Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Rolling Scenario For 9/19!

by Christie Bisbee on September 19, 2010

Here’s a scenario that requires no Register Rewards to start.

In this scenario you’d spend $2.03 out of pocket (OOP), get $28.37 in merchandise, and you’ll end with $1 RR. So really you are paying $1.03 for everything!

A Couple of Things to Note
*The Qs in blue are MQ, the ones in red are store coupons and don’t count in your total.
*If your Gain or Trident ring up differently it should still work out after the in ad q.

Happy Shopping! πŸ™‚

Transaction #1 Buy
2– Gain $1.79 Each (before in ad Q price)
1– Crest Toothpaste $1.99
6– Trident Gum $1.29 Each (before in ad Q price)
Total = $13.31
2 – $1/1 Gain dishwashing soap 08-29-10 PG
2 – $1/3 Trident gum, single packs – 09-12-10 SS

1-$.75/1 Crest Toothpaste 4.0 or larger – 08-29-10 PG

1 – $1/2 Trident Gum, 18pk Sept. Coupon Book (5190) (Takes off $3)
1 – In ad Q for Trident (Takes off $3)
1 – In ad Q for GainΒ  (Takes off $1.80)

Total = $.76
(Get Back $1 RR Crest )

Transaction #2 Buy
1– Thermacare Wraps $2.49
2– Right Guard Total Defense Deodorants $3.99 B1G1 FREE
2 – Reach Crystal Clear Toothbrushes $1.59 each
1 – Jello $.20 (After in ad Q)
Total = $9.86
1-$3/2 Right Guard Total Defense PRINT
1-$1/1 ThermaCare Heat Wraps PRINT

-B1G1 Reach Toothbrush, Any – 01-03-10 RP – Valid Up To $3.99
-$1/1 Reach Dental Floss, Access Flosser,Toothbrush or Value Pack – 05-16-10 RP

1- In ad Q for Reach (Takes off $1.20)
1-In ad Q for Jello
1 – $1 RR Crest
Total = $1.07
(Get Back $1.50 RR Thermacare)

Transaction #3 Buy
1 – Glade Scented Oil Candle Refills $2.50
1 – Glade Scented oil Decorative Glass Holder $2.50
1 – Jello $.20 (After In ad Q)
Total = $5.20
-Glade Scented Oil Candles refill pack, any (1) Free WYB any (1) Glade Scented Oil Candles Decorative Glass Holder – 08-22-10 SS – valid up to $3.90
-$1/1 Glade Scented Oil Candles, any – 08-29-10 RP or 08-22-10 SS
1- $1.50 RR Thermacare

Total = $.20
(Get Back $1 RR Glade)

{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Mary H September 21, 2010 at 10:32 pm

Hi Christie, How did you arrive at only .76 OOP on Transaction 1? The Walgreen coupon in the circular I got this week for the central Ohio area gave a limit of 3 packs of Trident at .79 each. But when I did the math I can see where you got the starting total of $13.31, but I only added up coupons/discounts of $9.05, making the final OOP $4.76. (Gain $3.58 minus $3.80 in coupons + Trident $7.74 minus $4.50 in coupons + Crest $1.99 minus $.75 equals $4.76 OOP. Please set me straight because I want to get the hang of this rolling scenarios thing. Thanks!


Christie September 21, 2010 at 11:14 pm

Hi Mary – The register won’t limit it to 3. Only if you have a cashier or manager that’s really, really is super picky will you have an issue. Most stores don’t care. If you get a super picky cashier just use one MQ and still use the other 2 store coupons. The transaction has $4.75 in MQ (in blue) and $7.80 in Walgreens coupons (in red) for a total of $12.55 in coupons.

The Trident is $8.00 in coupons. ($2 MQ and $3 from one Wags coupon in the book and $3 from the Wags one in the ad)


Nicole September 22, 2010 at 7:23 pm

Had a HUGE problem today with Gain!? A store I do not usually go to (that was my first mistake) the manager was not wanting to give me Gain for free and to top it off was totally rude. Good thing I had the coupon policy with me :), stating they should bring the Q down to match the price. I kindly said “You are making me mad, give me my coupons and I will head off to another store”. She did give it to me for free but I really wanted to just leave with my Q’s and go to another store. This was my first really bad experience with Walgreens, no reason to be so mean! Needless to say I will not visit that store again!


Christie September 22, 2010 at 7:42 pm

Good for you Nicole for standing firm!


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