Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Show Us Your Shop


Show Us Your Shops Week of 5/29

by Christie Bisbee on June 3, 2011

I haven’t done this is a very long time but I thought I’d go ahead and post a picture of my shop and what I bought this week. My fillers (the Gelatin) are missing because I donated them.

I got $90 worth of goodies (or more like $110 before clearance prices). I paid $1.22 out of pocket, started with $38.50 in Register Rewards and ended up with $32.98 in Register Rewards and a $10.47 Mail In Rebate. So they paid ME $3.73 to take all of this home! 🙂

If you’d like to share your shop for the week please feel free to put in a link to your shop using the linky below. Please only link to your post with your Walgreens shop or to a picture with your shop. Any links to other weird random stuff will be deleted. 😉

You can also click on “MORE” below the linky to see my Transactions if you are interested.

So how did you do this week?

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