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Beautiful Crystal Four Leaf Clover Pendant Necklace Just $10.99 Shipped (Reg. $39.99)

by Christie Bisbee on March 10, 2013

Screen Shot 2013-03-10 at 10.59.27 AMI love this deal on a beautiful Crystal Elements Four Leaf Clover Pendant Necklace! It’s just gorgeous and on sale right now for only $10.99 shipped (reg $39.99)!

Screen Shot 2013-03-10 at 10.58.40 AMThis Four Leaf Clover Pendant Necklace would make a great statement for St. Patty’s day for sure or at any time you’d like a little luck in your life. It really looks elegant and no one will know you paid so little for it!

Plus it has 4.5 out of 5 possible stars on Amazon so you know people are loving it. Grab it for yourself or as a gift. I know I could use a little luck in my life. 😉 Check this deal out HERE.

Remember, prices on Amazon can change at any time, without notice. If the price has changed, that means the deal is gone.

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