Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Shopping Scenario for 6/10

by Christie- on June 9, 2018

Walgreens Shopping ScenariosHere’s my Walgreens shopping scenario for 6/10. Do the First Transaction #1 if you have not used your 25% Off Weekend Savings Coupon. If you’ve already used it do Alternate Transaction #1.

You’ll get $30.86 worth of merchandise. After sale prices, Walgreens % coupon and manufacturer’s coupons, you’ll pay $9.51 out of pocket. You’ll keep $3.27 (3,270 points). So it’s like you’re paying $6.24 for everything or 42¢ per item.

If  you do Alternate transaction #1, you’ll get $27.58 worth of merchandise. After sale prices and manufacturer’s coupons, you’ll pay $9.58 out of pocket. You’ll keep $3.27 (3,270 points). So it’s like you’re paying $6.31 for everything or 49¢ per item.

Transaction #1 (if you haven’t used the 25% Off Coupon – thru Monday only)
Buy (5) Colgate Cavity Protection toothpaste 4oz, $1.79 Reg. Price
Buy (3) Colgate Extra Clean toothbrushes, $1.49 Reg. Price
25% off Weekend Savings Offer – Clip2Card [- $3.36]
(4) 50¢ On any Colgate Toothpaste (3.0 oz or larger) (limit 4)
Total = $8.07, Get back $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points) + 100 Everyday Points

Alternate Transaction #1 (if you have already used your 25% off coupon or you shop after Monday)
Buy (4) Colgate Cavity Protection toothpaste 4oz, $1.79 Reg. Price
Buy (2) Colgate Extra Clean toothbrushes, $1.49 Reg. Price
(4) 50¢ On any Colgate Toothpaste (3.0 oz or larger)
Total = $8.14, Get back $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points) + 100 Everyday Points

Transaction #2
Buy (2) Benadryl Itch Relief Stick, $3.49 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (2) Kleenex Wet Wipes 20-24ct, $1.99 B1G1 50% off
Buy (1) Oxiclean Laundry Detergent 40oz $3.99 Sale Price
(1) $1/1 Benadryl Topical product
(1) $1/1 Benadryl Topical product, exp. 7/1/18 (RMN 6/3/18)
(2) $1.00 on ONE (1) Kleenex Wet Wipes (20 ct. or higher)
(1) $3/1 Oxiclean Laundry Detergent, exp. 6/20/18 (SS 05/20/18)
Pay with $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points)
Total = 21¢, Get back $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) + 120 Everyday Points

Transaction #3
Buy (2) Band-Aid Plastic Strips Everyday Protection, Clear Spots or Clear Strips, $3.49 B1G1 50% off Sale price
(1) 50¢/1 Value BAND-AID® Brand Adhesive Bandages Product or BAND-AID® Brand of First Aid Products (ets & first aid kits/first aid to go kits)
(1) 50¢/1 Band-Aid Sheer, Clear, Plastic or Decorated, exp. 7/28/18 (RMN 06/03/18)
Pay with $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) – Ask Cashier to press other options
Total = $1.23, Get back $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) + 50 Everyday Points

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Colleen June 10, 2018 at 3:48 am

I didn’t think you could get points on a purchase if you used points to pay. Did that change?


Christie Bisbee June 10, 2018 at 6:31 am

Yes, about a year or so ago.


Valencia June 10, 2018 at 7:49 pm

They partially changed it. You can spend points and still earn points if it is a quantity deal, like a buy 2 get $5 BR. However, if it is a threshold deal, like a spend $10 get $5 BR, then you cannot use points and still earn points.


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