Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Shopping Scenarios 8/3

by Christie- on August 2, 2014

Walgreens Shopping ScenariosHere’s my shopping scenario for 8/3. In this scenario you’ll get $26.60 in merchandise, after sales and coupons you’ll pay $7 out of pocket and end up with $1.50 RR,  80¢(800 Balance Reward Points), 50¢ from Checkout51, and $1.50 from Ibotta. So it’s like you’re getting all of these items for $2.70 or 34¢ per item (not including the pencils)!

Transaction #5 is only good thru Wednesday since the Checkout51 offer expires then; however, you can stop at Transaction #4 (if you can’t get to the store by Wednesday) or you can do Transaction #5, you just won’t get the 50¢ Checkout51 offer back so you’ll pay 50¢ more.


-) You can’t have more MQ than items! Blue = MQ
-) You don’t have to do these in one day, just pick up where you left off.
-) I always bring some extra fillers with me to the register, in case of an emergency!

Transaction #1
Buy (1) Got 2B Spiking Glue, $3.99 Sale Price
(1) $2/1 Got2B Styling Item, exp. 9/14/14 (RP 08/03/14 #2)
Total  = $1.99, Get Back $1 RR + 15¢ (150 Balance Reward Points)

Transaction #2
Buy (1) Crystal Light Liquid Drink Mix 1.62oz $3 Sale Price
Buy (1) Pencil, 8/$1  w/ In-Ad Q
In-Ad Coupon for 8/$1 Pencil (1224) p. 9
Total = $3.13
$1/1 Crystal Light Liquid Drink Mix printable
$1 RR from Transaction #1
Total = $1.13, Get back $3 RR

Transaction #3
Buy (2) Oral B 3-D White Toothbrushes, 2/$6 Sale Price
Buy (1) Pencil, 8/$1  w/ In-Ad Q
In-Ad Coupon for 8/$1 Pencil (1224) p. 9
Total = $6.13
$1.50/2 Ora-B 3D White et al toothbrushes (Ets) (68130)
$3 RR from Transaction #2
Total = $1.63, Get Back $4 RR, 30¢ (300 Balance Reward Points) 

Transaction #4
Buy (1) Colgate Advanced Toothpaste, 5.8oz, $3.49 Sale Price
Buy (2) 

Transaction #5 (this one can only be done thru Wendesday!)
Buy (1) Glade S

You end up with $1.50 RR,  80¢ (800 Balance Reward Points), plus an additional 50¢ from Checkout51 and $1.50 from Ibotta so it’s like getting everything for $2.70!

{ 14 comments… read them below or add one }

Miranda Aycock August 3, 2014 at 3:59 am

What does Checkout51 mean? What is ibotta and how does it work? Thank you Miranda


Christie Hardcastle August 3, 2014 at 10:13 am

You can learn more about Checkout51 HERE.

You can learn more about ibotta HERE. Just scroll to the bottom of the post for how it works. 🙂


Carmen August 3, 2014 at 6:31 am

No Got2b coupons in my paper this morning. 🙁


Christie Hardcastle August 3, 2014 at 9:46 am

🙁 I hate it when they make coupons regional.


amanda August 3, 2014 at 8:37 pm

My walgreens would not let me use the coupon for Crystal light they said it exceed the vaule and they can not over ride it manager said policy changed 3 weeks ago


Christie Hardcastle August 3, 2014 at 8:56 pm

That is not correct. You should have been able to use the coupon. The price of the Crystal Light would have to be 99¢ or less before RR for you to not be able to use the coupon. I would call corporate.


amanda August 3, 2014 at 9:28 pm

That was my thought as well I am going to try another walgreens and see of it works as well as call corporate thank you


Jennifer August 4, 2014 at 2:19 am

but are you talking about the $1q or the $3 rr?? because they were giving me a hard time about rr too. they said you can only use the rr for one item $3 or over, not multiple items equaling $3.


CJ August 3, 2014 at 10:28 pm

Thank you for the tips! I managed to roll my $10 RR from last week and get back $11.50 RR! Weird thing though, while I was checking out and they ask if I want to use my BR points, the cashier told me I need to use my BR points because they expire at the end of the MONTH. I never got it confirmed by the manager, I just thought she must be making it up (she was new). Anyone else got this message?


Sally August 4, 2014 at 8:04 am

I thought Walgreens policy is you can’t use RR and still get RR back? I might be confused with BR points?


Christie Hardcastle August 4, 2014 at 9:17 am

you can as long as it’s not from the same item.


Erika August 4, 2014 at 3:35 pm

On Transaction 3 – How do you get 4 RR back? If you buy two of the toothbrushes in one transaction wouldn’t you only get one RR for $2?


harriet August 4, 2014 at 4:02 pm

Hey Erika, Transaction #3 is for the Oral B toothbrushes (pictured on the back cover of the ad) which are 2/$6 and get back $4 RR. Perhaps you are thinking of the Colgate tootbrush (which is not the one listed here)?


Erika August 4, 2014 at 5:24 pm

That is exactly what i was thinking! Thanks Harriet!!


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