Here’s my Walgreens Shopping Scenario for the week of 4/21 In this scenario you’ll get $36.73 in merchandise, you’ll pay $8.23 out of pocket (or less if you use a Register Reward from last week to pay) and end up with $6 in Register Rewards and 2,000 in points.
So you are getting everything for 23¢! Plus if you got one of the $2 off of $10 Walgreens Coupon this week at checkout use it first in this transaction for an even better deal!
-) You can’t have more MQ than items! Blue = MQ
-) You don’t have to do these in one day, just pick up where you left off.
-) I always bring some extra fillers with me to the register, in case of an emergency!
(1) Ultimate Flora Daily Care Probiotic 30 ct $10
Total = $10
(1) $3/1 Ultimate Flora Probiotics, exp. 4/30/13 (SS 01/06/13)
Total = $7, Get Back $10 RR Ultimate Flora
(2) Crest Pro-Health Mouthwash or Rinse 8 or 16.9 oz 2/$6
(2) Neosporin Antibiotic .5 oz $3.99
(1) Planters Nutrition Peanut Butter 12 oz $2.99
(1) Finesse Shampoo or Conditioner 13 oz; Select Stylers $1.99
(1) Yardley Bar Soap 4.25 oz $.79
Total = $19.75
(2) $1.50/1 Crest Rinse, exp. 4/30/13 (P&G 03/31/13)
(2) $2/1 Neosporin Product printable
(1) $1/1 Planters Peanut Butter, exp. 5/5/13 (SS 04/07/13)
(1) $1/1 Finesse Shampoo, Conditioner or Styler (SS 04/21/13)
(1) $10 RR Ultimate Flora
Total = 75¢, Get $3 RR Planters, 7,000 Balance Rewards Points
(1) Planters Nutrition Peanut Butter 12 oz $2.99
(1) U by Kotex Click Tampons 18 pk $3.99
Total = $6.98
(1) $1/1 Planters Peanut Butter, exp. 5/5/13 (SS 04/07/13)
(1) $0.50/1 Kotex U Product, exp. 5/4/13 (SS 03/24/13)
Total = $5.48, Use 5,000 Balance Rewards to Pay
Total = 48¢, Get $3 RR Planters, $2 RR Kotex
End With $6 in RR & 2,000 Balance Rewards Points

{ 22 comments… read them below or add one }
Shouldn’t the planters RR be $2.99
Yes thank you! fixed.
don’t be surprised if you see a sign that says there was shipping delays and the planters peanut butter RR offer has been extended until May 4th. they are up at my store already.
Shouldn’t we End with two $2.99 Planters & one $2 Kotex so total should be $7.98 RR end with?
i just came from wags. the shipping dely sign was up at my store and my RR did not print. i will be returning to wags for a refund.
Good luck finding the Planters Nutrition, last time they were out of stock the second day and never restocked!
Yea wish woulda got a raincheck
My store has had only 2 of the cherry chocolate kind on the shelf for over a week.
I went early bc i knew there wouldn’t be any peanut butter after about 9:00, the RR didn’t print & they couldn’t figure out why so they just gave me $3 back (they weren’t very happy about it though). The manager said she’d go put a sign up then she said she’d just pull the remaining jars, i guess they just don’t wannna have to mess with it, there were only 3 left though:( I just think it’s so annoying that the first day of a sale on a advertised product they only have 4 jars!!
My RR didn’t print for the peanut butter either. The cashier was already flustered so I didn’t address it.
Walgreens should have known the Planters was going to be a big seller! The manager at my Walgreens said the warehouse is out of them. I havn’t seen the sign saying it was extended.
Sign not only says may not b n till 4/27 but rr will print till 5/4 maybe y printing today? My Wags didn’t have n e
In my case the Planter’s Cherry is not printing the RR but the cinnamon is. I was able to buy 3 cherry but the manager scan the cinnamon so I could get my 3 $3RR. He is SUPER AWESOME
Do you still get register rewards when you use the points? I know you don’t get the points when you use points. jw
I went to 3 walgreens today and i can’t find sleeping/breath aid thing anywhere. The only thing they all had was ultimate flora and u by kotax tampons.. so frustrating. And walgreens here didn’t have this weeks ad papers. i asked a cashier and she said they didnt get any for this week?
CVS is really beating Wags lately in my town! Last week, 2 of the RR items not in stock. Today, around noon they were out of Planters and said they would not get more. Checked another Wags — same story. Really not an incentive to visit when the main items I go for are out of stock!
I don’t know about the rest of you, but my Walgreens only has about HALF of the things available in their store that I go for each week. I’m not saying IN STOCK here; I’m saying available at all EVER. Meaning there are things week after week after week that are in their national ad, but they don’t carry it in their store. I know stock varies by store, but how can there be things in their AD that they don’t carry? If it’s in the ad, it should be in the blasted store! There’s not a spot on the shelf. They’ve never heard of it, never had it, or don’t know that they’ll ever get it! My favorite last week was the nexcare bandages and the week before was the Reach floss. So frustrating.
Then this last week they wouldn’t adjust down the coupon for the Wet n Wild I wanted to buy. The manager said she had no way to adjust the coupon down. It was worth a $1 and that was that. I pulled up the coupon policy on their website where adjusting coupons down is stated clear as day, but she said ‘sorry, I have no way to change it. These new registers don’t let us make many changes. Plus, I’ve been here five years, and we’ve never done that.’ Not true since I’ve gotten coupons adjusted down at that very Walgreens! INFURIATING!!! It’s their own coupon policy and the MANAGERS don’t know it??? Not cool, Walgreens. Train your people.
Time for you to give Corporate a ring—that’s inexcusable and they need to know! Also, it will send a clear message to that manager that you are NOT a doormat and will NOT be walked all over. Also, make sure you go online or call and give feedback (bottom of receipt) every single visit that they don’t have something or treat you like that. That’s the only way things will change.
I was able to get 2 bottles of mouth rinse, two floss, two toothpaste and two toothbrushes, rung in 4 transactions, using 2 P&G coupons for each transaction, getting the 4000 points each time. Basically free! I live in Western Washington, and they had no PB
I found the sleeping snoring aid strips in with the over the counter sleeping pills/ drinks instead of with the nasal strips for allergies. You might find them there in your store.
be careful on the Ultimate Flora. When it rang up $30, I was like wooohhh, so the cashier and I looked closer and realized even though I had a 30-ct, the culture ct was different. You want the one that’s 15 billion cultures. Apparently, the store had the wrong one tagged.