Here’s are my Walgreens shopping scenario for 6/25. In this scenario you get $17.97 worth of products. You’ll pay $12.79 out of pocket. You’ll keep 22¢ cash rewards and $2 in ibottas so it’s like getting everything for $10.57 or $1.76 per item. If you’ve already used the Dove coupon, start at Transaction #2.
Transaction #1
Buy (1) Dove Men+Care Body Wash $7 Price
Buy (1) Dove Body Wash $8 Sale Price
$6/2 Dove or Dove Men+Care Body Wash, Bar, and Premium. exp. 7/1/23 Clip2card
Total = $9, Get back $5.15 cash rewards
Buy (2) Burt’s Bees Toothpaste $5 Sale Price
$1/1 Burt’s Bees Adult OR Kids’ Toothpaste (excludes trial/travel size) exp. 7/1/23 Clip2card
$2/1 Burt’s Bees Adult OR Kids’ Toothpaste (excludes trial/travel size) exp. 7/1/23 Clip2card
Pay with $5 cash rewards
Total = $2, Get back $4 RR Crest + 5¢ cash rewards
Buy (2) Oscar Mayer Beef Hot Dogs 1t, $5.79 B1G1 Free
$4 RR Crest
Total = $1.79, Get back 5¢ cash rewards +$2 (Two $1/1 Oscar Mayer Beef Hot Dogs 8 or 10ct ibotta deposit (limit 5)

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