Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Monthly Coupon Book


U by Kotex Products As Low As $1.59 EACH!

by Christie- on February 19, 2014

U kotex LINERSYou can grab some reasonably priced U by Kotex liners or wipes this week. There is an IVC in the February Coupon Book, plus this week they are B1G1 50% off. There is an insert coupon good on the liners, and a printable good on any two U by Kotex products.

Walgreens Deals (thru 2/22)
Buy (2) U by Kotex Liners, $4.79 B1G1 50% off
(1) $1/1 U by Kotex or Kotex Pantiliners, 40 to 64 pk (5551), February Coupon Book [-$2]
(2) $1/1 U By Kotex Liners, exp. 3/8/14 (SS 01/26/14)
Total = $3.18
= $1.59 Each!

KOTEX WIPES4WBuy (2) U by Kotex Wipes, $5.29 B1G1 50% off
(1) $1/1 U by Kotex Refresh Wipes, 24 ct (5549), February Coupon Book [-$2]
(2) SAVE $2/2 U by Kotex Products
Total = $3.93
= $1.97 Each!



Walgreens January Coupon Book

by Christie Bisbee on December 31, 2012

Here are the Walgreens coupons in the January Walgreens Coupon book. These coupons are valid until 1/26/13, however there are candy coupons that are good until 2/14/13, so you may want to hold on to this book till then.

I normally find these books up by the front register, with the weekly ads or at the cosmetics counter in my store.

You can always access the Waglreens Coupon Books and 4 digit codes by looking under “Walgreens Coupons” in my top toolbar. I’ll add the match ups for the store coupons in the book over the next few days.

Here are the coupons we’ll have this month…

$1/2 Atkins Endulge Treat Bars 5 pk (5161)
$0.50/1 Balance Bar 1.76 oz (5183)
$1/1 Blue Diamond Almonds 16 oz (5063)
$1/2 Chex Mix 5.5 – 8.75oz, Bugles 6 – 7.5oz, Gardetto’s 5.5oz (5062)
$2/1 EAS Lean 15 Protein Powder 27.2 oz (5186)
$1/2 Godiva Gems 3.5 to 4 oz, Truffles 4.1 or 4.25 oz, or Toffee Caramels 3.3 oz (5060)
$1/1 Hershey’s Pot of Gold 8.7 or 10 oz (5059)
$1/2 Life Savers Gummies, Starburst or Skittles 9.75 to 19.2 oz (5061)
$1/1 Muscle Milk Nutritional Shake (4 ct) (5172)
$1/2 Power Protein Plus Power Bar 2.75 oz, (5184)
$2/1 Six Star Whey Protein + 2 or 2.5 lb (2156)
$1/1 Slim-Fast Powder 12.83 oz (5162)
$1/2 Snickers Marathon Protein Bar 2.82 oz (5182)
$1/2 South Beach Diet Snack Bars 5 pk, (5163)
$1/1 Starbucks Frappuccino 4 pk, 9.5 oz, Double Shot 4 pk, 6.5 oz or Lipton Green Tea 12 pk, 16.9 oz (5065)
$0.50/1 Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice 59 oz (5064)

CANDY (exp. 2/14/13)
$1/1 Hershey’s Pot of Gold Heart 8.9 oz (5051)
$1/2 Mars M&M’s Valentine’s Candy 9.9 – 12.6 oz (5056)
$1/2 Nestle Crunch or Butterfinger Hearts 8 oz (5057)
$1/1 Valentine’s Candy, Hershey’s 14.46 t0 18.5 oz or Reese’s 15 oz (5011)
$1/2 Valentine’s Candy, Reese’s or Hershey’s 8 or 8.5 oz (5050)
$1/1 Wonka Valentine MixUps 18.7 oz (5058)

