Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Cetaphil Cracked Skin Repair Balm $4.65 Each (Reg. $12.99)

by Christie- on January 22, 2023

This week Cetaphil lotions are on sale B1G1 50% off. Check your binders for a $6/2 coupon that you can use. Plus check your ibotta app for Cetaphil offers. I had a $2 body care offer that works on this cracked skin offer. The value of your ibotta may vary. Remember ibottas can be removed without notice. Check right before you buy, and add the offer to your list before you make your purchase.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 1/28)
Buy (2) Cetaphil Cracked Skin, $12.99 B1G1 50% off
$6/2 Cetaphil Product (excluding 4oz or less – Daily Facial Cleanser, Gentle Skin Cleanser, Moisturizing Lotion, or Moisturizing Cream, Single Bars, Cetaphil Sheer Mineral, & Cetaphil Baby). 1/28/23 (SS 1/1/23)
Total = $13.48, Get back 19¢ cash rewards
+$4 (Two $2/1 Cetaphil body care ETS & Single Bars,  Moisturizing Lotion,  Sheer Mineral Sunscreen,  Eczema Restoraderm Products,  Healing Ointment, 3 oz ibotta deposit (limit 3)
= $4.65 each

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