Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Online: W Batteries Double Dip Sale Price!

by Christie- on November 3, 2021

If  you need AA/AAA batteries, check out this double dip still going on right now online. I’m not sure why this is but the 8pks are on sale $7.49 AS well as B1G1 Free. The 24pks are $14.99 (which is the regular price for the 16pk) and B1G1 Free. Keep in mind that this is something that they may fix, so grab it now if you’re placing an order on line.

Walgreens Online Deals (Thru 11/6)
Buy (2) W batteries AA or AAA 24 pk, $14.99 B1G1 Free
Total = $14.99, Get  back 70¢ cash rewards (5% W Brand)
= $7.15 each 24 pk

Buy (2) W batteries AA or AAA 8 pk, $7.49 B1G1 Free
Total = $7.49, Get  back 35¢ cash rewards (5% W Brand)
= $3.57 each 8 pk

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