Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Shopping Scenario 8/7

by Christie- on August 6, 2022

Walgreens Shopping ScenariosHere’s my Walgreens shopping scenario for 8/7 In this scenario, you’ll get $29.56 worth of merchandise. After sale prices, manufacturer’s coupons, you’ll pay $16.56 out of pocket. You’ll keep $1.24 cash rewards and receive $3 in ibottas, so it’s like getting everything for $10.32 or like saving 65% off the sale prices.

Transaction #1
Buy (3) Dial Body Washes $6.29 ea or 2/$8 Sale Price
$2/2 Dial Body Washes, Dial Men Body Washes, Dial Kids Body Washes or Tone Body Washes, exp. 8/21/22 (Save 8/7/22 #2)
Total = $10, Get back $5 RR Dial + 12¢ cash rewards +$3 (Three $1/1 Dial body wash ibotta deposit (limit 5)

Transaction #2
Buy (2) Listerine Freshburst or Cool Mint 1L, $5.79 Reg. Price
$1/1 LISTERINE® Mouthwash (Valid on 1L or larger only) exp. 9/9/22 Clip2card
$5 RR Dial
Total = $5.58, Get back $5.11 cash rewards

Transaction #3
Buy (2) Neutrogena Acne Prone Skin Bar, $3.99 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
(1) Save $1.00 off any ONE (1) NEUTROGENA® Facial Cleansing Bar (limit 1)
Pay with $4 cash rewards
Total = 98¢, Get back 1¢ cash rewards + $2 (Two $1/1 Neutrogena Bar 3.5oz or 3pk ibotta deposit (limit 5)


If  you’d like to try for the $5 RR for spending $20 on personal care with the Dial and the Listerine, here’s an alternate Transaction #1 in lieu of #1 and #2. The Dial and the Listerine are both personal care so it should work, but of course I have not tried these. Also this transaction below is $23.58 before MQs so if you have the $5 WYB $22 it should work. However, price check the Listerine as regular prices may vary.

Alternate Transaction #1 (#1 & 2)
Buy (3) Dial Body Washes $6.29 ea or 2/$8 Sale Price
Buy (2) Listerine Freshburst or Cool Mint 1L, $5.79 Reg. Price
$2/2 Dial Body Washes, Dial Men Body Washes, Dial Kids Body Washes or Tone Body Washes, exp. 8/21/22 (Save 8/7/22 #2)
$1/1 LISTERINE® Mouthwash (Valid on 1L or larger only) exp. 9/9/22 Clip2card
Total = $20.58, Get back $5 RR Dial + 5.07 cash rewards + $5 RR Personal Care (good on Personal care) + (Three $1/1 Dial body wash ibotta deposit (limit 5)

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Terri August 8, 2022 at 10:54 am

Combining the Dial body wash deal and the Listerine deal worked like a charm. I bought 3 body wash and 2 bottles of Listerine (one 1-liter and one 1.5-liter). The Listerine was more expensive at my store, so my total after coupons ($2 for the Dial and $1 for the Listerine) and tax was $27.82. But I got a $5 RR for the Dial, the $5 personal care RR, $10.53 in cash rewards ($5 for the Listerine and $5 for spending $22) and $3 from Ibotta. That was worth doing!


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