a MQ. So if they don’t adjust it down or adjust the price up, it’s just going to beep, so you won’t be able to use it at all. Hope that helps!


LIndsey April 28, 2011 at 10:01 am

So what do you do if you have a MQ stacked with a Wags Q that will then create overage basically from the Wags Q will they give you overage then.

Like say something is on sale for 7.99 and i have a 5/1 MQ and then I have a 3/1 Wags coupon from the coupon book. I would have some overage there.


Debbie May 1, 2011 at 2:25 pm

I just noticed in my Walgreens coupon book that each coupon says Limit one coupon per customer per offer. Does that mean that I can only use 1 per transaction? Also it says that it is a manufacturer coupon, not valid with any other offer. Does that mean I can’t use it with another man q from my newspaper insert? I’m confused and I hate trying things at my Walgreens because most of the people that work there are not willing to work with me and they make me feel guilty for taking up their time. Or maybe its just me making myself feel guilty.


Edie May 2, 2011 at 12:10 pm

I have a question about # of coupons for # of items purchased. This morning I bought two Right Guard deodorants. I had one B1G1 coupon for deodorants, also had a $2 RR. The manager said that I would need a 3rd item before they can take in my RR. Is that the right way to do this transaction?


Mel May 5, 2011 at 9:10 am

I have a question on coupons. I bought 3 Kellogg’s cereal that were on sale for $1.99 each. I used manufacturer coupon for $1/3. I also bought 1 Kelloggs Raisin Bran on sale for $1.99. Used coupon for .70/1 RB. Total before tax was $7.96 less the 2 coupon = $6.26. But then they would not let me use any Register Rewards. Not the $4, $3, or $2? I thought that since the total itmes was 4 and mfq coupons used was 2 that I could use 2 RR as long as it rung up less than the total price??? What am I missing?


Christie May 5, 2011 at 9:44 am

$1/3 coupon attached to all (3) items. If you had $1/1 then you would have been able to use (2) RR. Many coupons are coded in such a way where that happens and it always seems to happen at Wags with Kellogg’s Qs. Hope that helps!


Melissa May 5, 2011 at 4:33 pm

I have a question regarding using a B1G1 coupon when the item is already on sale B1G1. I went in today to get some bodywash and was told that I couldn’t use my B1G1 coupons because that would make both of them free. However once I got home, I realized that I would still have had to pay $0.50 for every 2 that I got (I think; my coupon says “up to $4.49 and the body wash is priced at $4.99).

Should they have accepted my coupons? I didn’t know what to say when they told me I couldn’t use them, so I just left.


Ashley May 6, 2011 at 9:46 am

Yes Melissa they should have accepted your coupons. I did the same deal at my Walgreens yesterday.


Annette May 8, 2011 at 1:16 am

Not every Walgreens emploee will do this. When I asked today about the B1G1 free per Walgreens and I presented a MQ B1G1 free I was told I had to BUY 1. They were out of the item so I took a raincheck. The rainchecks have also varied. One time the slip included the register rewards for the future purchase and today I was told the RR are NOT included with a raincheck. Confusing!


alice May 15, 2011 at 11:39 pm

I have had issues with one walgreens when purchasing B1G1 and using a B1G1 coupon. I emailed corporate and a store manager called me. I asked the manager about the B1G1 deals and she told me I can a B1G1 coupon for a B1G1 walgreen sale.

I don’t know why some cashiers make it such a big deal. Maybe Walgreens should state in their policy that a B1G1 coupon may be used with a B1G1 sale so that there won’t be any issues.


Simone May 21, 2011 at 9:30 pm

On May 21, I was shopping at Walgreens store# 3746 located at 2703 Park St, Jacksonville, FL. The cashier informed me that they no longer accept internet coupons. I asked to speak with the manager. Ryan Parsons, store manager claimed that none of the stores in Florida or Georgia would accept internet coupons as of Monday, May 16. I told him that the corporate website states allowance of internet coupons. He said it was a regional decision to stop accepting internet coupons. Has anyone heard of this new policy?


Sarah May 24, 2011 at 9:24 am

Hi! I received a $4 off coupon from TomThumb for purchasing 4 reach toothbrushes. It says Manufacturer Coupon and has a mailing address on it, but my Walgreen’s would not accept it because it says TomThumb. Have you had this issue before? I called the customer service number but I have yet to get a response. Any help is appreciated!


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