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WOW! Charging Cable for iPhone $1 Shipped, HDMI Cable $1.87 Shipped + More!

by Christie Bisbee on May 11, 2012

Looking for some electronic items in time for Father’s Day? Right now on Amazon, you can grab some amazing prices on various electronic cords and phone accessories that all include FREE shipping! Here are some of the really GREAT deals I found!

As I’ve mentioned in the past, we have several video game systems and we use a lot of HDMI Cables. I grabbed one last time they had this deal and sure enough – I had it handy when my hubby needed one. So he didn’t have to run to Best Buy to pay retail.

DVI Gear HDMI 6′ Cable for only $1.87 SHIPPED
HDMI to HDMI 6′ Cable for just $2 SHIPPED!
USB Sync and Charging Cable for iPhone for only $1 SHIPPED
White Snap-on Case Cover for Apple iPod Touch for just $2 SHIPPED

If you’ve ever bought anything from Amazon then you know how quickly the prices can change so order soon to ensure you get this price!

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