Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Updates From the Field 5/25

by Christie Bisbee on May 25, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-05-25 at 1.59.03 PMHere are some updates from my shopping trip to help your trip go a bit easier. 🙂

WINDEX, PLEDGE, SCRUBBING BUBBLES DEAL: So for some reason the Windex, Pledge and Scrubbing Bubbles deals isn’t coded properly to print the $2 Register Reward. There are even signs posted that they should print the $2 RR and it’s in the ad but it’s not printing. However, what is printing is a $1 Register Reward that’s actually part of a National Catalina deal thru 6/15 on select Windex, Pledge and Scrubbing Bubbles. (Buy 2 get $1 RR, Buy 3 get $2 RR, Buy 4 get $3 RR). If you need the Windex it’s still a good deal running you 75¢ each.

If they fix it before Thursday, we are looking at better than free Windex after the Checkout51 offer and the two Register Rewards. I’ll let you know when and if it gets fixed. I didn’t include the Windex in my Walgreens Shopping Scenario so you can still do those deals with no impact. Just keep in mind only $1 RR is printing when you buy (2) of any of the products included!

Screen Shot 2014-05-25 at 2.16.38 PMSCOPE DEAL: The Outlast and the Dual Blast are both included in this deal, however the Classic Scope is not. You can mix and match these two depending on what coupons you have and what’s available in the store.

Walgreens Deals (thru 5/31)
Buy (3) Scope Outlast or Dualblast 3/$9
(3) $1/1 Scope Dual Blast Rinse 750mL or larger (Ets)
or (3) $1/1 Scope Outlast 750mL or larger (Ets)
Total = $6, Get Back $4 Register Rewards
= 67¢ Each for nice sized 750ml Bottles!

Screen Shot 2014-05-25 at 2.15.18 PMTIDE SIMPLY: If you didn’t print your coupon for the Tide Simply deal, it’s remarkably still available. This is a sweet deal on Tide so be sure to add this one to your list.

If your store is out, request a raincheck. Since this isn’t a points deal or a Register Reward deal, you can always pick it up later with these coupons at the lower price. I love Walgreens rain checks!

Tide Simply Clean & Fresh Detergent 25 loads $2.99
$1/1 Tide Detergent (excl. PODS & Ets) (68130)
$2/2 Tide Detergents or Boost (excl PODS & Ets) (68130)
= $1.99 EACH

So how did your shop go? Find any good deals? Let us know! 😉

{ 17 comments… read them below or add one }

stacia May 25, 2014 at 5:29 pm

can’t we call the catalina 800 number and have them send the RR? I’ve done that before.


melissa May 25, 2014 at 8:03 pm

Doubt it since it still getting the 1 cat


Stephanie May 25, 2014 at 8:51 pm

You’d have to talk to a manager at Walgreens since it’s the RR not printing at my Walgreens they’re really good about fixing the situation somehow. Usually they’ll just give me a gift card for $2.


Heidi May 25, 2014 at 9:25 pm

I called 1-800-WALGREENS They gave me 1000 balance reward points to make up for the missing register reward. I received the $1 RR at the store.


Christie Hardcastle May 25, 2014 at 9:26 pm

Oh that’s a great idea! That’s one thing I love about the Balance Rewards, it’s really easy to get them credited to your account! 🙂


Yolanda May 25, 2014 at 10:27 pm

My walgreens print 2 $1 register rewards for me since it didnt print.


Danni May 26, 2014 at 9:41 am

next week we get a $2/1 tide coupon..hold on to those rain checks!


evelyn May 26, 2014 at 3:49 pm

The coupons in the Procter and Gamble inserts always exclude the Simply Clean Tide.


melissa May 27, 2014 at 6:18 am

2/1 coupon n 6/1 p&g excludes tide simply and pods


Karen May 26, 2014 at 4:33 pm

I did this deal 5 times yesterday. I just figured that it only printed $1 RR since I had the B1G1 coupon.


Ella May 27, 2014 at 1:44 pm

Kare, this is why Product is sold out. Nice you bought 5. I could NOT buy one!


Whitney May 26, 2014 at 11:38 pm

My manager scanned 2 Scrubbing Bubbles products & gave me the $2 RR that it produced (included in the same deal). So I got the $1 and $2 RRs 🙂 It can pay to be persistent! And polite but firm.


Jennifer H. May 27, 2014 at 7:25 pm

A manager did the same for me today. He seemed more worried about the missing RR than I did! I bought the Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaners, but used a coupon. He tried scanning it without a coupon, then grabbed the spray Scrubbing Bubbles when that didn’t work.


T May 27, 2014 at 12:12 am

Strangely enough, my store doesn’t carry the simply clean tide


Liz May 27, 2014 at 10:41 am

I had problems to use the scope coupons here in my store. Apparently I could only use 1 since it says 1 “per purchase” and I explained to them that yes I could use 1 per every scope I purchased to a maximum of 4 like coupons and still they didn’t budge. Apparently they getting more stringent on coupons here. She said she understood, but as per management that’s how they are doing it now. I was so disappointed… never again will I go to that Walgreens. I’ll have to try another one cause that one always gives me problems. :/


melissa May 27, 2014 at 11:07 am

My store is always changing rules on me one time they limited me 2 3 deos not brand but period I had right guard and Mitch sum excuse bout man wrote stores n email bout limits wit coupons lol well that’s y coupons have limits on em


ashley May 27, 2014 at 11:29 am

I bought 2 scrubbing bubble items last night in oklahoma. I did not receive the $1 national RR, but i did recieve the $2 RR.


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