Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Red Vines As Low As 24¢ Each!

by Christie- on April 22, 2021

There is an awesome ibotta for Red Vines! You’ll earn up to 75¢ on any variety or size. The limit on this deal is 5 but the value of the ibotta will vary by user. You may have something for 30¢ or another amount. In addition, for every offer redeemed on this item, Ibotta will donate enough money to plant one tree through Trees of the Future — up to one million trees! The 5oz trays are regularly $1.59 each or 4/$4, but remember regular prices, even buy more and save prices, may vary by store.

Walgreens Deals (Reg. Price)
Buy (4) Red Vines $1.59 each or 4/$4 Buy More & Save Price
Total = $4, Get back 4¢ cash rewards
+ Up to $3 (Four 75¢/1 Red Vines any variety or size ibotta deposit (limit 5) (Your value will vary)
= As low as 24¢ each!

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