$1/1 L’Oreal Eye Cosmetics (5092)
$1/1 L’Oreal Foundation, Concealer, Powder or Blush (5093)
$3/1 L’Oreal Frost & Design or Couleur Experte Hair Color (5091)
$1/1 L’Oreal Lip or Nail Cosmetic (5094)
$5/2 L’Oreal Preference Hair Color (5090)
$2/1 L’Oreal Revitalift, Youth Code or Age Perfect (5099)
$2/1 L’Oreal Studio Line 1.7 – 8.5 oz (5088)
$3/1 New Nordic Hair Volume 30 ct (5166)
$5/1 Omojo Anti-Age Kit 15 ct, Capsules plus Serum .5 oz (5167)
$3/1 Sally Hansen Insta Gel Strips Kit (5101)
$5/1 Sally Hansen Pro Gel Nail Kit (5100)
$0.50/1 Studio 35 Beauty Nail Polish Removers 8-16 oz or 10 pk pads (2220)
$5/1 You Tonics Collagen Renewal 16 oz (5165)

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Deals with Walgreens July Coupon Book

by Christie Bisbee on June 22, 2011

The match ups are all done for the July Monthly Coupon book. You can find them at my Walgreens Coupon Page in my top toolbar. Both the June book followed by the July book, along with all the match ups are there. You’ll also see match ups for all the other Walgreens insert coupons and booklets.

Here are some of the best deals I see with the coupons from the booklet. Some of these deals may get even better with July sales.  We’ll have FREE Carefree liners next week, and if the Lumene Waterproof Make-Up Remover is included that will be FREE too! We won’t know for sure until the booklets are activated on Sunday.

WEEK OF 6/26 BUY (2) Carefree Ultra Liners 16ct or Carefree 30 – 60 $1.99 EACH
(2) -.50/1 Carefree Product, Any – 03-27-11 RP x6/30 or 06-26-11 SS x8/30
-$3/2 Carefree Pantiliners 16-60pk (5532)

BUY Tylenol Precise Pain Relief Cream 2.5oz or Patch 3 or 4pk $7.99
-$5/1 Tylenol Precise PRINT (Thanks Love Coupons on Facebook!)
-$3/1 Tylenol Precise Pain Relief Cream 2.5oz or Patch 3 or 4pk (5568)

BUY Lumene Arctic Touch Deep Cleansing Peat Mask 5 oz 3.4  oz.$9.99
-$4/1 Lumene Product, any (ets) – 06-19-11 SS x8/15
-$4/1 Lumene Skin Care 1 to 3.4oz (5535)
= $1.99 EACH

BUY (2) Maalox Advanced Mint Regular Strength 12.0  oz. $5.99
-$2.50/2 Maalox Products, any – 04-17-11 SS x7/16
-$2/1 Gas-X 18 to 72ct or Thin Strips 18pk, Maalox 12 or 26oz or 90ct, Ex-Lax Chocolate 24ct or Pills 24 to 90ct (5557)
= $2.75 EACH

BUY Zantac 24 or 30ct $9.99
-$5/1 Zantac, Any 24 Ct. + PRINT
-$2/1 Zantac 24 or 30ct (5560)
= $2.99 EACH

BUY Lamisil Spray 4.2  oz. or Cream $9.99
-$3/1 Lamisil Product – 05-22-11 SS x9/30
-$3/1 Lamisil cream .42, 1oz or spray 4.2oz (5573)
= $3.99 EACH



Walgreens Coupons – June Coupon Book

by Christie Bisbee on May 23, 2011

Here is the NEW coupon book for June that will run from Sunday 5/29 thru 6/25. These should be available starting on 5/29 in your store. I usually find them with the weekly ads at the front of the store. Starting 5/29 you should be able to also print the coupons HERE.

I’ll work on the match ups for these and post them later in the week. You’ll always be able to find it in my top tool bar under “Walgreens Coupons”.


