Walgreens Coupons & Deals

In-Ad Coupon Coming Up!

by Christie- on August 11, 2021

Woo hoo! I love it when this deal comes along. Next week AND the week after that there will be an in ad coupon to earnl earn $5 cash rewards for spending $25 OR $10 WYB $40 OR $30 WYB $100. You should have it available to clip to your card, but if for some reason you don’t, there is a scannable bar code. You should be able to bring it up in the ad on your phone. Typically these are limit $90 cash rewards which means a $25 deal, a $40 deal and a $100 per week.

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Gricelda Robles August 13, 2021 at 8:35 pm


On the coupon it states “after discounts”, do you know, does that refer to coupons as well?

Thank you!


Harriet August 14, 2021 at 12:00 am

Hi Gricelda, the threshold must be met AFTER all Walgreens coupons (like those in the August book) or if you have a Register Reward that reads “STORE COUPON” on top. However the threshold can be met BEFORE all manufacturer coupons including REgister rewards that read MANUFACTURER’s COUPON on top.


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