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*HOT* Grab 140 FREE Mailing Lables!

by Christie Bisbee on July 26, 2011

WOO HOO! One of my FAVORITE offers is available again from Vistaprint! This one is good for 4 days ONLY so hurry! You can grab 140 FREE labels from Vistaprint HERE, just pay shipping which is around $3. There are so many things you can do with these! Here are just a few ideas…

Idea #1 Name Tags for Back To School Items

These are perfect for kids going back to school, you can use them to label books, toys, snacks and anything else you might need to put a label on. There are so many uses for these. Here are a few other ideas…

Idea #2 Teacher Gift

You can use these as a gift for your child’s teacher. It can be hard sometimes to make sure everything that belongs in the classroom stay there. I’m sure your teacher would be thrilled with such a nice personalized and thoughtful gift!

Idea #3 In the Kitchen

Use them to label baked goods, cookbooks or anything else in the kitchen. Its a nice way to personalize treats baked from the heart! If you know you have bake sales coming up as school starts, you can personalize them with that in mind.

Idea #4 Mailing Labels

You can select the caricature mailing labels and make these adorable labels representing the whole family, even the family dog. You can customize each family member –  hair color, hair style, eyes and more!

And don’t forget to check out the FREE custom tote bags, also perfect for a teacher gift HERE.

Have any other ideas for these? Did you create something adorable? Let us know! 🙂

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Kandy Garner July 26, 2011 at 8:03 pm

Mailing labels can be put on apartment building mailboxes so the postman or a guest knows which unit one lives in. They look so much nicer than just a piece of paper taped to the mailbox.


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