Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Mitchum As Low As $1.35

by Christie- on March 9, 2022

Mitchum is on sale this week B1G1 50% off. At my store these have a buy  more and save price of $4.99 each or 2/$9 so they will ring up at $4.50 and the second one $2.25 but remember your price, even a buy more and save price, may vary. There was a coupon in this weekend’s Smartsource insert an ibotta to redeem.

Walgreens Deals (Thru 3/12)
Buy (2) Mitchum, $4.99 each or 2/$9 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
(2) $1/1 Mitchum AP/Deo ETS & Twin pks, exp 3/19/22 (SS 3/6/22)
Total = $4.75, Get back 6¢ cash rewards
+ $2 (Two $1/1 Mitchum Deodorant any variety or size ibotta deposit (limit 5)
= $1.35 each

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