This deal is on again this week. The Lysol wipes softpacks are on sale B1G1 Free, plus new Lysol coupons were in the Smartource this weeknd for most of you. Check your ibotta app for a 25¢ offer with a limit of 5. The availability may vary by user. These are $6.49 at my store but remember that will also vary.
Walgreens Deals (Thru 10/29)
Buy (2) Lysol Softpack 80ct, $6.49 B1G1 Free
(1) 50¢/1 Lysol Disinfecting Wipes 30ct or larger, exp. 11/05/22 (SS 10/9/22)
OR 50¢/1 Lysol® Product (excluding trial and travel sizes) Exp. 11/26/22 Clip2card
Total = $5.99, Get back 6¢ cash rewards
+ 50¢ (Two 25¢/1 Lysol wipes 25ct+ ibotta deposit (limit 5)
= $2.72 each
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