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FREE Lifetime Membership Food On the Table!

by Christie Bisbee on February 10, 2012

WOW! For a limited time you can get a FREE lifetime membership to the Meal Planning service Foodonthetable.com! This is for NEW users and includes unlimited meals for life. This is an AWESOME deal and I think they’ll sell out of FREE memberships quickly so hurry HERE to take advantage of this deal. They may be really busy with this offer but you should be able to get thru after a couple of tries.

Food on the Table is an online service designed to help you save time and money and help your family eat better. They help you create a meal plan based on the sale items at your local grocery store and your families preferences. Then, they send you to the store with a printable grocery list. How cool is that?!

You can pick your favorite grocery stores and they even tell you how many other users shop at your store and how much they saved. I was able to select both my regional grocery store Publix and my local Super Target! It was so cool to see the great meal ideas they came up with for me. Just go thru this special link HERE & enter your e-mail & the promo code FEBFREE.

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Allison February 11, 2012 at 2:04 pm

Thanks for this post! I got in on the free lifetime offer. I have been looking for something like this so that I don’t have to go searching lots of sites for recipes. Even better that they show what is on sale at my store! Hope I like it as much as I think I will!


grace February 11, 2012 at 3:02 pm

I tried it a few minutes after you posted but it did not give me the free offer, it gave me 50% off. Not sure why


grace February 11, 2012 at 3:06 pm

I just noticed what I did wrong, I did not enter the promocode since I clicked your first link, duh!


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