Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Q&A from my Inbox 4/25

by Christie Bisbee on April 25, 2010

Since I have had a few e-mails about these 3 topics today I wanted to post the answers for everyone…

*Can I roll the $3 Schick Hydro Shaving Gel with the Skinmate?
No! If you have any of the $3 Schick Hydro Shaving Gel RR left DON’T use them to pay for the $3 Skintimate. Skinmate is made by Schick!  If you do it won’t print out another RR. Check out my post HERE on Why didn’t my RR print for more on this.

*I bought just the Scotch tape and it didn’t work, what did I do wrong?
If you are buying the Scotch tape you can’t buy it alone.  You need some item to absorb the $.01 of overage.  Yes, it’s silly considering it’s just a penny but it’s true.

*Does it really matter what order I hand in my coupons?
Yes! Manufacturer’s Coupons first than Wags coupons!  You don’t need to cut out Wags coupons, they don’t need them and they’ll just be thrown out. Just open the ad to the coupon for them to scan at the end or read them the 4 digit coupon code, it’s the last 4 digits underneath the barcode.

Happy Shopping! 🙂

{ 12 comments… read them below or add one }

Melissa April 25, 2010 at 10:07 pm

Hi! I’m fairly new to couponing and have been doing CVS for a few weeks now and started Walgreens today. When I went to check out today, I had a bunch of coupons and 2 Register Rewards for $3 each. I had enough items to account for everything. The cashier demanded that I had to use my Register Rewards first, but I stood my ground and told her “No, do my coupons first” (I didn’t use any Wags coupons, just manufacturers.) She tried to tell me that my RR might not work if she did my coupons first, which seemed silly to me since I knew I was going to have to pay some money out of pocket and told her that. In the end, I got my way, but I didn’t really have any prior experience or reasoning behind why I demanded she scan my coupons first…just going by what I’ve seen you say over and over again about how to hand in coupons. So, all of that to say…in this case, did it really matter since I wasn’t using Wags coupons? Just curious as to whether it’s necessary to argue with cashier about it if I encounter this again. Thanks!


Christie April 25, 2010 at 10:13 pm

Hi Melissa, and welcome to the Wacky World of Walgreens! Good news is next time you can avoid the argument. You can either do your RR first or last it’s really the Wags Qs that matter. So RR, MQ, Wags Qs is ok as is MQ, Wags Qs, RR. It’s those sneaky Wags Qs that really mess things up! The cashier probably doesn’t realize the whole you need to have as many items as coupons (Wags Qs don’t count in that number but RR do) thing and just remembers that sometimes when people use their RR at the end it doesn’t work. (They probably didn’t have enough fillers). I LOVE that you stood your ground though! I am totally impressed! You are going to be a Wags master in no time.


Nellie April 25, 2010 at 11:22 pm

I love the idea of keeping the wags coupons in the flyers! I did that once because i just used a flier that was at the store and didn’t cut them out. So after they put my manufactures coupons thru I pointed to the wags coupons I needed scanned. If I give them all my coupons with the wags on the bottom, they will pull them to the top and scan them first.


Margaret April 26, 2010 at 12:29 am

I’m new to couponing and was wondering what Walgreens policy was on internet coupons. My local Walgreens will not take them.


Christie April 26, 2010 at 12:41 am

That is a major bummer. Each store sets it’s own coupon policy. Internet coupons have lots of security features if you just know what to look for. It’s unfortunate that your store doesn’t just take the time to educate it’s staff on what to look for. They’d have higher sales and the customers would be happy. Thank goodness all of my stores accept them.


nicole April 26, 2010 at 12:37 am

I hold my RR in my hands and use them when I “pay” for my items…I never ever hand them over until payment time…BUT MY Walgreens demands the walgreens Qs FIRST and manufacturers second!!!


Sara April 26, 2010 at 12:44 am

At my Wags it depends on the cashier as to whether coupon order matters. But I can’t always go when I know my favorite cashiers are going to be there. Next time, I’ll try not cutting out the W coupons and handing over the ad last. Maybe that will work. =)


shelly April 26, 2010 at 8:21 am

Hi, love your site! I have a question about printable coupons off the net. Five days ago my computer’s hard drive failed, had it fixed at our local Best Buy. The guy that fixed it told me I should NOT be downloading coupon printers from the net because they let viruses come in threw them, he also said my computer was loaded with viruses and was certain this was why, I also had virus blockers on my computer but I guess they didn’t work. The guy at Best Buy also told me there are no virus blockers that will help protect my computer from the viruses that come in threw the coupon printers. So my question is how do you keep your computer safe and still print coupons off the net? Any suggestions?


Christie April 26, 2010 at 10:26 am

I have a Norton product for anti-virus. You can run it every few weeks to see if it finds anything and have it cleared out. If you are printing coupons from the big coupon companies like coupons.com or redplum you should be ok. You’ll just have to install the coupon printer 1 time. Stick to the bigger companies and you should be fine. I’ve had many more problems with viruses attached to fake e-mails than I have had anywhere else. Good Luck!


Diana B April 26, 2010 at 9:52 am

Thanks so much for solving a RR problem I had on Sunday–I didn’t get the 3RR for the shaving cream and didn’t know why. Now I realize it’s probably because I used the Schick one to pay for it.


Katie April 26, 2010 at 12:42 pm

I did notice that I could use the $3 off Schick RR from this week to get the Schick razors and the $1 RR still printed with no problem. I haven’t tried it in reverse though but I’ll try that next to see if I can go back and forth.


brenda April 26, 2010 at 1:54 pm

question about the bayer monitor..now i don’t personally need one but i donate through my church for a lot of items that i make money on. However, it says in fine print something about getting the RR if you don’t have insurance or something like that? Christie..oh walgreens guru…can you clarify?? =) Thanks!


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