Walgreens Coupons & Deals

Walgreens Online : $4.66 for $57.36 Worth of Personal Care Products — Hurry!

by Christie- on July 13, 2020

Here is this week’s Online Scenario. You must grab it NOW if you are interested. The stuff will not last. There is a multi-week deal ONLINE only to earn $15 (15,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $50 on select P&G personal Care. In addition, you’ll earn $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $20 on select P&G products like Tampax and Always. You’ll earn $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $25 on other P&G products like Old Spice Body Washes and Secret Clinical. The $3/1 Old Spice Coupon and the $4/2 Secret coupon may not be available for everyone OR you may have used them last week. In this case there is also a $2/1 secret and a $1/2 Old spice that you may be able to use. Also be sure to CLIP the 10x Everyday points on transaction $20+. Don’t pay with points.

You’ll see a points discrepancy in the order. Last week the same thing happened to me. When you are adding the items to your cart, it shows the estimated points (image to the left of yellow line above). Once you hit checkout and right before you pay, it shows the projected points again (image to the right of yellow line above), and in that page it showed all the points minus the $15 WYB $50. On last week’s order I DID receive the points including the $15.

Walgreens Online Deals (7/18 — but choose quickly since stuff will sell out)
Buy (2) Old Spice Body Washes or other Old Spice body wash from HERE PSA $5.49
Buy (2) Secret Clinical deodorants or other Secret Clinical from HERE, $9.79 B1G1 50% off
Buy (2) Tampax or select other Tampax from HERE., $7.49 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (2) Always or select other Always from HERE., $6.99 B1G1 50% off Sale Price
Buy (1) Venus Comfort Glide, $9.99 Sale Price
Subtotal = $57.36
(1) $3/1 Old Spice® Body Wash (excludes trial/travel size) exp. 8/1/20 Clip2card
OR $1/2 Old Spice Anti-Perspirant/Deodorant, Body Wash OR Bar Soap (excludes High Endurance, Dry Spray and trial/travel size) exp. 7/25/20 Clip2card.
(1) $4/2 Secret® Antiperspirant/Deodorant ets exp. 8/1/20 Clip2card
OR $2/1 Secret Clinical, Secret Essential Oils OR Gillette Clinical Antiperspirant/Deodorant (1.6 oz or larger) exp. 7/25/20 Clip2card
(1) $4/2 Tampax Pearl, Pocket Pearl, Radiant, Pocket Radiant OR Pure Tampons (14 ct or higher) exp. 7/25/20 Clip2card
(1) $4/2 Always Radiant, Infinity, Pure, Pure Cotton, Ultra, OR Maxi Pads (10 ct or higher) (excludes Always Liners and Always Discreet) exp. 7/25/20 Clip2card
(1) $4/1 Venus Razor (excludes disposables) exp. 7/25/20 Clip2card
Total = As low as $38.36, Get back 5700 10x Everyday Points
+ $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $25 on Old Spice/Secret
+ $5 (5,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $20 on Secret/Always
+ $3 (3,000 Balance Reward Points) for buying one Venus
+ $15 (15,000 Balance Reward Points) for spending $50 on select P&G personal care
= $4.66 for everything or 52¢ per item

Click to see my cart click below. DO NOT pay with points!!


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