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Earn Gift Cards With Valued Opinions!

by Christie Bisbee on March 26, 2014

If you are looking for a way to earn some extra cash you can check out Valued Opinions HERE! It’s a nice way to earn a little extra from the comfort of your couch. 🙂

For every survey you complete you’ll get up to $5 and if you qualify for specialist surveys, Valued Opinions will pay you up to a whopping $50 for those! WOWZA! Once you’ve collected enough to reach $20, you can exchange them for gift cards to places like Amazon, Macy’s and more.

You’ll need to fill out a quick form and then confirm the e-mail they send in order to participate. That’s VERY important because you won’t start getting surveys until you confirm that e-mail. Once you confirm you’ll have your first survey there waiting for you!  Yay! Just click on HERE and start earning! I love the extra money I earn each year with surveys. Every little bit helps. 🙂

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