Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Axe Sprays & Deodorants $1.86 Each

by Christie- on August 11, 2022

A new $2 ibotta for Axe deodorant sticks with a limit of 5 has popped up! Axe body washes and body sprays are B1G1 50% off. Plus there is a Free Body spray coupon when you buy a deodorant. I used my coupons at CVS.  At Wags they usually scan at the higher price when it’s B1G1 50 but since it specifies the spray will be free, it should be the $7.99 and $3.99. This is personal care, so you should get the $5 Personal Care coupon for spending $20.

Walgreens Deals (Starting 7/31)
Buy (2) Axe deodorants, $7.79 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (2) Axe Body Sprays, $7.99 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
(2) FREE Axe Body Spray WYB Axe Body Wash Product, Deodorant or Body Spray (excluding Twin Packs and trial/travel size) max $8, exp. 8/13/22 (Save 7/31/22 #1) [-$7.99, -$3.99]
Total = $11.68, Get back 23¢ cash rewards
+ $4 (Two $2/1 Axe deodorant stick ibotta deposit (limit 5)
+ $5 Personal Care RR WYB $20
= $1.86 per item plus $5 Personal Care coupon

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