Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Check Your Acct for Pickup Order Coupons!

by Christie- on January 17, 2021

Wow! Walgrens really wants us to pick up instead of going into the stores! Check your account for more Pickup coupons. I had another coupon that will start on 1/19. That’s on top of the 4 coupons that popped up last week.. Try out different things at it has exclusions. Also sometimes you have to reach $30 after the other MFG Clip2card coupons are figured, so you may have to reach $30 after the MQs which is unlike it happens with in-store threshold coupons. Not everything will work but give it a try. Check out more information about pick up orders here. Remember that if stuff gets substituted they will honor the price, but not any manufacturer’s coupons that you have. You can earn points when placing you pick up order but also keep in mind that if there is a substitution, your points may not be issued. This week’s $10/$30 worked for me online but I’m not sure if the preview one will do the same.


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