$.99/3 Chex Mix 5.5-12.6oz, Bugles 7.5oz (5250)
$1/2 Emerald Mixed Nuts or Whole Cashews 10oz or Almonds 11oz (5341)
$1/2 Hershey’s Kisses, Nuggets or Miniatures 11-13oz (5246)
$.25/1 Klondike Bar 5.5oz or Good Humor Strawberry Shortcake Bar 3.75oz (5249)
$1/2 Mars Minis 10.5-13oz (5243)
$1/2 M&M’s 9.9-14oz (5245)
$.50/1 Nestle Lil’ Drums 10pk or Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches or Truffle Bars 6pk (5248)
$1/2 Starburst or Skittles 14oz (5247)


$1/2 Drano 17 or 32oz, Shout Color Catcher 24pk, Scrubbing Bubbles 20 or 25oz or 6pk toilet gels, Pledge Fabric Sweeper, Wipes 18 or 25 pk or Spray 9.7 or 12.5oz (5261)
$1/1 Glad Trash Bags 25-80pk, 13 or 30 gallon (5254)
$3/1 Kodak 35mm Film, 200, 400 or 800 spd, 96 total exp, 4 pk  (5265)
$1/1 OFF! or Raid Products (exc OFF! Deep Woods Sportsmen Mini Spritz, .5oz) (5263)
$1/1 OFF! Deep Woods Sportsmen Mini Spritz .5oz (5264)
$1/1 Tuf paper towels 8 rolls, Real Soft Bath Tissue 12 double rolls (2063)
$1/2 Windex 26oz, wipes 28pk, Fantastik 26 or 32oz, Scrubbing Bubbles 16oz, Shout 22oz (5260)
$2/1 W Photo Single-use Camera w/ flash 400 spd, 27 exp (2074)
$2/1 Zippo Lighter (5259)


$6/1 L’Oreal 24 Hour Lash Boosting Power System (5277)
$3/1 L’Oreal Couleur Experte Hair Color or Touch On Highlights (5270)
$3/1 L’Oreal Lash Boosting Serum or Double Extend Mascara (5278)
$3/1 L’Oreal Studio Secrets Magic Smooth Souffle or Perfecting Base (5276)
$2/1 L’Oreal Telescopic Explosion, Voluminous Million Lashes or Illuminator Mascara (5279)
$2/1 L’Oreal Youth Code .5-1.7oz (5275)
$2/1 University Medical AcneFree Acne Foam Cleanser 3oz (5274)

Oral Health

$2/1 Natural Dentist Healthy Gums Rinse 16.9oz (5353)
$4/1 Orajel Severe Toothache Gel .25 or .33oz, Liquid .45oz or P.M. Cream .18oz (5266)
$3/1 Rembrandt Toothpaste 2.6 or 3oz, Mouthwash 16oz (5269)
$15/1 Sonicare EasyClean Rechargeable Toothbrush (5267)
$20/1 Sonicare FlexCare Power Toothbrush (5268)

Personal Care

$10/1 Norelco Groomer 2020/31SM or Razors 6940LC or HS8420 (5271)
$5/1 Norelco Stubble Trimmer QT4022, Hair Clipper QC5130 or Groomer G370 (5272)

$1/1 Poise Bladder Control Pads 20pk, Ultra Thin Pads 30pk, Pantiliners 44 or 48pk (5280)


$2/1 Huggies Pull-Ups 19-44pk (5282)
$1/1 Little Fevers Fever Reducer 1oz (5283)

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NEW Walgreens April Coupon Book

by Christie Bisbee on March 21, 2011

Here is the NEW coupon book for April that will run from NEXT Sunday 3/27 thru 4/30. These should be available starting on 3/27 in your store. I usually find them with the weekly ads. Starting 3/27 you should be able to also print the coupons HERE.

I will add the match ups for these over the next few days and repost it. I’ll also continue to edit the match ups as we get new coupons and lose coupons. You’ll be able to it find during the month by going to my toolbar at the top of the page and looking under “Store Coupons”.


