Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Irish Spring & Softsoap Body Washes 88¢ Each!

by Christie- on April 24, 2021

A wonderful body wash deal is coming up for Irish Spring and Softsoap. You’ll earn $5 cash rewards for buying three next week. An Irish Spring/Softsoap body wash coupon will be in the Smartsource coming this weekend.

Walgreens  Deals (Starting 4/25)
Buy (3) Irish Spring or Softsoap select varieties $3.99 ea or 3/$10 Sale Price
(3) 75¢/1 Irish Spring Body Wash (excluding Body Wash 2.5oz trial/travel size) or Softsoap Body Wash 20oz or larger, exp. 5/08/21 (SS 4/25/21)
Total = $7.75, Get back 10¢ cash rewards
+ $5 Cash Rewards for buying three
= 88¢ each

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Fran April 24, 2021 at 1:30 pm

If I use $5 in rewards for the Irish Spring will I still get the $5 reward for buying 3?


Harriet April 24, 2021 at 3:33 pm

yes! When you won’t get them is when it’s a threshold for a dollar value required. So if this deal were to spend $12 to get $5 then you would not.


Shari Robbins April 26, 2021 at 12:16 pm

I have the same question the one above. If I use a $5 reward for buying 3 Irish Soring will I receive a $5 reward?


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