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Hurry! MyView Accepting Applications!

by Christie Bisbee on May 28, 2013

Great News! MyView is currently taking applications for NEW members HERE! You can earn points for answering surveys that you can redeem them for gift cards from retailers like Amazon, Brooks Brothers, Applebee’s, Game Stop, Gap, Fandango, TJMaxx and more. This is a great time to start so you can rack up points to use during the holidays. 😉

You can check it out HERE. After you sign up be sure to check your e-mail. You’ll need to click the link in the confirmation e-mail before you can start taking surveys and earning points. You may find a survey waiting for me right away! Take it to get started.

I personally earn hundreds of dollars a year doing surveys. I set the money and gift cards aside for special occasions like birthdays, holidays and vacations and more.

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