-$1/2 M&M’s 9.9 to 12.6 oz. (5663)
-$1/2 Mars Minis 10.5 or 11.5 oz. (5695)
-$1/1 Whitman’s Sampler 10 or 12 oz. (5871)
-$1/2 Dove Mini’s 8.5 or 9.5 oz. $1 OFF (5872)
-$1/2 Skittles, Starbust, Life Savers or Hubba Bubba Easter Item (5875)
-$1/2 Twizzlers 11 to 16 oz. (5883)
-$.50/1 Wonka Mixups Scrambles Eggs 6 oz. (5896)
-$1/1 Wonka Exceptionals Hollow Egg 5 oz. (5897)
-$1/2 Wonka Exceptionals 9.5 oz. (5037)
-$1/2 Wrigley’s 5 or Orbit Gum 3 pack (5901)
-$.50/2 Trident Vitality Gum 9 pieces (5902)
-$1/1 Lil’ Drumsticks 10 pack, Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwiches or Truffle Bar 6 pack, or Edy’s or Dreyer’s Fruit Bars 6 pack (5710)
-$.25/1 Dreyer’s or Edy’s Dibs Crunch 4 oz., Nestle Toll House Chocolate Chip cookie Sandwich 6 oz., Drumstick 7 oz. or Haagen-Dazs Bar 3 oz. (5459)
-$.50/1 Florida’s Natural Orange or 100% Apple Juice 33.8 oz. (5903)
-$2/1 5-Hour Energy Shots 6 pack 2 oz. ea. (5442)


-$1/1 Revlon Eye Implements (5929)
-$2/1 Neutrogena Deep Clean Wave Gen II or Sonic Kit
-$4/1 Optimum Care or Dark and Lovely Relaxer Kit, Optimum Oil Therapy and Optimum Salon Hair Care Maintenance (5942)
-$2/1 Ivy Block Lotion 4 oz. (5972)
-$2/1 Albolene Cream 12 oz. (5978)


-$1/1 Listerine Advantage, Zero, or Total Care 16.9 oz. (5931)
-$1/1 Sensodyne Toothpaste 4 oz. (5932)
-$1/1 Aquafresh Training Toothpaste 1.5 oz. or Kids Pump 4.6 oz. (5933)
-$1/1 Noxzema Disposable Razors 3 or 4 pack (5937)
-$.50/1 Noxzema Shave Cream 11 oz. $.50 OFF (5938)
-$1/1 EOS Shave Cream 7 oz.
-$1/1 Playtex Tampons Gentle Glide or Sport 18 pack (5940)
-$2/1 Aquafresh Training Tooth & Gum Cleanser Kit (5936)
-$2/1 Dr. Scholl’s For Her Insoles, Smooth My Sole Micro File or Fast Flats (5926)


-$2/2 Green Works Glass or All-Purpose Cleaner 32 oz., or Dish Liquid 22 oz., Tilex, Formula 409 or Liquid-Plumr 32 oz., or Clorox 30 or 32 oz. or 35 pack Wipes (5908)
-$1/2 Oxi Clean Stain Remover 21.5 or 24 oz. or Max Force Power 10 pack or Gel Stick 6.2 oz. or Arm & Hammer 2-n-1 Fabric Softener, 40 sheets or Carpet Deodorant 42.6 oz. (5909)
-$1/2 Air Wick Scented Oil Refill .71 oz. or Lysol Neutra Air Odor Eliminator 10 oz. (5910)
-$.50/1 Windex 26 oz. or Wipes 28 pack, Fantastik 32 oz., Scrubbing Bubbles Bath Cleaner 16 oz. or Shout 22 oz. (5905)
-$.50/1 Pledge Fabric Sweeper, Wipes 18 or 25 pack or Spray 9.7 or 12.5 oz., Drano 17 or 32 oz., Scrubbing Bubbles Shower Foamer or Shout Color Catcher 24 pack (5906)
-$1/2 Glade Scented Oil Candles Glass Holder, Tin or 4 pack Refills, Plugins Scented Oil Refill, Relaxing Moments Spray 9.7 oz., Candle 2 or 4 oz. or Sense & Spray Refills (5907)
-$1/1 Scott Naturals Paper Towels 6 rolls, 68 sheets ea. (5904)
-$1/1 Ultra Tuf Trash Bags Reg. Retail $5.49 and up (2042)
-$1/1 OFF! Or Raid Products (5911)


