Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Shopping Scenario for 9/27

by Christie- on September 26, 2015

Walgreens Shopping ScenariosHere’s my Walgreens shopping scenario for 9/27. In this scenario you’ll get $27.49 in merchandise, after sales and coupons you’ll pay $9.50 out of pocket. You’ll keep $1.18 (1,180 Points). So, it’s like you’re paying as $8.32 for everything or saving 70% off the sale prices.

Remember, you don’t have to do these all in one day, you can always pick up where you left off.

Transaction #1
Buy (3) Irish Spring Signature or Gear Body Wash, $3.99 Sale Price
(3) $1.50/1 Irish Spring Signature for Men Body Wash or Bar Soap OR GEAR Body Wash
Total = $7.47, Get Back $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) + 110 Everyday Points

Transaction #2
Buy (1) Crest Pro-Health Mouthwash 16 or 33.8oz $4.99
Buy (4) Starburst Candies 2.07oz, 99¢ ea or 3/$2
Total = $7.66
(2) $0.50 on any TWO (2) flavors of Starburst candies (2.07oz.) (90210)
(1) $2/1 Crest Mouthwash 237mL+, exp. 10/10/15 (RP 09/13/15 #2)
or $1.50 OFF ONE Crest Pro-Health Advanced Mouthwash 237ml or larger
Pay with $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) from Transaction #1
Total = As Low As $1.66, Get Back $3 RR

Transaction #3
Buy (2) Suave Gold Infusions Shampoos, 12.6 oz, $2.99 Sale Price
Buy (1) Act II popcorn Single Pack 4/$1  w/ In-Ad Q
Buy (2) Wet ‘N Wild Color Icon Single Eye Shadows, $1.09 B1G1 50% off
In-Ad Coupon for Act (1800), p 2
Total = $7.86
(1) $1/1 Wet N Wild Eye Shadow, exp. 10/3/15 (SS 09/20/15)
(1) 50¢/1 Wet N Wild Product, exp. 10/3/15 (SS 09/20/15)
(1) B1G1 Suave Gold Infusion B1G1 max $6.99, 10/11/15 (RP 9/27/15)
$3 RR from Transaction #1
Total = 37¢, Get Back $1 (1,000 Balance Reward Points) + 70 Everyday Points

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Suzan September 26, 2015 at 8:25 pm

Can u pay with RR and still receive the balance points and vice versa, can u pay with balance point and still receive the RR?


Suzan September 26, 2015 at 8:53 pm

Yes you can use rr and get points and vise versa but you cannot usr points to pay and get points. But you can use rr to pay and get rr


silvia September 27, 2015 at 3:33 pm

the crest pro health 33.8 oz is ringing up at 5.99 at my store and not producing the rr ;-( I bought the green one just like the one in the paper and nothin


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