If you’re due for new contact lenses, you can get them at Walgreens.com. You can save 30% on your contact lenses from Walgreens.com with this code: DEAL20 which is good thru 2/11/23.
Your orders should arrive 4 days after verification with your doctor, which typically takes 1-3 days. They also have a contact lens rebate center where you can find out if your particular brand of contacts has any current rebate promotions. Depending on the offer, you may be directed to the manufacturer’s website to submit your rebate online or to download the form and submit via US mail. Also, check out the REBATE CENTER. Currently I spot a rebate offers for Alcon. Just go HERE and click on the Rebate center.
You prefer glasses, now you can order glasses online from Walgreens HERE and save 30%.

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