-$4/1 Plackers Grind No More Gentle Night Protector 10 pack (5930)
-$1/1 Carmex Moisture Plus Lip Balm .07 or .075 oz. (5934)
-$1/1 ChapStick Ultra Renewal or Nourish .25 to .35 oz. (5935)
-$2/1 Claritin Allergy Relief Tablets or Children’s Chewables 20 ct. (5961)
-$1/1 ZYRTEC 24 Hour Allergy Relief 12 or 14 ct. (5962)
-$2/1 Allegra 24 Hour Allergy Relief 15 ct. (5712)
-$5/1 Alavert Allergy Relief 48 ct. (5964)
-$4/1 NasalCrom Casal Colution .88 oz. (5966)
-$1/1 Breathe Right Strips 10 or 12 ct. (5965)
-$3/1 Bausch & Lomb re-nu Disinfectant or Multi-Purpose Solution 12 oz. (5967)
-$2/1 Alaway Eye Itch Relief .34 oz. (5968)
-$2/1 Zaditor or Genteal Eye Care (5969)
-$1/1 Dermoplast Antibiotic or Sunburn Spray 2.75 oz.
-$1/1 Nature Made Sleep 30 ct. (5803)
-$10/1 Fastin Dietary Supplements 30 ct. (5443)
-$3/1 Prevacid 24 Hour Acid Reducer 42 ct. 15 mg. (5973)
-$1/1 Fleet Naturals Aloe Enema 2 pack, Pedia-Lax Fiber Gummies 60 ct. or Glycerin Applicators 4 pack (5974)
-$2/1 Ex-Lax 24 to 90 ct. Gas-X 18 to 72 ct. or Maalox 90 ct. or Liquid 12 oz. (5975)
-$2/1 CharcoCaps Anti-Gas Formula 36 ct. (5976)
-$2/1 Azo Itch Relief Cream 1 oz., Standard Urinary Pain Relief 12 ct., Yeast Tablets 60 ct. or Urinary Tract Infection Test Strips 3 pack (5977)
-$5/1 Zostrix-HP Cream 2 oz. (5979)
-$10/1 Zostrix Diabetic Foot Pain Relieving Cream 2 oz. (5980)
-$35/1 OneTouch UltraSmart Blood Glucose Monitor (5981)
-$2/1 OneTouch UltraMini Monitor (5983)
-$5/1 Listen Up Personal Amplification Device (5984)


-$2/1 Born Free Wide Neck Baby Bottle 9 oz. or Trainer Cup (5944)
-$2.50/1 Enfagrow Premium Powder 24 oz. (5945)
-$2/1 Lansinoh Nursing Care Products (5946)
-$2/1 Huggies Little Movers Box Diapers (5947)
-$2/1 PediaCare Infant Gas Relief Drops 1 oz. (5948)
-$2/1 PediaCare Multi-Symptom Cold or Allergy Solution 4 oz. (5958)
-$2/1 PediaCare Fever Reducer Suspension 4 oz. or Infant Drops .5 or 1 oz. (5959)
-$2/1 Hyland’s Complete Allergy 4 Kids 4 oz. (5960)


-$3/1 W Photo One-Time-Use Waterproof Camera 27 exp. (2041)
-$2/1 W Photo Film, 400 speed 96 total exp. 4 pack (2041)
-$2/1 Kodak Max Film 800 speed, 96 total exp. 4 pack (5912)
-$2/1 Kodak FunSaver One-Time-Use Camera 800 speed, 54 total exp., 2 pack (5925)


