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Prepare, Print, E-file Your Taxes FREE!

by Christie Bisbee on February 7, 2013

There’s NO reason to spend a lot on getting your taxes done, especially if they are pretty cut and dry. We self prepare our taxes and if you do too you can prepare, print and e-file your Federal taxes for FREE.

We use TurboTax for our taxes and have for years. I even prepare my parents taxes with it too! We love that it’s so incredibly easy to navigate, it keeps your information from year to year and it even includes a program to keep track of your charitable deductions.  We love watching the little box in the corner that tells you how much your refund is going to be as it goes up! Dare I say that it makes tax preparation kind of fun? (Ok maybe I’m just a dork and find this kind of thing fun ;)).

You can get the FREE Turbo Tax software HERE. Plus, TurboTax is the #1 Rated, Best-Selling tax software brand year after year. If you have a more complicated return (own a business, own rental property, have lots of itemized deductions, etc.) you can upgrade to one of the premier or business editions. Otherwise the Free edition of Turbo Tax should work for you!

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Terri February 8, 2013 at 11:10 am

How is it free? when I log in it states that the Federal is $29.99 and an additional charge for State, which I understand but how do you get the Federal for free? I’m confused, can someone help? Thanks


Michelle February 10, 2013 at 5:05 pm

I also show it as $29.99 🙁


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