Here’s my Walgreens shopping scenario for 1/6. In this scenario, you’ll get $17.85 worth of merchandise. After sale prices & manufacturer’s coupons, you’ll pay $6.86 out of pocket. You’ll keep 13¢ (130 points) and receive up to $3.50 in ibottas. It’s like you’re paying $3.23 for everything or 40¢ per item.
Transaction #1
Buy (2) Carmex SuperCran Lip Butter, $3.99 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
(2) $1.00 on Any ONE (1) Carmex SuperCran Lip Butter
Total = $3.98, Get back $1 (1,000 Balance Reward Points) + $2 (Two $1/1 Carmex Supercran Moisturizing Lip butter ibotta deposit (limit 5)) + 50 Everyday Points
Transaction #2
Buy (2) Bic Comfort 3, $4.59 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
(2) $2/1 Bic Single Blade, Twin Blade, Comfort 3, or 3 Razor Pack, exp. 1/20/19 (SS 01/06/19) [ETS]
Pay with $1 (1,000 Balance Reward Points)
Total = $1.88, Get back $2 (2,000 Balance Reward Points) for buying two + 50 Everyday Points
Transaction #3
Buy (1) Black Forest Trolli or Now & Later Candy 8 or 9 oz, $1.99 Sale Price
Pay with $1 (1,000 Balance Reward Points)
Total =99¢, Get back $1.99 RR Black Forest + 10 Everyday Points
Transaction #4
Buy (3) Jif to go Creamy Peanut Butter 3ct, $1.29 each or 3/$3 Sale Price
$1.99 RR Black Forest
Pay with $1 (1,000 Balance Reward Points)
Total = 1¢, Get back 20 Everyday Points + $1.50 (Three 50¢/1 Jif To Go product, any size or variety ibotta deposit (limit 5))

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