Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Lots Of New Printable Coupons!

by Christie Bisbee on June 1, 2011

We have lots of NEW coupons today! You can check them all out HERE. Coupons have become so popular with that new Extreme Couponing show that coupons.com has been hitting it’s print limit on many of it’s coupons VERY early! So print early.  It’s been a while since we’ve had coupons for Cheerios and other General Mills cereals, and a coupon for El Paso and Gulden’s too, yeah! 🙂

$1/1 Old El Paso Tortilla Stuffer
-$1/2 Big G Cereals

$0.75/1 Fiber One cereal
-$0.75/1 Fiber One 80 calorie cereal
-$.75/1 Cocoa Puffs Brownie Crunch

$0.50/1 Reese’s Puffs cereal
$0.50/1 Original Cheerios cereal
$1/2 Cinnamon Toast Crunch
$0.40/6 Yoplait Yogurt
$0.75/2 Kids Yoplait Yogurt
$0.50/2 Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad Mixes
$0.35/1 Gulden’s Spicy Brown Mustard

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Julia June 1, 2011 at 10:06 am

What zip for the Cinnamon Toast crunch? I am seeing $1/2, not $1 off. thanks!


Christina June 1, 2011 at 10:20 am

I can’t wait to try the Sally Hansen Air Brush Legs product!! Anyone try this?


Tracey June 1, 2011 at 10:40 am

I am trying something new this month, I am printing ahead! If I wind up with expired coupons, I will share them with the military families, and at least I will have my prints without them being used up.


Christie June 1, 2011 at 11:07 am

Great idea Tracey!


Pgy June 1, 2011 at 1:05 pm

Tracey — I regularly send expired coupons to military families abroad, but if I’m not mistaken, they cannot use printables. If you find out otherwise, I’d be happy to hear that because I won’t have to just throw them away. Thanks


Pamela June 2, 2011 at 11:43 am

Hello. I was wondering if you can tell me where to send my expired coupons? I’d love to help out wherever I can. Peace,


Pgy June 2, 2011 at 1:20 pm

Pamela — There are several websites out there, but many of them are somewhat complicated asking you to choose a specific military base and do significant sorting and packaging of the coupons. I use the following address (not a website) which was mentioned in another couponing website’s forum. This one seems the easiest because they just ask you to send them your expired coupons and they’ll take it from there. They do all the sorting and forwarding on to overseas military bases. Although it may not be necessary, when I send them coupons, I divide them into “Food” (people and animals) and “Non-Food”.

Expired coupons up to 6 months old can be sent to these volunteers who sort them and send them on to military bases overseas. My understanding is that they can use any coupon EXCEPT store-specific coupons (e.g. Target), restaurants, and any internet printed coupons.

Send to this address — and bless you for thinking of our troops and their families who serve us everyday:

Installations Volunteer Services
2175 Reilly Road — Stop A
Ft. Bragg, NC 28310-5000


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