Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Renuzit Air Freshener Cones 59¢ Each!

by Christie- on August 11, 2022

Renuzit Adjustables are on sale for 89¢ this week, plus an awesome new B4G2 coupon in the Save insert this weekend. My store had a new lower price label up for 99¢ ea or 2/$1.  So I was super excited to wait for this B4G2 coupon. However, they just rang up at 89¢ and the receipt reads Regular price $1.49 ea or 2/$2. So I’m thinking that 2/$1 label is a TYPO 🙁 .

Walgreens Deals (Thru 8/13)
Buy (6) Renuzit Air Freshener 89¢ Sale Price
B4G2 Renuzit Adjustables Air Freshener Cones max $2.20, exp. 8/21/22 (Save 8/7/22 #2)
OR B4G2 Renuzit® Adjustable Air Fresheners (7oz.) Get TWO (2) Renuzit® Adjustable Air Fresheners (7oz.) FREE (Up to $1.78) exp. 8/13/22 Clip2card
Total = $3.56, Get back 5¢ Cash Rewards
= 59¢ each

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