I spotted this brand new guarantee at Walgreens called a Customer Care Refund. This refund offer is valid thru 1/31/22 as per the site starting today which I think they meant 1/31/23
. Offer only available for online orders placed at eligible Walgreens locations between 9:00 am – 8:30 pm local time for Pickup orders. Customer must have received “Ready” notification at least 31 minutes past the time their order was placed based on Walgreens server clock. So they are guaranteeing your order will be ready in 30 minutes or less. The limit is one redemption per customer during a seven-day period. The maximum refund is $50 per order. You’ll receive instructions with their Pickup order to call a dedicated Walgreens Customer Care line to process a refund. You must make this claim within 7 days of the order placed. Refunds are not eligible for Alcohol, Rx Pickup orders, Rx portion of Rx+ Retail combined Pickup orders, Photo Pickup orders, or Photo portion of Photo+ Retail combined Pickup orders. Walgreens reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Refund, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures, human error or for any reason as determined by Walgreens in its sole discretion.\

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Is the guarantee good through 1`/31/23?