-$2/1 W Squeeze Nasal Wash Kit w/Refill 30 pack or refills 100 pack (2030)
-$2/1 W Sinus Wash Booster 2 oz. or Salt Jar 10 oz. (2031)
-$3/1 W Wal-dryl Allergy 200 ct. (2029)
-$1/1 W Wal-Zyr Children’s Allergy Relief 12 ct. (2038)
-$1/1 W Wal-itin or Wal-Zyr Children’s Allergy Relief Syrup 4 oz. (2039)
-$1/1 W Gauze Pads 2×2, 3×3, or 4×4 in. 25 pack (2032)
-$3/1 W Disposable Gloves 120 pack (2033)
-$2/1 W TruTrack Test Strips 25 pack (2034)
-$2/1 W TrueTrack Blood Glucose Monitor (2035)
-$5/1 W Wal-itin Allergy 300 ct. (2036)
-$5/1 W Wal-Zyr Allergy 300 ct. (2037)
-$2/1 W Wal-dryl Allergy 100 ct. (2028)



NEW Walgreens March Coupon Book

by Christie Bisbee on February 23, 2011

Here is the NEW coupon book for March. These should be available starting on 2/27 in your store. I usually find them with the weekly ads.

The coupons in this book are valid from 2/27 to 3/26/11. Starting 2/27 you should be able to also print the coupons HERE.

I will continue to edit the match ups as we get new coupons and loose coupons. You’ll always be able to find it by going to my toolbar at the top of the page and looking under “Store Coupons”.


$1/1 Aquafina 24 pack, 16.9 oz ea (5634)

$1/2 Hellmann’s Mayonnaise, 22 or 30 oz (5630)
-$1/2 Vlasic Pickle, Pepper Or Relish, Any AND Hellmann’s Real Mayonnaise, 30 Oz., Any – All You, March 2011 x6/30

$1/1 Lil’ Drums 10 pk, Skinny Cow Ice Cream Sandwich or Truffle Bar, 6 pk or Edy’s or Dreyer’s Fruit Bars, 6 pk (5628)

$1/2 Lipton Green Tea Bags 40 pk, Decaf 48 pk or Original 100 pk (5631)

$1/2 Skippy Peanut Butter, 16.3 oz (5629)

$1/2 Welch’s 100% Grape Juice 64 oz (5632)
-$1/1 Welch’s 100% Grape Juice, 100% Juice Blend, Light Concord Grape Juice Beverage, 64 oz  – 02-13-11 SS x4/15

[click to continue…]



Revlon Brow Set Just $4.49 Each

by Christie Bisbee on February 17, 2011

You can get a nice deal this week on the Revlon Brow Set. The set comes with scissors and a brush.

Revlon Implements are  B1G1 50% OFF this week. Combine that with the coupon in the February Coupon Book and we have a nice deal.

2 – Revlon Brow Set $9.99 B1G1 50% OFF
Total = $14.98
-$3/1 Revlon Scissors, Nippers, Shears, or Brow Set (5201) Feb Coupon Book (Takes off $6)
TOTAL = $4.49 EACH!

I don’t know of any manufacturer coupons that work for this deal, if you do let us know!



February Coupon Book Deals

by Christie Bisbee on February 8, 2011

Here are a few cheap deals you can get when you stack coupons from the February coupon book with a manufacturers coupon.

1 – Phazyme $4.99
-$2/1 Phazyme PRINT
-$2/1 Phazyme Gas Relief 12 ct. (5255) February Coupon Book
Total = $.99 EACH

1 – Tums (sale price) $3.99
-$1/1 Tums Product, Any PRINT
-$1/1 Tums 60 to 150 ct. (5252) February Coupon Book
Total = $1.99 EACH

1 – Zantac $8.99 EACH
-$5/1 Zantac 24ct+ PRINT
-$2/1 Zantac Acid Reducer 24 or 30 ct. (5253) February Coupon Book
Total = $1.99 EACH


Green & Black’s Chocolate $1 Each!

February 3, 2011

There is a NEW Green & Black’s Organic Chocolate Coupon on Facebook! Put that together with the coupon in the February Walgreens Coupon Book & you have a good price for these! These normally sell for 2/$5 at my store. BUY 2 – Green & Black’s Organic Chocolate Bars 2/$5 USE 2 – $1/1 Green […]

Read the full article →
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