Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Update on StoreWide Multibrand Coupons

by Christie- on October 27, 2019

OK a couple of my friends and  I had these four coupons above in our accounts. This can vary for you but I did hear from another friend today who only had the $2/$15. Check your Walgreens account for these but the availability will vary. I was not able to use the $9/$30 first. I had a transaction that was close to $40 and all it took off was $2. So then I voided and grabbed one for just over $15 and the $2 did come off. After this I tried another one for $20+ and the $4 came off, then I was able to grab a third transaction and the $9 came off. I did not try a fourth transaction, but think that then this one will come off.  So if you have all four in your account like I did, that’s how it worked.

My store is extremely patient, but maybe you’ll have to take a couple of trips to Walgreens. Alternately, if you would like to remove the smaller value coupons and not use them, and just use your $9/$30. Remember if you do this, you will not be able to re-clip the other ones. I have no idea if they are still able to be clipped, if they are, and you have not clipped them then maybe just clip the $9/$30 and grab that deal then see if you can still clip another one for another transaction. Do leave a comment if you had other issues with these coupons.

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