Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Best Walgreens Deals 12/29

by Christie- on December 28, 2019

Here are the Best Walgreens Deals and coupons beginning Sunday 12/15. You need to use your Walgreens Balance Rewards card to get these prices and points. If you’ve already signed up for Everyday Points, you’re earning back an additional 10 points for every $1 you spend after Walgreens coupons but before Manufacturer coupons. If you have not already done so, be sure to sign up for the new Walgreens Beauty Enthusiast club you’ll earn 5,000 points (that’s a $5 reward) for every $50 spent on most beauty purchases.

**Remember this week you’ll earn a $5 RR for spending $25 with the in ad coupon. Deals below which reach $25 to earn this are marked ** and the $5 RR is figured into the bottom line…

$4 RR WYB 2 Colgate Toothpaste or Toothbrushes select varieties $2.99
75¢/1 Colgate Advanced Toothpaste (if included)
75¢/1 Colgate Floss tip or 360 toothbrush
= As low as 22¢ each for 360/Floss Tip Toothbrush or Advanced Total (if included)!

$5 RR WYB 3 Crest or Oral-b Toothbrushes or Toothpaste select varieties $2.99
$1/1 Crest Toothpaste or liquid gel 3oz+ exc. 4.8oz crest cavity, baking soda, tartar
control/protection, kids and ETS, exp. 1/11/20 (PG 12/29/19)
$1/1 Oral-B Adult Manual toothbrush exc. kids, healthy clean and cavity defense and ETS, exp. 1/11/20 (PG 12/29/19)
= 30¢ each WYB 2 Toothpastes and 1 Toothbrush or vice versa!

Chobani or Light & Fit Yogurt 5.3oz $1.59 ea or 2/$2
25¢/1 Chobani Greek Yogurt 5.3oz ibotta deposit (limit 5)
25¢/1 Chobani Flip Greek Yogurt ibotta deposit (limit 5)
= 75¢ each

Nice Bags Select Sandwich, Freezer, Storage or Trash $2.79 B1G2
= 92¢ each

Lysol Select Cleaners, Sprays or Wipes B1G1 Free
$1/2 Lysol® Brand Products, exp. 2/4/20 Clip2card
50¢/2 Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaners
50¢/2 Lysol Wipes 35ct+
= As low as $1.04 each

Dixie Plates or Bowls select varieties B1G1 Free
$1/2 Coupon – Available Sunday
= $1.48 per item

Kellogg’s Special K Ceral 11.2-12.4oz select varieties $2.79 ea or 2/$4
$2.00 on any FOUR Kellogg’s Cereals
$1.00 on any TWO Kellogg’s Special K Cereals
= $1.48 each

*$1 RR WYB 2, $1.50 RR WYB 3 or $2 RR WYB 4 DiGiorno Pizza 12″ B1G1 Free (Thru Sunday, 12/29 only!)
$5/3 DIGIORNO® Pizzas 10.6 oz or larger exp. 1/31/20 Clip2Card  
(NLA – but it’s still good if you’ve clipped it before and not yet used it)
= As low as $1.96 each WYB 4 Sunday Only!

Kettle Chips 8.5oz or GH Cretors Popcorn Mix 7.5oz · Popcorn, Indiana 6 or 8oz $2.99 ea or 2/$5
$1/1 Kettle Brand Item 5oz+
= $1.98 each

$10 RR WYB $20 Excedrin 24-100ct select varieties Reg. Price
$1.50/1 Excedrin Product, exp. 1/4/20 ( RMN 12/08/19)
$1/1 Excedrin Migraine 24ct+
$1/1 Excedrin Tension Headache 24ct+
$1/1 Excedrin PM 24ct+
= $2.09 each WYB 3 24ct bottles

**Herbal Essences bio:renew Hair Care $6.99 ea or 2/$12 – 4,000 pts ($4) WYB 4
$3/2 Herbal Essences bio:renew shampoo, conditioner or styling products exc. masks, 100ml shampoo, conditioners, color, body wash and ETS, exp. 1/11/20 (PG 12/29/19)
= $2.43 each Herbal Essences when you add a $1 filler

$5 RR WYB 2 Olay or Old Spice Bath Care select varieties $6.99 ea or 2/$12
$1/1 Olay Bar Soap 4ct or larger, Body Wash and Hand and Body Lotion or in-shower body lotion exc. 1ct
bar and ETS, exp. 1/11/20 (PG 12/29/19)
$1/2 Old Spice Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant, body wash or bar soap products exc. twin packs, high endurance and ETS, exp. 1/25/20 (PG 12/29/19)
= $2.44 each WYB 2 Olay

Gillette, Secret or Old Spice Deodorant or Body Spray or After Shave Lotion select varieties B1G1 50% off – 4,000 pts ($4) WYB 4
$1/1 Old Spice Invisible Spray or Body Spray ETS, exp. 1/25/20 (PG 12/29/19)
$1/2 Old Spice Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant, body wash or bar soap products exc. twin packs, high endurance and ETS, exp. 1/25/20 (PG 12/29/19)
$1/2 Secret Clinical, Fresh or Outlast 1.6oz+, exp. 1/11/20 (PG 12/29/19)
B1G1 Secret invisible spray B1G1 Free up to $5.99, exp. 1/11/20 (PG 12/29/19)
= $2.45 each WYB 4 secret invisible sprays!

$3 RR WYB 3 Bounty Essentials 6 big rolls or Charmin Bath Tissue 4 Mega or 12 Giant Rolls $4.99
$1/1 Bounty Paper Towel Product 4ct+ inc. double plus rolls, exp. 1/11/20 (PG 12/29/19)
$1/1 Charmin Toilet Paper product 4 mega rolls or larger inc. mega plus and super mega, exc. single
rolls, exp. 1/11/20 (PG 12/29/19)
= $2.94 each WYB 2 Charmin & 1 Bounty or vice versa

**Pampers Jumbo Pack diapers or Training Pants $12.99 ea or 2/$18 – 5,000 pts ($5) WYB $20
$3/2 Pampers Bags or one Box Pampers Diapers or Easy Ups Training Underwear ETS, exp. 1/11/20 (PG 12/29/19)
$3/2 Pampers Bags or ONE box pampers easy ups training underwear or underjams absorbent night wear ETS, exp. 1/11/20 (PG 12/29/19)
= $4.71 each WYB 5 jumbo packs

$5 RR WYB $25+ on eligible items with in-ad coupon**
Not valid on photo orders not picked up in store, prescriptions, tobacco, dairy, liquor, department items, prepaid cards, money orders, charitable donations, transportation passes, lottery tickets, pseudo-ephedrine or ephedrine products, newspapers, magazines, stamps, pharmacy items & services, membership fees, sales tax, shipping fees, or services submitted to insurance for reimbursement, items sold by third party partners.
= Various good deals!

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